Chapter 412
Yan Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, that horse must be related to Yaoyao.

Except for the slave who was able to approach the horse for feeding, no one dared to approach it for half a step.

He was a little surprised that the horse was so obedient today.

"Let's go! Why are you all stupid?"

Long Yao pretended not to know how they were plotting against her, and smiled and scanned the faces that looked like they had eaten poop.

In fact, I was happy in my heart, such a horse can only be obedient under her crotch, want to embarrass her?Dream faster!

"I don't know if the empress has any bows and arrows? If not, our family has some."

Wei Taoxian laughed.

Their family used to follow the first emperor to conquer the world from horseback, but now there are many weapons.

"That's not necessary! You can't get into my eyes with these things."

"Sesame! Take Ben Gong's bow and arrow."

This time, Zhima and Fuling were accompanying her, and she didn't want to bring more of them.

"Your Majesty, your bow and arrow."

Sesame holds a tray covered with a red cloth.

The red cloth was removed, and a palm-sized blue bow lay quietly on the tray. At first glance, it looked like a small toy.

"Puchi! Empress, are you here to be funny?"

Wei Taoxian sneered unceremoniously, this is to embarrass others!
A group of civil and military ministers also found it ridiculous.

How can such a larger bow and arrow be used for archery?

"You guys are ignorant! Don't be ashamed, okay?"

Long Yao pinched the small blue bow with two fingers and looked.

Zheng!A burst of noise that pierced the eardrums made everyone in the hunting ground block their ears.

Looking at Long Yao's hand again, she held an icy blue radiant longbow in her hand.

She is like a god descending, majestic and inviolable.

This ice-blue longbow was much larger than the bows and arrows they used.

Wei Xiantao gritted his teeth angrily, what is this?Can it become bigger or smaller?

Lan Xueer bit her lip tightly while holding the longbow studded with diamonds in her hand.

The weapon she was proud of was not even a grandson in front of that bow.

An Guogong jumped up from his chair in shock, wishing to see that magical bow himself.

He is a general, and he has a fanatical pursuit of weapons.

Seeing the ice-blue longbow in Long Yao's hand today, his chest felt hot with excitement.

Such a peerless weapon is what they should use!
"What's the use of a good-looking bow and arrow? Can you pull it? Only the bow has no arrows. Didn't the empress come to entertain everyone today?"

Unconvinced, Wei Taoxian continued to find fault.

So what if the longbow looked better than hers?It's useless without arrows.

"I told you that you are ignorant! Why do you still come out to find yourself uncomfortable!"

Long Yao made her fall back in anger, and then drew the bow empty-handed. The ice-blue longbow was slowly stretched, and three ice-blue arrows appeared on the longbow.

"What kind of baby is this!"

The civil and military ministers who saw this scene stood up and wanted to see what happened.

How did the three ice-blue arrows appear on it?

Wei Taoxian was startled suddenly, did this person actually reach the realm of heaven and man?

He was able to transform an arrow with internal force!
impossible!This is absolutely impossible!

Her master is the great master of the Sword Sect, her martial arts have not yet reached the realm of heaven and man, and it is absolutely impossible for her internal strength to transform into arrows. How did she do it at such a young age!
Whoosh whoosh!
Three ice-blue arrows turned into streamers and flew out.

Crack!The target was pierced by arrows and torn apart.

The arrows hadn't stopped yet, and a gust of wind was blown up with a destructive momentum, and the surrounding tents were also torn and overturned by the arrows. The arrows dragged their blue tails and shot straight into the big tree behind the hunting ground.

The waist-thick tree was pierced through the middle and collapsed.

The arrow hit the ground with a buzzing sound.

There was no sound on the hunting ground.

Such an archery competition is more than a fart!
Anyone can see that even Duke An may not be able to shoot three arrows with such force.

It was even said that those delicate boudoir girls.

"The archery target is not strong! Change another archery target!"

Long Yao was furious and said.

The corners of Duke An's eyes almost cramp, the empress is hiding something!
As far as your archery strength is concerned, no target can withstand it!
The guards looked at Long Yao with burning eyes.

The empress is really extraordinary!

Even the minister who was originally dissatisfied also deliberately turned to Long Yao at this time.

The Northern Yu Kingdom should have such a queen who is both civil and military and rich.

"Your Majesty, your arrows."

Zhima came over holding three arrows.

"Why are you taking it? It will melt by itself after a while."

Sure enough, as soon as Long Yao's voice fell, the three arrows turned into clear water and seeped into the ground.

Sesame was still a little dumbfounded, she wiped the water on her hands and stood aside respectfully.

It's his lack of knowledge!
The rest of the people were not much better, and it was the first time they had seen such a strange thing.

What an eye opener today!
"Does it compare?"

Long Yao deliberately glanced at the faces of Wei Taoxian and the others, they were so colorful.

"There is no need to compete! I will admit defeat!"

Wei Taoxian felt unwilling, but had to admit that she was very strong.

"Xue'er admits defeat too."

Lan Xueer smiled sincerely, seemingly convinced, but in fact, who knows the calculations in her heart?

Long Yao is narrow-minded, so she didn't intend to let them pass the test so easily.

Since you provoke first, let me teach you a lesson.

"Ahhhh! The horse is startled, get out of the way!"

The steed under Long Yao's crotch suddenly went crazy and ran towards Wei Taoxian and the others' horses.


A group of noble girls panicked and fell off their horses one after another.

Fortunately, the guards at the side had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and dragged the noble girl who fell off the horse to the side.

Otherwise, it will be trampled into meat by horseshoes.

The originally quiet hunting ground was in chaos.


Yanfeng took advantage of his toes to fly up and quickly rushed to the hunting ground.

"Quick! Stop her!"

The table in front of Empress Dowager Wei was also blown away, the melon and fruit tea splashed all over her body, and the originally elegant and luxurious phoenix robe was covered with sticky soup.

Empress Dowager Wei's entire face was cloudy, darker than a thunderstorm night.

Wei Taoxian and a group of noble ladies fled one after another, where was the dignity just now.

Now they look like chicken thieves coming out of a chicken coop.

No matter how fast Yanfeng Qinggong was, he still couldn't catch up with Longyao's galloping speed.

Lan Yu and Cao Xinyi also used lightness kung fu to intercept Long Yao's horse.

"Empress, be careful!"

Seeing the horse lose control, Lan Yufei stopped in front of the horse.

Wow -!
Long Yao held the reins tightly, raised the horse's front hooves, and jumped, avoiding Lan Yu.

"Are you looking for death!"

The horse stopped quietly, and the horse's mouth happened to cover Lan Yu's face.

Lan Yu opened his eyes and met a horse's eye, and took two steps back in fright.

"Empress, forgive me!"

Lan Yu clasped her fists together and saluted, feeling extremely guilty in her heart.

If his little sister hadn't wanted to harm the empress, he wouldn't have risked his life to stop the out-of-control war horse.

(End of this chapter)

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