Chapter 413 War Horse
The horse under Long Yao's crotch is a fierce war horse. How can these nobles and daughters of aristocratic families dare to ride such a fierce horse?

It was also for this reason that Lan Yu tried his best to stop the horse. If something happened to the empress, none of the nine clans of the Lan family would be able to implicate His Majesty.

"Yaoyao! How are you?"

When Yan Feng got off the horse, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the person on the horse was fine, and reached out to help her get off the horse.

"I'm fine, the farce here should be over!"

Long Yao casually glanced at Lan Xue'er and the noble ladies who were looking for faults, all of them were in a panic, lowering their heads and not daring to look at Long Yao.

Long Yao stopped and said: "I don't want to waste more time on things that I don't want to do. Since the position of queen is sealed by Yan Feng, you should go to him. Why don't you come to me if you have nothing to do?" ?”

"He is the emperor, so you are all afraid of him, and you are not afraid of me, are you? Heh! How ridiculous! Why should women make things difficult for women!"

Long Yao saw that the faces of each woman turned red, so she dragged her words and went to the altar.

Seeing that it was already noon, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was about to begin.

Empress Dowager Wei knew that Longyao was deliberately causing trouble, so she could only swallow this dumb loss herself.

At first they wanted to use the horse to go crazy to seriously injure Longyao, but in the end they couldn't steal the chicken and let them lose their wives and soldiers!
Accompanied by the officials, the two people who walked away began to climb the steps of the altar.

The haze in Empress Dowager Wei's eyes is gathering more and more, let's wait and see!
Today's protagonist is Long Yao, and the Empress Dowager Wei and others who want to see a joke are waiting under the altar.

"Today, Aijia will have an eye-opener. It's the first time I've seen Aijia in the legend of praying for rain."

Empress Dowager Wei just didn't believe that anyone could ask for rain.

The successive emperors of Beiyu Kingdom never believed in gods or destiny, but only firmly believed in fighting the country with their own abilities.

Empress Dowager Wei was no exception after she came to power. She thought that as long as she had power, everyone had to listen to her.

She has also done the same in these years, holding power firmly in her hands, even if it is to implement tyranny. .

The Empress Dowager Wei also didn't believe that there were any gods in the sky, let alone that an ordinary woman could have the ability to ask for rain.

Long Yao ignored everyone's suspicion and stood alone in the center of the altar.

The altar is carved with exotic animals and holy lotuses.

The Cloud Piercer Bow was still held in Long Yao's hand, and she drew the full bow to face the sky.

"What is the empress doing?"

"Did you shoot the sun with that bow?"

"This is praying for rain, not a joke!"

The officials whispered outside the altar, some sweated for her, and some gloated.

Wei Anhou's facial features were almost distorted and misplaced. Just now his daughter made an embarrassment in public, but he still remembers this account!

If praying for rain had no results, then no one could blame him!
Whoosh whoosh!
Whoosh whoosh!
Six consecutive cloud-piercing arrows shot out quickly, disappearing into the clouds.

The sky was full of white clouds, and the midday sun made people peel off their skin.

Seeing that a quarter of an hour passed, the sky did not change.

Empress Dowager Wei twitched her mouth, "Is the queen here to joke? Where is the rain? Where is it?"

Empress Dowager Wei spoke, and the courtiers who opposed Longyao exploded in an instant.

"That's right! Empress, should you give me an explanation?"

"Empress, it's not ashamed to be a mortal, why are you trying to be brave!"

"Could it be that all these resources were spent just to bask in the sun with the Empress?"

The ministers began to fight with each other, and all kinds of ugly words came out.

"Shut up! I haven't said anything yet! Is it your turn to fart here?"

All the rude words came out.

Long Yao stood in the center of the altar, ignoring the harsh words of those ministers.

Pinching his waist, he said, "Shut up! Is praying for rain so easy? Why wait a while? If it doesn't rain, it's all your fault!"

Long Yao turned her head and spit at the chirping ministers.

Empress Dowager Wei pretended to be a good person and came out to smooth things over, "Ministers, please understand the queen's painstaking efforts! Then we will wait a little longer!"

She didn't believe that it was possible to have thunder on a sunny day?

As soon as Queen Mother Wei's words fell, the originally clear sky began to cloud over.

The dark clouds almost fell from the sky, and then the bean-sized rain fell anxiously from the sky.

The rain hit people's faces raw.

The dumbfounded ministers were drenched, and they all looked up at the sky.

Lightning and thunder rumbled in the dark sky, the black clouds rolled, and the torrential rain poured down like a river that had burst its embankment.

Among the crowd, only Yanfeng was holding an umbrella, looking dotingly at the woman on the altar.

Longyao's red clothes were not wet, and were still as clean and tidy as before.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Empress Dowager Wei shrank a little, how is this possible?
Long Yao's whole body was covered by a layer of light blue luster, which was especially clear in this dark and thunderous time.

She is like a mortal god who looks down on the world.

Empress Dowager Wei took a few steps back in fright, and frantically supported the eunuch beside her to stabilize her figure.

She does not believe that there will be gods in the world!
What is it that you see?
"Monster! She is a monster! Kill her!"

Empress Dowager Wei cried out heartbreakingly.

She absolutely can't let this woman stay in the palace, she can't deal with her at all.

This moment is too scary!She was really scared from the bottom of her heart!
"The witch? Queen Mother, what are you afraid of?"

Long Yao approached the Empress Dowager Wei step by step, without any expression on her face, the slightly furrowed eyebrows revealed her displeasure at this time.

She prayed for rain with good intentions, but what she got in return was the name of a witch.

The civil and military officials and the Imperial Forest Army stood in the rain and looked at each other without any movement.

Praying for rain is obvious to all, and the rain is real. Just as soon as you succeed in praying for rain, you have to take people down. Isn't this too impatient?
"Who dares to touch my queen!"

Yan Feng shielded Long Yao behind him, his complexion as dark as ink.

The Black Armored Army quickly surrounded Long Yao to protect her, anyone who dared to touch her would die!

Empress Dowager Wei's face darkened, so she planned not to listen to her, right?
"Didn't you hear what Aijia said! Take down that witch!"

"Your Majesty has been bewitched by the witch, don't you want to save His Majesty?"

Empress Dowager Wei glanced at the wind indifferently, since you insist on going against her today, then don't blame her for killing your relatives righteously!

Wei Anhou was overjoyed when he heard that, and instantly understood what the Queen Mother meant.

Looking in the direction of Longyao also took on a ferocious look.

"The Royal Forest Army hasn't taken people down yet!"

No matter how Marquis Wei An and the Queen Mother yelled, the Imperial Forest Army just stood still.

Li Chuan, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, knelt down with his fists folded and said: "This subordinate cannot follow orders. The empress empress pities the common people and prays for rain to save the people from fire and water. This subordinate is not someone who doesn't know right from wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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