Chapter 407
How can sharks really exist?Isn't this a fantasy?
Yan Feng felt that he had entered a fantasy world.

"Of course there are shark clans! You won't have them here."

The air in this continent is turbid and spiritual energy is lacking, and the Merman Race would not live in such a place.

The mermaids are even more delicate than the dragons, and they only live in the deep sea that contains a lot of pure spiritual energy.

"Yaoyao has seen the Shark Race? Tell me about your affairs?"

Yan Feng had already forgotten the purpose of coming today, he just wanted to hear Long Yao tell what the place she lived in was like.

"I'll talk about this later, you didn't just ask me to give these beads, did you?"

Long Yao laughed and teased him.

Where does the man in front of him still have the blood on the battlefield?He is obviously a cute and sunny boy.

"If you don't remind me, I really forgot! I'm here to ask Yaoyao if the communication method you mentioned can be used here?"

Yan Feng's face turned red with embarrassment, he was ashamed to ask Yaoyao to help him with everything.

"What's the point? It's voluntary for me to help you. This is the communication thing. Of course it can be used here."

Long Yao guessed what he was thinking, but he was so embarrassed that he took out a communication token and put it on the table.

Since he has the same name as Qinglong, she will definitely help him.

"Token?" Yanfeng looked at the token, but didn't see anything special about it, except that it looked better than ordinary tokens.

"This is a communication token. If you talk here, the person holding the token over there can hear you clearly even if you are thousands of miles away."

Long Yao took out a bunch of tokens and handed them to Yan Feng, so that he could equip his trusted subordinates.

"It's so amazing?"

Yanfeng couldn't put it down while holding the token.

With this kind of token, the border war can be known to the court as soon as possible.

This thing is like a modern telephone, it is very convenient to use.

Longyao is also a token inspired by the phone, and with the function of teleportation formation, it can not only send letters, but each token has two chances to teleport people.

After sending people twice, the token will be destroyed.

"It can send letters! It can also send people!"

Yanfeng's shocked voice split.

Are the things used by the gods so unbelievable?

Long Yao said: "What's the fuss? There are more than 100 tokens here. Give it to you! That's all I have left."

It is very easy to refine this thing, she can get a hundred and ten yuan every time she refines it, but the materials are not easy to find.

On Peach Blossom Island, he sold all the tokens he refined to Mo Zhenting, and the hundred tokens were sold in a pawn shop.

When Jiu Tianxue and the others came to the pawn shop to pick up the goods, they also took a dozen tokens to sell.

The rest were taken out by her.

"Really give it all to me?"

Yan Feng didn't know how to thank her.

Help him enrich the national treasury, and help him with such a heaven-defying thing.

"Here it is! You just need to help me find the dragon ball with all your heart, and your benefits will be indispensable."

Her Dragon Ball is the most important thing, what are these extraneous things!
"Definitely! I'll help you find the Dragon Ball right now."

Yanfeng wrapped the token in a tablecloth and ran away.

These are life-saving treasures, and they must not be handed over to others.

After Yan Feng left, Long Yao swaggered to the Imperial Garden.

She hasn't seen the scenery of this palace yet!
Take advantage of today's free time to go out for a stroll.

"Your Majesty, please walk slowly!"

Fu Ling followed behind her and waited carefully.

"Don't follow, you all go back!"

It's really not used to those who hug each other.

"My lady's forgiveness!"

A group of eunuchs and court ladies knelt down in fright.

Could it be that they did something wrong to make the empress unhappy?

Long Yao stroked her chin and said, "Just the two of you follow! The rest go back!"

The court ladies and eunuchs who hang out in the palace also live in fear, not as good as ordinary people!
The two that Long Yao casually pointed to were Fu Ling and the chief eunuch Zhima of Fengqi Palace.

"Yes!" The rest returned to Fengqi Palace with low eyebrows.

Zhima is young, with big watery eyes that seem to be able to speak.

He was originally serving Yanfeng, but he sent him to Fengqi Palace to serve Longyao.

Fuling is older, otherwise she would not be able to be the maid in charge of Fengqi Palace.

"You two, tell me who is in this palace?"

Long Yao was walking on the Royal Garden Road, and all the beautiful and fragrant flowers were overshadowed in front of her.

Fu Ling sighed, the empress is so beautiful that she is not like ordinary people.

"If you go back to your empress, the most honorable women in the harem are the queen mother and you, the empress dowager. The rest of the women were selected by the empress dowager from various palaces to give to your majesty. Now they don't even have titles."

Sesame looked down on those daughters, and if His Majesty didn't like them as slaves, he naturally didn't like them either.

They are on His Majesty's side.

"That guy Yanfeng is pretty clean!"

Since ancient times, men have been fickle, and it is normal for three wives and four concubines.

Which one of the emperors is not surrounded by a group of women?

Where did the emperors live long since ancient times?It's because I play too much with women!

"Young lady, when His Majesty was still the crown prince, he only knew how to study and never got close to women."

Fu Ling is a maid who came out of the prince's mansion, and she is even more loyal to Yan Feng.

Yan Feng was afraid that Long Yao would not be used to living there, so he arranged all the capable people around him in Fengqi Palace.

"Oh! Not bad!"

Long Yao admired that guy's determination.

"What's going on over there?"

Long Yao turned the corner from behind the rockery, and saw a group of warblers and swallows in the distance.

"Mother, those are the women chosen by the Empress Dowager. The woman in white at the head is Wei Taoxian, the niece of the Empress Dowager Wei, who just entered the palace last night."

Fu Ling glanced back and said.

"Does this mean that Yuanjia Road is narrow? When I just wanted to go out for a walk, I met someone who made trouble?"

Long Yao was also speechless, how could it be such a coincidence?
"Your Majesty, they should salute you when they see you, what are you afraid of them doing?"

Zhima's eyes darkened, but His Majesty had told them that they must protect the empress.

It's okay for those women to behave well, but if they are not disciplined, they will look good.

"I'm not afraid, I'm upset."

There is only one road in this place, and if you want to go there, you have to go around in front of them.

If she retreated, it would appear that she was afraid of them.

Wei Taoxian and the others had already seen Long Yao's figure and gathered together.

"Who is this? Why haven't I seen it in the palace?"

Wei Taoxian was wearing a white Confucian skirt fluttering like a fairy.

It's just that the haughty look on her face ruined her original delicate appearance.

"Bold! This is the empress!"

Zhima stood behind Longyao, for fear that she would be hurt.

Wei Taoxian is a big disciple who worships under Jianzong's sect, and he has martial arts skills, but their mother has no strength to restrain a chicken.

"Empress? Why hasn't this lady heard that His Majesty has a queen?"

Wei Taoxian smiled appropriately, and his words were full of irony.

"Where did you get the little white flower? Do you know that a good dog can't stop you?"

Long Yao dragged Sesame's collar back, the little white flower in front of her was quite hostile to her!

(End of this chapter)

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