Chapter 394 Deviation
Long Yao returned to the pawn shop, and planned to go back to Peach Blossom Island, but the deviation of the tunnel made her turn a corner and go to another continent.

"Zhu Meng, your uncle! You fell asleep when I was almost beaten to death, and you woke up when I was going back!"

"It's good now! What if the tunnel deviates?"

Long Yao stared angrily at Zhu Meng in the tunnel.

She still wants to go back and see how Mo Xun and the others are doing, this time is good, people are not as good as heaven!

"So what if you deviate? Sooner or later you will still go, it's just ahead of time!"

"As for me falling asleep, there is nothing I can do. As long as I send you to another continent, I will fall asleep for no reason, and I can't control it!"

Zhu Mengbaiyan, Dragon Ball has not yet become one, it will definitely sleep and cultivate!
Long Yao also knew that it was because Dragon Ball didn't have nine in one, so it was easy to fall asleep, and she didn't blame it in her heart.

He just didn't let it go, and said deliberately: "You are too weak! You are a weak chicken"

"Hmph! I'm ignoring you!"

Zhu Meng was punctured by someone's weakness, she flicked her tail angrily and refused to talk to her.

Long Yao had no choice but to follow the trend.

just go!

On the bloody battlefield.

"Your Majesty, go away! The subordinates come down!"

On the tragic battlefield, rivers of blood flowed from stumped limbs and broken arms.

Yan Feng's golden armor was stained with blood, and the long sword in his hand was also stained with blood.

Yan Feng's handsome face was as calm as water, and he showed no fear in the face of a situation where the enemy was outnumbered.

"I will not abandon you!"

Yan Feng swung the long sword ruthlessly, and the heads of the enemies fell off one after another.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The loud shouts of killing greatly boosted the morale of the enemy, and there was still excitement in the slaughter in their eyes.

Seeing more and more enemy troops, Yan Feng's face was solemn.

"Your Majesty! Now we have no choice but to retreat before reinforcements arrive!"

The leader of the guards, Yun Luo, was drenched in blood, clenching his molars tightly to protect Yan Feng behind him.

"How could reinforcements come? You are so naive!"

Yan Feng's heart is like a mirror, and this time he was driving himself to conquer, those people never thought of letting him go back alive.

Yunluo was drenched in blood, and gritted his teeth with resentment in his heart. Those people really did everything they could.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and Yan Feng has more and more wounds.

Whoosh!An arrow pierced the wind from the darkness and came straight behind Yanfeng.

"Your Majesty! Get out of the way!"

Yunluo was a little far away from Yanfeng, and it seemed that it was too late to save him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A red figure flashed and hit Yanfeng.

It also happened to allow him to escape the back arrow.

Yunluo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as His Majesty is fine.

Then they saw their Majesty being pinned down by a woman in red.

"Ahem! Ouch! What's going on! I fell to death!"

Long Yao was almost cut off from the fall.


Crack!Zhumeng also fell on Longyao's back.

Well!Yan Feng was hit by the impact again, and his already injured body was hurt again.

"Who are you?" Yan Feng met a face that made the world pale.

Long Yao got up and found that there was a man covered in blood under her body.

"Hey! There's someone! Tsk tsk tsk! You're seriously injured!"

Long Yao was still gloating while riding on him.

For the sake of him being a meat pad for herself, Long Yao took out a elixir and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'll save your life for the sake of being my meat pad." Long Yao covered his mouth to prevent him from spitting out the pill.

Well!Well!Yan Feng's mouth was covered by her, and the unknown person in his mouth swallowed instantly.

After swallowing the elixir, the wound on his body was healing visible to the naked eye.

Yanfeng couldn't feel the pain and thought he was dreaming.

When he saw that the wounds on his body had healed and looked at the woman riding on him, he felt that he was dreaming.

How is this possible!Such a serious injury healed instantly?Only gods can do it, right?

This woman descended from the sky, maybe she is a fairy!
"Yaoyao! I'm going to fall to my death!"

At this time, Zhumeng also got up from the ground and wobbled onto Longyao's shoulder.

"Huh? Look at you, you smashed everyone into meatloaf."

Zhumeng gloated.

(End of this chapter)

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