Chapter 410
Wei Anhou went out of the palace to find his confidant, and sent someone to go to the altar first.

Half a month later, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

Yan Feng and Long Yao were sitting in the car, the empress and empress walking together was not ordinary.

The convoy is majestic and the dragon flag flutters.

Long Yao's gorgeous phoenix robe set off her beautiful face.

Wearing a dragon robe, Yan Feng occasionally glanced tenderly at Long Yao beside him.

"Yaoyao, I will work hard for you this time."

In fact, he didn't have much confidence in praying for rain this time.

"There's nothing hard to do, the altar is ready-made, I just put in some spiritual energy."

Long Yao looked up at the sky, and it was only after seven o'clock in the morning that she was already dazed by the sun.

The drought continues.

There are heavy guards at the foot of Wushan, and there are many people trembling around in the distance.

A man in ragged clothes, with a yellow face and as thin as a dry man.

Under the scorching sun, the corners of his lips were cracked and bloody.

Without saying a word, his eyes were dull, like a walking dead.

For such a big event as offering sacrifices to heaven, all the officials, sons and daughters of aristocratic families gathered at the Wushan Royal Hunting Ground.

Before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, there will be a ceremony in which the emperor and empress shoot three arrows in a row to celebrate the completion of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The shooting range was surrounded by dignitaries, in stark contrast to the refugees down the mountain.

The emperor's car drove up and down. In order to show the sincerity of offering sacrifices to heaven, the emperor and empress had to go up the mountain on foot.

Around the empress were a hundred people who followed Yanfeng and came back after a narrow escape.

Now with the support of Long Yao, a hundred people are fully equipped.

The black armor glistened in the sun, and it didn't feel hot at all wearing it on such a hot day.

The black armor is specially made, it is as light as a feather when worn on the body, invulnerable to swords and guns, and has the function of keeping warm in winter and cooling in summer.

The black scarf covered his face, only revealing a pair of sharp eyes, and the red cherry on the black helmet stood tall, and it swayed slightly as he walked.

Each of them had the same black token hanging on their waists, which were all communication tokens, and they were holding the same short knife in their hands.

It was the first time these people appeared fully armed today, and they were dumbfounded by all the civil and military ministers.

Yan Feng named these people 'Black Armored Army', and they only obeyed the emperor's orders.

Seeing the carriage frame of the emperor and empress in front of them, all the people knelt down together.

"Meet Your Majesty, Empress Empress!"

Even the shout of greeting was weak.

"Let's get down!" When the wind is not convulsed, it is still very dignified.

Only what is shown in front of Long Yao is the true self.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, empress!"

The people in ragged clothes wobbled to their feet, supporting each other.

The empress was helped out of the car, and Long Yao frowned unconsciously when she saw those refugees who seemed to have lost their souls.

"Yunluo, cook some porridge for those people."

Long Yao turned her head and saw the minister in bright clothes, and the common people in ragged clothes on the other side.

"It's the empress." Yunluo took the order to retreat.

Yan Feng smiled and said: "It's still your kindness that not only allows the people to watch the ceremony, but also gives them porridge."

"You are quite useless as an emperor, and you let your officials do nothing if they don't do practical things."

Long Yao snorted and laughed, this guy has been on the throne for a year and has not done anything emotionally.

After thinking about it, he can't be blamed. The Queen Mother is in power, and there are not many people who support him. It will take time to get rid of moths.

Yan Feng was embarrassed by her stare, and did not refute her, "Let's go!"

He stretched out his hand and led Long Yao up the mountain step by step.

In the eyes of outsiders, the emperor and empress are loving, harp and harmonious, but in fact, only Yanfeng knows that he is miserable now.

Long Yao squeezed his hand so hard that he almost crushed his bones.

Yan Feng could only hold back, not letting himself cry out in pain.

"Yao, Yaoyao, did I do something wrong again?"

Tears of pain were about to fall out.

Yunluo followed behind the two of them without squinting. He didn't see anything.

"Do you know that I am tired of acting with you!"

Long Yao gritted her teeth, she really tried her best to find the Dragon Ball.

If Lizhi and the others knew that she had betrayed her appearance for the Dragon Balls, they would have laughed at her for half a year.

"Yaoyao, I'm in pain!"

Yan Feng stared pitifully at Long Yao's side face, in the eyes of outsiders, this was affectionate and silent.

Long Yao let out a cold snort and let go of his claws, "Help me find the Dragon Ball quickly, or I will beat you up."

Yan Feng's hand was released, but he continued to walk while holding her. This aunt can't afford to mess with her!

"I've found it! I've been looking for it all the time, and I can't find it in a short while!"

Yan Feng is about to cry, why is this ancestor's temper so volatile!

"I believe you this time!" Long Yao also knew that there was no rush for this matter, and Zhu Meng didn't feel the breath of Long Zhu, which meant that Long Zhu really didn't know where to stay.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

The two were fighting with each other, and in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them were flirting.

Finally arrived at the hunting ground under the altar, the sons and daughters of civil and military families had already been waiting there.

Empress Dowager Wei also came this time, and she also wanted to show off at the ceremony.

Since she is the Queen Mother, she absolutely does not allow anyone to overwhelm her.

Even the costumes for worshiping heaven are made by the Chief of Jinyi Division himself.

The Nine Phoenix Luan Chai on the head is even more vivid.

The moment she saw Long Yao, Queen Mother Wei almost died of anger.

The phoenix robe on Long Yao is more refined and domineering.

The brocade made of blood-red mulberry silk has its own streamer, and the golden flying phoenix is ​​vivid.

The golden phoenix crown is inlaid with gemstones of various colors, shining in the sun.

Coupled with her youthful and overpowering appearance, all the women present felt ashamed.

Wei Taoxian was dressed as a concubine today, which was also allowed by the Queen Mother.

I thought that the gorgeous concubine's costumes were enough to overwhelm Long Yao, but I didn't expect that I was not even as good as a clown.

Jin Yisi didn't sew the phoenix robe at all, thinking that His Majesty was tired of that woman, and when he saw her phoenix robe today, he suddenly realized that he was not tired, but that he valued it too much.

This kind of phoenix robe can't be embroidered by Beiyu Kingdom.

Looking at Long Yao's speech with a gentle face, the dragon robe on his body is not the same as before.

Empress Dowager Wei and Wei Taoxian were so jealous that they almost couldn't maintain their nobility.

The other women quickly lowered their heads when they saw Long Yao, not daring to look at each other.

The scene when the empress knocked Taoxian unconscious was still vivid in my memory, but they didn't dare to force her.

With a smile on Long Yao's lips, she shifted her gaze to the Queen Mother intentionally or unintentionally.

Ok?The face is green enough, the clothes are black enough, the whole thing is black and bastard.

Don't let Jinyi Division help her make clothes, want to see her embarrassing?Is it too early to dream?

Does she need those vulgar people to make her clothes?

The wind came before the Empress Dowager, and just as she was about to salute and say hello, the Empress Dowager Wei spoke first, "The insincere salute will be excused! Aijia is afraid of shortening his life."

Now that the two sides have already torn their faces, there is no need to maintain the scene of mother's kindness and son's filial piety.

(End of this chapter)

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