Chapter 399 Not yet

Yan Feng felt uncomfortable and coughed twice, his face flushed red and he hesitated, "Not yet, there is no other woman."

But he thought in his heart, if only she was the only one in his harem.

Yunluo cupped his fists and saluted, "Immortal, it is true that there are no concubines in our Majesty's harem, and His Majesty has never seen the woman sent by the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Wei wanted to send her trusted woman to the emperor, just to control the emperor.

Yanfeng knew the Queen Mother's intentions, so he never saw those women after leaving them in the harem.

"It's good if there are no women. I don't want to compete with your women to be jealous. We help each other and it's cooperation."

Long Yao is not interested in competing with those women to be jealous.

"Okay! Just Yixian."

Yan Feng rejoiced in his heart.

"Don't call me an immortal anymore, my name is Long Yao, you can call me Yaoyao."

Long Yao is not a hypocrite either, she directly calls them brothers and sisters.

Yunluo is a little surprised, such a hearty woman is really impressive.

It's not like the women here, who are swaying and swaying, and talk in a coquettish voice.

They all got goosebumps when they heard it.

"Then I won't be polite! Yaoyao."

A word of joy.

"Let's go!"

Long Yao sat in the carriage and looked out at the desolate scenery along the way, which turned into a lush and prosperous city.

"Yaoyao, this is the closest city to the capital. If you hadn't been escorted along the way, we might have been wiped out before we could get here."

Yan Feng encountered many assassinations along the way, all of which were instantly killed by Long Yao.

All the hundred people who followed Yunluo lost their eyes.

It is also the five-body cast that admires Long Yao.

Long Yao also taught them a lot of kung fu, and the kung fu of these hundred and ten people along the way has greatly increased, comparable to martial arts masters.

Yunluo's kung fu is even higher, more than enough to deal with those assassins.

"Fighting is my favorite thing to do! Protecting you is also part of our cooperation."

Long Yao didn't care about a word, even if he had the same name as Qinglong, she would not stand idly by.

"Yaoyao, isn't the place where your gods live is very beautiful?"

Yan Feng picked up a glass of juice and poured it into her glass.

Yunluo sat beside the two of them eating, and was also curious about the place where the immortal lived.

"Yes, Yaoyao, tell me, I want to hear it too."

Yunluo couldn't help the curiosity in her heart.

Looking at the delicacies on the table, as well as the delicious wines and juices that they couldn't stop, they couldn't help but wonder what the place where the immortals lived was like.

"Nothing special, except that the beast is bigger and more difficult to deal with, there is nothing special."

Long Yao absorbed the white beads, and also remembered some things from the God Realm, the most impressive thing was killing and killing wild beasts.

"Beast? How big is it? The tigers here are hard for people to get close to."

Yan Feng once went to the royal hunting ground to hunt, and the biggest prey he ever hunted was a tiger.

Because of this, he was regarded as the prince by the first emperor.

"How big is it? The smallest one is several feet tall."

Long Yao didn't care a word.

But her words dealt a huge blow to Yan Feng and the others.

How many feet high!Still the smallest!

Yunluo didn't even notice that the chicken leg in his hand fell to the ground.

Muttered: "No wonder Yaoyao's kung fu is so high."

He also wants to learn!

He didn't know how envious Long Yao was when he saw things conjured out of thin air.

The two listened to Long Yao's story about the God Realm, apart from being amazed, their eyes were full of yearning.

(End of this chapter)

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