Chapter 409

Long Yao walked out of the Qizhen Building and went shopping in the other two streets.

Looking at the empty shops, Long Yao thought that the shops she bought were those losing money.

"Would you like to open a hot pot restaurant?"

There is no charcoal here for opening a hot pot restaurant.

There is no winter in Beiyu country, which means they don't need to keep warm in winter.

Wood for cooking is available, but charcoal is not.

"Words! Words!"

Long Yao trotted to the Yizheng Hall.

"Why is Yaoyao here?"

Hearing the words, he raised his head and smiled.

"Where is that mountain we passed when we entered the city?"

Long Yao thought of charcoal and then remembered that the mountain was full of trees that could be used to burn charcoal.

Those are all ebony wood, green gang wood, and those woods are the best for burning charcoal.

"Which one?"

Yan Feng put down the brush in his hand and asked in doubt.

"Oh! It's sitting in Wushan outside the city."

Long Yao remembered that Yanfeng said that the mountain was called Wushan.

"I know that Wushan belongs to the edge of the royal hunting ground. Why do you ask that?"

Yan Feng is a little confused, is there something wrong with the mountain in the Royal Hunting Ground?

"So you have the final say?"

Long Yao came up to him and raised her eyebrows, smiling obsequiously.

"Yes, yes!"

Yanfeng's Adam's apple rolled, and he was taken aback by the enlarged handsome face in front of him.

Do you know that this is seducing him?

"Hey! Can I cut down all the trees on the mountain!"

Long Yao's words were astonishing, and Yan Feng almost didn't come up in one breath.

"Cough cough cough cough! What are you talking about?"

Yan Feng coughed, blushed and had a thick neck, almost suffocating himself to death.

Quickly give yourself a sigh of relief.

"No! Why are you cutting down trees?"

Yan Feng coughed enough and then thought of asking about something serious.

Long Yao picked up his tea bowl and took a sip of water: "I want to change the business model of my shops. I thought of a delicious food, but I need those trees to burn charcoal."

"What is charcoal?"

Every time Yanfeng hears new vocabulary from her mouth, he always feels that his knowledge is shallow.

"Then I'll let you see it today! Come with me!"

Long Yao dragged his words and went to the courtyard of Fengxi Palace.

After sending away the servants, there were only three of them left in the courtyard.

"Yaoyao, what do you want us to see?"

Yun Luo was also directly dragged here by Long Yao, and she is still at a loss.

"Let you experience the charm of charcoal barbecue!"

Long Yao waved, and the grass of Fengqi Palace was covered with a series of barbecue utensils.

"Wow! What is this?"

Yanfeng picked up a skewer of meat and looked at it, not knowing what it was.

"Barbecue! Go and call Sima Yan and the others over, they also know my details, let's eat barbecue together!"

These people knew her identity best, and there was no need to hide anything.

"Okay! I'll call them!"

Yunluo turned around and went to the gate of Fengqi Palace.

"Yaoyao, how do you eat these raw?"

Yan Feng saw the ingredients all over the yard, they were all bloody. How should I eat them?
"Look! This is the charcoal I told you about."

Long Yao pointed to a pile of black charcoal on the ground.

Yan Feng picked up a piece of charcoal in confusion, like a burnt branch.

"This is charcoal? How can you burn it after it's all burned?"

Yaoyao must be joking, right?
"Because of this, there is no choking smoke when grilling, and the burning time is long enough."

Long Yao snapped her fingers, and the charcoal in the oven was ignited.

For a moment, the scorching heat hit his face, and Yanfeng was forced to take two steps back.

The red charcoal fire in the oven was reflected in his eyes, "There really is no choking smoke!"

Long Yao picked up two skewers of barbecued meat and put them on the iron grid to roast, "Come on, let's barbecue with me! You will have a soul when you eat while roasting."

"Okay!" Yan Feng also thinks that barbecue is fun, which is different from their barbecue outside.

Yunluo trotted over with a dozen people, "Yaoyao, let's come together."

"It smells so good! Empress, this is barbecue!"

Sima Yan was learning how to roast meat, and the aroma spread throughout the entire palace in the blink of an eye.

"Yanfeng, what do you think of this charcoal? If you say that you burn it and sell it, it is also an income?"

There are many trees in this ancient time, and it is okay to use some of them to burn charcoal.

The felled trees are planted with new saplings, so that there will be endless trees for burning charcoal.

"Is this available for purchase?"

They don't have winter here, and they don't need a brazier. Could it be that they are only used for barbecue?
"Of course! When my hot pot shop opens, I'm sure they won't buy it if they eat the hot pot made by me!"

Everything needs to be the first person to try to eat crabs. The future development depends on whether the hot pot restaurant she opened is prosperous or not.

"It can be tried."

As long as it is something that can benefit the people, Yan Feng wants to experiment.

"Then it's settled!"

Long Yao wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, and continued, "How long has it been since it rained here?"

Yanfeng sighed, "It's been a year, and the number of refugees we've seen along the way is increasing."

This matter has always been a heart disease of rumors, and the disaster relief funds have flowed out of the national treasury one after another, but no effect has been seen.

"I can help you with this."

It's hard to say if it doesn't rain?She has merged with Heizhu, Shi Yunbuyu is very easy for her.

"Help me? How?"

Yanfeng has forgotten the fact that she is a fairy.

"I can pray for rain for you."

It is better to have a ceremony to clothe the rain.

"Pray for rain! Don't you have a fever?"

Yun Luo stroked the string and touched Long Yao's forehead.

Long Yao slapped his paw off, "Go away! Is there any need for me to lie to you? Do you have any place for sacrifice in Beiyu State?"

"Yes! The royal family will also have a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, and it will be on Wushan Mountain in the royal hunting ground."

Wushan seems to be associated with witches, so the rituals of offering sacrifices to heaven in Beiyu Kingdom will be held there.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky is very resource-intensive, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens is only held on major events.

"Then choose there!" Long Yao made a final decision, just as she still wanted to go to Wushan to see those trees.

"Okay! I'll make an order tomorrow."

The next day, an imperial decree shook the world.

Empress Dowager Wei twirled the Buddhist beads in her hand, "Worshiping the heavens and praying for rain? Oh! Are you treating yourself as a wizard? I really don't know what it means!"

Wei Anhou rolled his eyes and thought of a plan, "Queen Mother, we can take this opportunity to ruin her reputation."

They have investigated the details of this woman, but no matter how they investigate, they can't find any clues.

It's like that woman just came out of nowhere.

Empress Dowager Wei was silent for a long time before she spoke, "You mean sabotaging the sacrifice?"

Wei Anhou nodded gloomyly, "That's exactly what it means."

"Alright! Aijia doesn't believe that woman can't find any flaws."

Empress Dowager Wei also had a headache, this woman is really difficult to deal with.

None of the people sent out to assassinate came back.

(End of this chapter)

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