Chapter 400
Long Yao secretly observed the reaction of the two, her eyes were full of envy and longing, except that she was not calculating.

Long Yao nodded in satisfaction, it is really rare to see such a simple person who was born in the royal family.

Aren't the royal family's children all suspicious by nature, and they want to take all good things for themselves?
This guy is not greedy at all.

She really wondered if this was the rumor of the ancient green dragon?
Now she hasn't figured out whether this Yanfeng is Qinglong, the person standing in front of her is just an ordinary man.

Could it be that she is over-hearted?
do not care!Just wait and see.

If it was not possible, she used extraordinary means to verify her authenticity.

The next day.

The carriage slowly drove away from the city, and everything on the official road was calm.

Long Yao woke up from a doze, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "This is probably the last wave of assassins, right?"

"Yaoyao, is someone coming to assassinate us again?"

Yan Feng raised the curtain of the car, but did not see anyone on the official road.

"It's still far away, should your subordinates stretch their muscles?"

The corners of Long Yao's mouth raised slightly. After walking this way for more than a month, the martial arts taught to them should come in handy.

"Leave it to them this time."

Yanfeng has great confidence in his people.

Whoosh whoosh!
The arrows nailed to the carriage made a screeching sound.

"That arrives so fast."

Long Yao teased.

This group of assassins are skilled.

"Your Majesty, Yaoyao, leave these people to us."

Yun Luo flew up and pulled out the arrow from the carriage, turned around and threw it back with a wave.

The men in black were shot dead one after another.

Long Yao opened the car curtain and watched the battle between the two sides with great interest.

Zhu Meng also squeezed out a small head and leaned against Long Yao, "Yaoyao, these people are delicious!"

Yan Feng also squeezed out his head, "Yaoyao taught them to be very skilled."

The three heads crowded the window to watch the excitement, but there was blood and rain around the carriage.

"Do you see whose people these are?"

Long Yao found that those men in black had a tattoo of a scorpion on their necks.

Yan Feng's pupils shrank sharply, "The dead man of the Marquis of Wei'an."

Wei Anhou's Mansion is the mother's family of the Empress Dowager Wei.

To intercept and kill him so blatantly, is it so sure that he will die outside?
"Who is it?"

Seeing that the enemy's defeat has been decided, Long Yao withdrew her head and planned to find out the family relationship of the Empress Dowager Wei.

"It's the Empress Dowager's natal family. The ministers who support the Empress Dowager were all bribed and contacted by Wei Anhou."

Yan Feng gritted his teeth in hatred when he remembered that his mother was killed by that woman.

In order to bear it, he had to swallow his anger and call out to kill his mother's enemy and call out his mother's queen.

"It seems that you have no foundation in the court!"

Long Yao teased him.

"Indeed, if my father hadn't named me the crown prince early in the morning, the empress dowager Wei's own son might have taken this position. She has been assassinated countless times in the first year since she took the throne, and the empress dowager Wei just wanted to support her own son and son to take the position."

"Going to the border to defend against the enemy this time is also one of their plots. If I hadn't met Yaoyao, I really wouldn't be able to come back."

Yan Feng's heart is like a mirror, and Yu Jia's personal conquest is also a helpless move.

It never occurred to him that he would come back alive.

Now that he has a helper, he will never just hand over his father's inheritance to a villain.

Now the only ones who support him are An Guogong and others.

"I see that you are really in a difficult situation."

Long Yao pouted, why bother?

Born in the royal family, there is a lot of helplessness. Unlike her who can do whatever she wants, it is still not strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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