Chapter 411
Yan Feng was a little surprised, usually the Empress Dowager puts on airs very fakely, but now she doesn't?
This was exactly what he wanted, and he didn't intend to greet people with fake smiles every day.

"Since the queen mother said so, the son will not be polite."

Their mother and son are at odds, and they are fighting for the power of the pro-government. This kind of tit-for-tat drama has become familiar to all officials.

When the sky falls and there are tall people supporting it, it's fine for ministers like them to follow the crowd.

Yan Feng led Long Yao to turn around and sit down in a special seat, "Today is the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, so you should have fun before the ceremony!"

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was chosen to be held at noon, and there is still some time before noon.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the boys and buddies have long thought about going to the competition.

"The demeanor of the empress is really overwhelming."

A young man in white shook his folding fan lightly, and looked towards Long Yao with great interest.

I heard that His Majesty came back and brought back a woman, and personally decreed to confer the title of Queen.

That woman actually bought Santiao Street in the capital!

Their Lan family is an imperial merchant and they don't have that kind of financial resources.

Witnessing the demeanor of a woman with my own eyes today is really different!
"What? You still want to send your sister into the palace?"

Another young man in Tsing Yi made a joke.

The corners of Lan Yu's lips raised slightly, "Do you think your Majesty has such an outstanding Empress Empress, does my younger sister still have a chance?"

The man in Tsing Yi is Cao Xinyi, the son of Duke An, and Lan Yu is the son of the richest man in Beiyu Kingdom.

Cao Xinyi stretched her neck and looked towards the female seats. Lan Yu's younger sister, Lan Xueer, was sitting gracefully not far from Wei Taoxian.

Lan Xueer lowered her head, and no one could clearly see the emotion in her eyes.

It's just that the hands under the embroidered robe tightly twisted her thighs, only in this way can she calm herself down.

"Lan Xue'er, Your Majesty already has a queen now, so your dream of entering the palace may come to nothing, right?"

Wei Taoxian couldn't help mocking her.

Both of them are known as talented women, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are called the twin sisters of the capital.

It is also the most popular queen candidate.

Long Yao's arrival broke their queen's dream.

Wei Taoxian has already experienced how powerful Longyao is, and he still holds a grudge until now, and plans to find a chance to avenge his shame.

Lan Xueer suppressed the reluctance in her heart and said with a fake smile: "Sister Taoxian, I don't understand what you said, I never thought about being a queen."

This sentence was almost uttered through clenched teeth.

The original queen's dream was shattered like this, and she was still not reconciled.

"Don't say you are so noble." Wei Taoxian sneered at her hypocrisy.

She obviously wants to be a queen more than her, but she shows a noble appearance, which is really disgusting!
Lan Xueer didn't say any more, and occasionally turned to the empress on the high seat intentionally or unintentionally.

Yan Feng was helping Long Yao peel the grapes, his eyes were full of Long Yao's figure, all the tenderness was given to Long Yao, and the rest of the women couldn't get into his eyes.

"Yanfeng, are those contestants just playing tricks?"

Looking at the duel in the martial arts field not far away, Long Yao suddenly felt that it was meaningless.

"They also did it on purpose. It is not appropriate to see blood in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, so they will be ordered as soon as possible."

This has always been the rule of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

Long Yao hadn't finished complaining about those extravagances when she heard someone provoke her.

"I heard that the Queen's Empress does not give in to men. I don't know if I am lucky enough to see it today?"

Lan Xueer didn't know where she got the courage to challenge Long Yao, but seeing their affectionate appearance made her heart ache.

"Oh? Who is this?"

Long Yao was worried about not having anything to play, so someone delivered it to her door.

"My empress, forgive me! It's raining blue, and this is my sister, Lan Xueer."

Lan Yu hurriedly pulled Long Yao to kneel down to salute.

My younger sister is not usually so reckless!What the hell is going on today?

"People from the Lan family? Get up! Your sister is very brave, why? Do you want to compete with me?"

"Why don't you just do this! If any of the noble ladies from your aristocratic families here want to challenge, come along!"

Long Yao waved his hand and decided to have a good time.

Since it is not pleasing to see her sitting in the queen's position, let them be convinced one by one.

"This is what the Empress herself said."

Wei Taoxian has long wanted to learn. The last time she was knocked out, she didn't pay attention. This time it will not be so easy for her to succeed.

"Okay! Let's go together!"

As soon as Long Yao stood up, she was stopped by Yan Feng.

"Yaoyao, are you okay? So many people here want to compete with you?"

Yan Feng was afraid that Long Yao would suffer, those women's methods were much more sinister than men's.

"Don't worry!"

Long Yao came in front of a group of noble girls, seeing how full of fighting spirit they were, she couldn't bear to hit them too hard.

"It's getting late, let's win or lose the game! Although you are noble daughters from aristocratic families, you should know how to ride and shoot? How about we just ride horses and shoot arrows?"

The time to pray for rain is coming soon, and the business cannot be delayed.

"Okay! Just follow the Queen's rules."

Wei Taoxian is confident that his riding and shooting skills are not bad.

Empress Dowager Wei cast her eyes on Wei Taoxian, the two eyes met, and they both tacitly looked away.

Lan Xueer concealed the calculation in her eyes.

Long Yao saw the reaction of these people in his eyes, everyone had enough food and clothing, only the intrigue of the back house women.

It's just full of food!
"Please get on the horse, ma'am."

A young eunuch led a horse to Long Yao's side with low eyebrows.

Seeing the horse, Lan Yu and Cao Xinyi were startled, their eyes in unison glanced across Long Yao's face, and looked at Lan Xue'er who had not had time to recede her complacent expression.

The two frowned slightly at the same time, it was obviously too late to change horses now.

Long Yao patted the horse and nodded in satisfaction, "It really is a good horse!"

Yan Feng clenched his fists tightly and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Who asked that horse to be brought out?"

Yun Luo who was on the side was shocked, "Return to Your Majesty, it is your Bai Xue that I want to lead, not this black horse."

Needless to say, he was secretly tampered with.

"Go and investigate! I want to know who has the guts!"

In fact, Yan Feng's heart is like a mirror, no one except Queen Mother Wei would dare to do this.

Yunluo said respectfully, "It's Your Majesty!"

He turned around and left the martial arts arena. Evidence had to be found for this matter, so he had to arrest the person himself.

The red shadow flew, Long Yao blinked and rode on the horse.

This horse is extraordinarily taller, with smooth lines and head held high.

Standing next to the rest of the horses is even more domineering.

The eyeballs of Lan Xueer and the others who were waiting to watch the excitement almost fell to the ground.

impossible!No one has the ability to subdue this horse, why not reject her?
Lan Yu finally swallowed the breath hanging in his throat. If his sister was found to have done it deliberately, the entire Lan family would punish the nine clans.

He glanced at Lan Xue'er unkindly, and this one glance made Lan Xue'er feel like falling into an ice cave.

Lan Xueer is not afraid of anyone in the Lan family, except her big brother.

It was because she was not reconciled to being a queen, she must let that woman die!

The corner of Wei Taoxian's mouth twisted slightly, what happened to this horse today?

Why are you so cute when you see that bitch?

(End of this chapter)

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