Chapter 395 Immortals
Yan Feng lay dumbfounded on the ground, is this woman who fell from the sky a fairy?
What is that strange thing about her?Still talking?

"Hey! Are you dead!"

Long Yao patted his face.

"Girl, please respect yourself! You've crushed me!"

Yan Feng's face covered with scabs suddenly burned.

The woman in red in front of me is so beautiful, how did she suddenly appear here?

Clang clang!
The sounds of weapons colliding and shouts of killing all reached Long Yao's ears.

Only then did Long Yao see her surroundings clearly, it was on the battlefield.

The people she hit were outnumbered, and they were already in defeat.

"I'm going! Sneak attack!"

Long Yao reached out and caught the flying arrow.

"Girl, it's too dangerous here, hurry up!"

Yan Feng stood up and protected Long Yao behind him.

"The people on your side are going to die, why do you care about me? I will help you for the sake of protecting me!"

Long Yao is no stranger to this kind of battlefield.

In her memory, she has seen battlefields a hundred times more tragic than this.

"How can you, a woman, handle so many people, Yunluo! Yunluo! Protect this girl and leave!"

Yan Feng's injuries healed, and his body was full of strength. He swung his sword wildly and the heads of the enemies fell off one after another.

"Your Majesty, I still want to protect you!"

Yunluo beheaded several enemies before approaching Yanfeng.

Seeing this woman who suddenly appeared made him vigilant.

Long Yao rolled her eyes, "You don't need to protect me!"

"Cloud piercing arrow! Go!"

Suddenly, Long Yao had an ice-blue longbow in his hand.

Three ice-blue arrows flew out with the full power of the bow.

Whoosh whoosh!

Wherever the ice-blue arrow passes, it passes through the eyebrow of the enemy and kills him with one arrow.

The enemy army still maintains an attacking posture, and all of them are dead.

quiet!As the wind blows, the quiet needle drop can be heard on the battlefield.

Yan Feng's mouth opened wider and wider, looking at the fallen enemy soldiers one by one, he thought he was dreaming.

Yunluo's eyeballs almost protruded, his Adam's apple rolled, and he turned his head mechanically to stare at the woman in a red dress with dragon patterns.

With a smile on the corner of the woman's lips, she looked at the fallen enemy army with great interest, without any waves in her eyes.

Looking at those dead is like looking at pigs, cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

A quarter of an hour later, only a hundred people from Yanfeng's side stood on the battlefield.

The tens of thousands of troops on the opposite side fell to the ground without a sound.

The originally doomed situation turned around in the blink of an eye.

"Yaoyao, you are amazing!"

Seeing the peaceful battlefield in the blink of an eye, Zhu Meng flew around Long Yao excitedly.

"This time my spiritual power is still there, so it's easy to handle."

Long Yao looked at the ice-blue arrow in his hand, and there was no change in the face of the enemy who had killed tens of thousands.

The clear voice like a warbler brought back the souls of Yan Feng and the others.

"This? Who is the girl?"

Yun Luo stood in front of Yan Feng and stared at Long Yao vigilantly.

The rest of the people also surrounded Yanfeng, looking at Longyao warily.

This woman can cause ten thousand people to die with a wave of her hand, and a hundred of them are not enough to put a gap between their teeth.

Yanfeng pushed Yunluo away, "You don't have to do this, the girl saved you."

She cupped her hands and saluted, "Thank you, Miss, for saving my life."

"Finally, there is still a sensible person. Look at all of you defending me like you are guarding against thieves. If it weren't for me, you would have been turned into meat!"

Long Yao glared at Yun Luo angrily.

Yunluo was stared at, scratched her head in embarrassment, cupped her fists and said, "Thank you for saving my life, miss, I'm being rude."

Yan Feng felt amused when he saw that his guard commander had such a side.

This kid will also have a day of being bullied!
(End of this chapter)

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