Chapter 380 Childbirth
Long Yao took out another drop of Holy Spirit dew and fed them each.

In order not to have much energy when producing later.

"You go build a fire before it gets too cold in here."

Seeing that there was a woman beside her, Long Yao gave orders immediately.

"Okay!" Hongguo was also pregnant, and seeing her sister's dystocia was painful.

In the past, their childbirth was not as smooth as it is today.

"Keep your strength and take a deep breath with me!"

Long Yao slowly pressed on the stomachs of the three of them, making sure that the fetus was upside down.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
"Wizard! It hurts too much!" Seiya was sweating profusely from the pain.

"to beat!"

Long Yao stabbed with the last needle, and the three of them shouted at the same time.

"Water is coming! Water is coming!"

Black Pearl held a pot of hot water and handed it to Long Yao.

"Thank you!" Long Yao glanced at Heizhu, she was also pregnant.

In order not to let Heizhu and the others feel scared here, they were driven out of the cave together.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The sound of the baby crying in the cave came out of the cave entrance.

"Born! Born!"

"Finally gave birth!"

"It's still a wizard's experience!"

The people guarding outside the cave all smiled.

Sai Ya and several partners of the other two women crowded into the cave.

The originally narrow cave was crowded with people.

Long Yao wrapped the three little girls in small mattresses.

The three women who gave birth prepared animal skins for their children.

Although animal skins also keep warm, they are not as soft as a small mattress made of soft cotton.

Long Yao had prepared small quilts for them early in the morning, but had no time to deliver them.

Now it comes in handy.

It was warm in the cave, and the faces of the three little girls sleeping in the bedding were stained crimson.

It's just that the looks of these girls made Long Yao unable to change.

"My child, my child!"

An orc hugged his child with tears in his eyes.

It's a female!What a female!
"Saya, this is our child, a female!"

Every father is overjoyed.

Finally a female in their tribe was born.

"Thank you wizard!"

The orcs all knelt down and saluted.

"You're welcome! Get up quickly!"

"The cave where the mother lives must be cleaned up and kept warm, otherwise the child is prone to accidents."

Fearing that something might happen this winter, Long Yao fed the child a drop of Holy Spirit dew.

This way the child will not get sick easily.

"Yes! We listen to the wizard."

The crowd complied.

Looking at the happy group of people, Long Yao quietly exited the cave.

As soon as he got out of the cave, he saw Zhe Zhi standing in the heavy snow, staring at the cave entrance without blinking a pair of big eyes.

"Sister!" A small body hugged Long Yao tightly.

"Is it cold?" Long Yao helped him flick off the snowflakes on his body.

After standing in the snow for a long time, a thick layer of snowflakes had already fallen on his body.

"It's not cold! I have a cloak that my sister made for me."

Zhe Zhi touched the cloak on her body and smiled contentedly.

"Let's go! Let's go home."

The matter here has been settled, one big and one small disappeared into the snow-capped mountains hand in hand.

The news that five female orcs had been born in the Leopard tribe spread like wildfire.

This is something that no tribe in the entire beast world has ever had.

Where can so many female orcs be born in a tribe at once?
After Bai Wuyan got the news, he fell into deep thought.

"Did none of their females die after birth?"

This was something he didn't understand. Occasionally, females were born in their tribe, and very few survived.

All the females of their tribe survived?

(End of this chapter)

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