Chapter 388 Arrested
Broken Branch is not worried that those old and weak have nowhere to go.

There are many small tribes around here, and they will take them in wherever they go.

"Thank you my benefactor!"

"Thank you my benefactor!"

Looking at the back of the broken branch walking away, a group of women and children were grateful.

Zhezhi is like a hero who walks everywhere and fights for justice, wherever there is injustice, he will go there.

This also made him have an indissoluble bond with the hyena clan.

"Bastard! Who the hell is he!"

Gou Sheng was furious.

No matter which tribe they go to rob people, they will always encounter broken branches.

Not to mention that people didn't grab it, and all of their clansmen were lost in his hands.

"Patriarch, the subordinates saw that he has the unique emblem of a goddess on his body, and he may be the legendary little prince!"

The unique symbol of Longyao is the peach blossom jade pendant.

In order to protect Zhe Zhi, Long Yao also gave him a peach blossom jade pendant.

"The young son of the goddess?"

Gou Sheng's pupils shrank sharply.

If it is the young son of the goddess, then there is really nowhere to find him.

"I heard that the young master is already a one-star soul beast?"

If it is a soul beast, he can dig out his beast core and become a unique soul beast.

They didn't know that Broken Branch was already a two-star soul beast.

"Patriarch, do you want to?"

The subordinate smiled negatively.

"It's just what you think! Call people and let's arrest people."

He doesn't believe that the whole clan can't catch people.


The subordinates happily went down to gather the manpower.

The broken branch was lying on a tree, and the jade badge on his waist flashed a red light.


Zhezhi jumped down from the tree, using the blessing of soul power to rush home in a hurry on both feet.

"Sister! You must be safe!"

The red light on the jade pendant around her waist is getting deeper and deeper, which is a sign that Long Yao is in danger.

Beside the cliff, Long Yao lay dying on the ground.

"Master Goddess, please hand over the method of upgrading the soul beast! Otherwise, I won't be sympathetic."

The patriarchs of several tribes gathered on the cliff, among them were the tribes she had helped.

Long Yao's lips were stained with blood, she lay on the ground and sneered at herself.

"I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful."

Bao Sen, the leader of the Black Panther Clan, Bai Ning, the deputy head of the White Tiger Clan, Bai Zhong, the younger brother of the White Ape Clan, Gou Sheng, the leader of the Hyena Clan, and the tribes that did not participate were those of the Falcon Clan.

Bai Mei was also lying not far away, covered in blood, and Bai Wuyan was already unconscious.

"Bao Sen, you are ungrateful!"

Bao Shen lay limp on the ground, looking at Bao Sen angrily.

If it wasn't for the goddess to help their tribe, how could they have a good day today?

"I am ungrateful? Why is it that only the snake orc can upgrade the soul beast? She obviously has a way to upgrade the soul beast but she doesn't want to tell us! Why do we need to worship such a goddess?"

Bao Sen remembered that the snake orc was already a soul beast, and his eyes turned red with jealousy.

Ever since he knew that the snake orc had been upgraded to a soul beast, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Why does the Goddess help a snake orc that everyone despises, and why is she unwilling to help them?

"Despicable! Lady Goddess is not mean to you!"

Bai Mei was heartbroken.

"Master Goddess, I'm the one who can't discipline my subordinates!"

Bai Wuyan looked at Long Yao sadly.

If he hadn't been tricked into notifying Lord Goddess to come to the city, they wouldn't have been wiped out.

"It doesn't matter what you do, I don't know people clearly."

Long Yao felt that she was really blind and helped a group of white-eyed wolves.

She lost her spiritual power when she came here, and that point of force value was vulnerable to the orcs.

Zhu Meng just fell into a deep sleep at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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