Chapter 398

Yan Feng was a little surprised, did the immortal come here just to find a bead?

Dragon Ball?He hasn't heard of Dragon Ball in his country yet.

There are only a few night pearls.

"I will definitely help the immortal find the whereabouts of the dragon ball, and I will make an order when I go back."

Yan Feng will do his best to help her find it.

"Okay! Then I'll go back with you."

Long Yao followed them back to the City Lord's Mansion.

After Yan Feng finished washing, a tender and handsome face appeared, as if he saw Lang Xing through the clouds.

Yun Luo followed Yan Feng to the living room, where Long Yao was already waiting.

"Hey! They're all handsome guys!"

Long Yao teased when she saw the two people who had been washed clean.

"The immortal is not joking."

There was a tinge of pink on Yan Feng's fair face.

Yunluo scratched her head in embarrassment, it was the first time she was praised by a fairy.

He still felt angry when other women praised him for his good looks.

Yunluo's double standard is unnecessary.

Zhu Meng sat on the table and gnawed on the fruit, seeing the two handsome men's contemptuous eyes rolling to the back of their heads.

Then he glared at Long Yao unwillingly.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Long Yao was confused, what did she do again?
"Hmph! If you hadn't made me look like this, I'd be a handsome guy too!"

Zhumeng still holds vengeance for her cute appearance.

Long Yao had a headache and raised her forehead, this guy came again!

"Immortal, this is?"

Yan Feng wanted to ask for a long time, what kind of thing is this.

"Oh, it? My pet Bead Dream."

Long Yao hugged it in her arms and kneaded it, it was so soft to the touch.

"Let go of me! You bad woman!"

Zhu Meng broke free from Long Yao's clutches and flew into the air.

Meng Da Da's eyes are full of accusations.

The corner of Yanfeng's mouth twitched, is the legendary fairy also so naughty?
"When are we leaving?"

Since she promised to help him stabilize the court, then she will make a quick decision.

"It's ready, we'll set off immediately, but the road is not smooth!"

Yan Feng can foresee that there will be many robberies and killings along the way.

Yunluo was also a little worried. There were only a hundred or so of the emperor's cronies along the way, and it was hard to say whether they could reach the imperial city smoothly.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Long Yao didn't take it seriously, this time she was able to use her spiritual power, so fighting was no problem.

"Exactly! What are you afraid of with my Yaoyao around? Her hands itch every day if she doesn't fight."

Zhu Meng interjected from the side.

The corners of Yan Feng's lips are raised, no wonder Zhu Meng said that she is the God of War.

"Then there will be laborers."

Yan Feng really didn't dare to trust Long Yao in front of him.

I have only been with her for a short time, but I can tell that this fairy is not easy to mess with.

Yunluo clasped his hands together and saluted, "I will follow the instructions of the immortal."

"Okay! Then let's set off! I also want to see the scenery and people here."

"That's right! What will I do to help you when I go back?"

Long Yao pondered her chin, she needs a reasonable identity.

If you tell them that she is a fairy, they will say that she is insane, right?

"How about saying that the immortal is my queen?"

Yan Feng's nervous palms began to sweat.

He really likes her straightforwardness, not because of her status, but because she simply wants such a status.

It's not the title he gave her, but the title that she is willing to be his queen for a few days.

This can be regarded as his selfishness.

"Empress? How many women are there in your harem?"

Long Yao scratched her head, without an upright identity, she couldn't walk around in the harem at will.

Not to mention being close to the Empress Dowager Wei who is in power.

(End of this chapter)

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