Chapter 408

Wei Taoxian was stunned for a moment when she was bullied by her. Whose noble lady would speak so rudely?
"You?" Wei Taoxian didn't know how to answer her for a moment.

"What are you? This is your tutor from Beiyu Kingdom? Don't you even salute when you see me?"

Although Long Yao didn't care about them saluting, she couldn't be overwhelmed.

"Your Majesty doesn't have any queens. We are all the same people. When it comes to saluting, should you, a woman of unknown origin, salute this lady?"

Wei Taoxian deliberately played with a token in his hand.

This token is the unique token of Jianzong, and everyone in the entire continent admires Jianzong.

As long as they saw this token, they would kneel down and salute to show their respect. Even the emperors of various countries would give way to the people of Jianzong.

"Give you a salute? Where did you get the garlic? Just want to use this broken token to bluff people?"

Long Yao stretched out her hand and sucked it fiercely, and the token was in her hand.

Click!The token slowly turned into powder in her hand and flowed out from between her fingers.

"Ah! You! Return my token!"

Wei Taoxian waved his palm and hit Longyao mercilessly.

That was her proud identity token!How could she not be angry now that she was destroyed!
Longyao's red shirt fluttered, and a white shadow flew out in a parabolic shape, Wei Taoxian was defeated miserably.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Taoxian lay unconscious on the ground, her delicate face swollen like a pig's head.

The original Yingying Yanyan was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, "Empress, please forgive me!"

The leaders were all beaten so badly, and they, boudoir girls, were powerless and even more unable to contend.

"Hmph! Boring!"

Long Yao waved her hand and left without taking a cloud.

An ordinary person still wants to play tricks in front of her?court death!
Long Yao passed a group of warblers and swallows to the gazebo in the imperial garden.

"Your Majesty, drink some tea to soothe your throat."

Fu Ling brought out snacks and tea from the food box she was holding.

Sesame poured water courteously, "Your Majesty, drink some water."

"It's very boring in this palace, shall we go out and play?"

Long Yao took a mouthful of mung bean cake, threw it into the plate and didn't want to move again.

The food here is too simple, nothing to eat.

"Your Majesty can't do it!"

Fuling and Zhima knelt down in fright.

If the empress leaves the palace, their heads will be lost.

"Get up! Don't just kneel, your Majesty will not blame you."

Long Yao's voice hadn't disappeared yet, and the red figure was no longer in the gazebo.

"Ouch! What should I do! Hurry up and inform His Majesty!"

Zhima trotted all the way to Xuande Hall.

Long Yao went to the street and looked around curiously.

"The business of the shops on this street is not good!"

Long Yao turned into a shop, and this shop was one of the ones she bought.

The three streets in the capital are all her shops, and this shop is the largest one.

Qizhen Building is a jewelry store, but now the hall is deserted.

"Miss, do you want to buy some jewelry?"

The waiter greeted Long Yao enthusiastically.

"Ask your shopkeeper to come out."

Long Yao directly took out a peach blossom jade pendant and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter in the shop became even more respectful the moment he saw the jade pendant, "I've seen my boss."

They all knew about the change of owner in the three streets in the capital, and today was the first time they saw the rightful owner.

"Get up! Hurry up and find your shopkeeper to see me."

Long Yao looked at the desolate shop and decided to renovate it.

"Yes! Let's go, little one."

The shop clerk ran to the backyard as fast as he could.

Shopkeeper Ma learned that his boss was coming, so he trotted all the way to the upper room.

"I've seen my boss!"

Shopkeeper Ma was stunned for a moment when he saw Long Yao.

"Horse shopkeeper please sit down! Let's talk about these shops."

After watching several shops, Long Yao found that the business was sparse.

I don't know if it's because of the severe drought in the world, but there are very few people walking on the street.

This is the case on the streets of the capital, so it is not surprising to see the refugee brigade along the way.

"Boss, you saw our shop just now. Business is not doing well these years."

Shopkeeper Ma has been in this shop for 20 years, and he has feelings for this shop. Even if he changed his owner, he never thought of leaving.

Originally, the shopkeeper Ma and the waiters in the shop were also worried. Would such a wealthy owner still use them?

It wasn't until the shopkeepers in their three streets received a letter at the same time that they were completely relieved.

They all swear that they will follow the current owner to manage the shop well.

"It's because of the downturn that I want to discuss with you about the reform of the shop."

The jewelry here is simple and ugly, and it is strange to sell it.

The food cooked in the restaurant was also unpalatable, in order to reform the unpalatable food in the restaurant, Long Yao decided to change it together.

Shopkeeper Ma hesitated for a while and said, "Boss, Qizhen Tower has always been a place that nobles in the capital are willing to come to, and the way of operation has always been the same. How can we change it?"

Long Yao had a plan in mind long ago, that is to turn the Qizhen Tower into a real Qizhen Tower.

Only rare treasures are sold inside, and only the most high-end accessories are sold.

"Boss, take a look at this."

Long Yao took out a small box, which contained a set of gold and ruby ​​jewelry.

The horse shopkeeper carefully picked up the box and looked at it. Just looking at the material and carving of this box, it is not ordinary.

"This? This is a set of jewelry? Isn't this too luxurious?"

Shopkeeper Ma couldn't put it down and touched the set of jewelry, it was really dazzling.

It is impossible for the empress dowager Wei, the most honorable woman in the entire Northern Yu Kingdom, to have such luxurious jewelry.

"Treasurer Ma, if such jewelry is filled with Qizhenlou, how do you think the business will be?"

She has a lot of jewelry like this in her hand.

Because she likes gold, Mo Xun bought a lot of gold jewelry like this for her to keep.

"Really? Boss, if this is the case, then our Qizhen Building can really be regarded as a veritable Qizhen Building."

The shopkeeper carefully put the box on the table, for fear that someone would accidentally break the jewelry.

"This kind of jewelry is the most common. I still have many rare treasures. Take a look at this."

Long Yao took out two more light green beads.

Suddenly, there was warmth in the room.

"This is?" Shopkeeper Ma picked up a bead and felt comfortable all over.

Long Yao took a sip of tea, "This is a millennium warm jade bead, which can warm people's hands and prolong life."

"Women can wear it at any time to warm up their body and heart, beautify their skin."

There is a mountain of this kind of jade on her Nebula Island, and the beads born in Nuanyu Mountain are just such beads.

"Thousand-year warm jade beads?"

He has heard of cold jade, but he has never heard of this millennium warm jade.

"If such rare treasures gather in our Qizhen Building, it will be difficult to do well in business."

The shopkeeper Ma held the beads and didn't want to let go. He had to take a good look at such a treasure.

"Treasurer Ma, with these things in Qizhenlou, are you afraid that the business will be unpopular?"

"This is the overall decoration drawing of Qizhen Building. We will open it after the decoration is completed."

Long Yao put down a blueprint and left Qizhen Building.

(End of this chapter)

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