Chapter 386
Long Yao looked at him puzzled, how did Zhe Zhi grow up overnight?

He can actually make hangover soup.

He would never do these things before.

"Zhe Zhi, what's on your mind?"

Long Yao really couldn't help the curiosity in her heart.

Zhezhi smiled the same as before, as if nothing happened.

"Sister, I want to go out by myself."

Zhezhi's earliest wish was to take his elder sister around in this beast world one day.

Now that his time is numbered, he will go out and walk by himself.

He was afraid that if he guarded sister, his thoughts would be known by her.

Long Yao was very surprised, before she asked him to go out to practice and he refused to go, why did she agree this time?

"Alright! It's also good for you to go out for a walk and visit the various tribes."

Long Yao didn't think much about it, thinking that he was thinking about it.

He's a man, and he shouldn't be in the greenhouse all the time.

"Well, sister, I want to leave tomorrow."

Zhe Zhi's hand hidden under the long sleeve, pondered uneasily.

He wasn't sure what would happen after he left, would Sister forget him?

"Are you in such a hurry? Zhezhi, do you have something on your mind?"

Long Yao sobered up immediately.

Zhezhi hurriedly shook his head, "I have nothing on my mind, it's just that this time I went out and saw a lot of things that I haven't experienced before, so I plan to go out for a walk."

Long Yao smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll pack things for you."

Looking at the busy Long Yao, Zhezhi's eyes gradually turned red.

The next day.

Before dawn, Zhezhi stood in front of Longyao's room for a long time, touching the purse at his waist.

Seeing the stars disappear, revealing the pale sky.

"Sister, take care." Zhezhi slowly left the courtyard with heavy steps.

Turning his head, he glanced at the small courtyard full of his happiness, and resolutely walked out of the forest.

His time is running out, he will go all over the corners of the beast world, and tell his elder sister the beautiful scenery he sees.

Long Yao slowly opened her eyes, looking at that resolute back figure, she didn't know what it was like.

After Zhezhi left, the small courtyard suddenly became quiet.

A month later.

Looking at the letter in her hand, Long Yao raised her red lips slightly.

"A letter from Broken Branch? What did he say?"

Zhu Meng lies on the table and pretends to be dead.

It's so boring to talk about no broken branches!

Seeing that Long Yao seemed to be in a good mood, she didn't care to ask.

"He said that he has seen many low-level orcs along the way. It is not easy to use the knowledge he has learned to help them overcome difficulties. Those orcs are very grateful to him."

This is also the reason why Long Yao asked him to go out to practice.

A good king cannot sit back and relax after being chanted long live.

He needs to go to the bottom to understand the hearts of the people, and then win the hearts of the people. When he can hear the voice of the people, he is considered a qualified king.

"That kid does have the potential to be a king."

Zhu Meng also had to say the truth.

That kid is now a two-star soul beast, and there are very few who can hurt him in this beast world.

Unless it is a crowd of beasts attacking him, it is possible to hurt him.

Let him go out to practice, they have nothing to worry about.

"Yes! A king."

But this king is carrying her dragon ball, the king whose fate is still unknown.

Zhezhi followed the public opinion all the way, and admired Longyao even more in his heart.

The knowledge she brought truly changed the world of beasts.

Tribes like towns can be seen everywhere.

All built walls and built wooden houses.

The outside of the tribe is full of crops and captive prey.

"Elder Sister has a way." Zhe Zhi stood on the hillside and looked over, full of vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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