Chapter 387 You Li
Zhezhi would write a letter to Longyao every time he walked through a tribe.

What he did and what happened to him was carefully written and mailed to Longyao.

Now Long Yao has received the tenth letter from Zhezhi.

Looking at the content above, Long Yao frowned tightly.

"What's wrong?" Zhu dreamed that her expression was wrong.

"Broken branches said that the hyena clan, united with a group of stray beasts, did all kinds of evil in the southwest area."

The hyena clan disappeared for a while after being defeated by the Panther tribe.

There has been no news of them for many years, and they suddenly appeared in the southwest again, and they are still doing evil in the southwest area.

The southwest is very close to the sea, and there are many ethnic tribes.

If Zhe Zhi could subdue the scattered small tribes over there for his use, it would be a powerful force in the future.

Long Yao picked up a pen and quickly wrote him a letter.

"Eagle Falling, this letter must be safely delivered to Broken Branch."

The man in front of him is the messenger of the falcon family.

The Falcon family has received the favor of Longyao, and specializes in transporting goods and letters in exchange for food.

The Falcon family has also found its place in the world of beasts, and the logistics industry has flourished.

"Don't worry, Goddess, I will definitely deliver the letter to the young master safely, so I will leave!"

Yingluo turned into an eagle and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

"I hope that kid can subdue those tribes."

Although Long Yao was a little worried about his safety, she still wanted him to give it a go.


Zhezhi looked at the letter in his hand, the corner of his mouth raised, "Sister and I have thought of something, then I can rest assured."

The tribes in the southwest are scattered, all fighting on their own, the hyena clan and the stray beasts are all powerful, making those small tribes miserable.

Even the mermaids living in the sea were harassed by the hyenas.

Zhazhi visited those scattered small tribes one by one.

Those small tribes were basically very hostile to his intentions.

"You let me go!"

As soon as Zhezhi was driven out by a small tribe, he heard a voice not far away.

"It's these hyenas again, it's endless!"

Zhazhi flew to stop the team of hyenas.

"Let them go!"

Bound by the hyena clan is a group of old and weak women and children.

These are the people they snatched from the surrounding tribes.

In order to build the city, the hyena clan went to capture people from the surrounding small tribes.

After the strong men were caught by them, they began to catch the old and weak women and children.

"who are you?"

The leader looked at Zhe Zhi, he had a terrifying aura about him.

Zhezhi looked at those people indifferently, and said carelessly: "I am me! You have already arrested enough people, why don't you let these females and old people go?"

"Can you control it? We are the largest tribe here. Is there any problem with taking them to eat and drink and let them give birth to more cubs?"

These females are wealth, don't be fools.

"Have you asked their opinion?"

Zhezhi's eyes were covered with red light, sister said that beastmen who disrespect women should be killed!

"It doesn't matter? Since ancient times, the strong have owned females. What if they don't want to?"

The leader didn't think there was anything wrong with forcing them to give birth to his cubs.

"How presumptuous!"

Zhezhi rushed into the crowd without saying a word, a golden light flashed across, and the orcs of the hyena clan fell to the ground without life.

They didn't know how they died until they died.

what!A group of old and weak women and children huddled together in fright.

"It's okay, you can go back to your tribe."

Zhazhi turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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