After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 414 Don't want to tear my face

Chapter 414 Don't want to tear my face

The Empress Dowager Wei didn't want to tear herself apart with the Yulin Army because of her face. After all, her safety depended on the protection of the Yulin Army.

Now that she is riding a tiger, she can only bite the bullet and win this battle. Are you afraid that they will not obediently listen to her?
He gave Wei Anhou a wink, and Wei Anhou understood immediately, "Come here, take down the witch!"

The Royal Forest Army didn't listen to them, they still had backup troops.

Groups of men in black suddenly sprang out of the darkness, and there were quite a few men in white.

Li Chuan, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, drew out his sword from his waist and stood in front of Yan Feng.

"Who are you all?"

Yunluo's pupils shrank sharply, and the jade pendant on the waist of the man in white made him instantly understand their origin.

People from Jianzong!Why would people from Jianzong come to intervene?
"Kill!" The man in black massacred the Imperial Forest Army without saying a word.

The Empress Dowager Wei was protected by the men in black, and those aristocratic daughters were already scared and hid in the corner trembling.

The only woman who was massacred in the crowd was Wei Taoxian, who followed those men in white and mercilessly attacked the Imperial Forest Army.

An Guogong took his son to fight hard.

Angrily shouted, "Wei Anhou, you bastard! How dare you kill the king! I must cut off your bastard today!"

Cao Xinyi and Lan Yu fought back against each other among a group of men in black.

Both of them have low force values, and they can only defend themselves.

Sima Yan swung his knife away from the long swords of the two men in white and rescued Lan Yu and Cao Xinyi.

"Both of you go to His Majesty's side, the empress will protect you!"

In order to protect Lan Yu, Cao Xinyi was hit with several swords and was almost killed by two men in white. Sima Yan appeared and lifted the long sword of the man in white, and threw the two of them from the battle circle not far from Yan Feng's feet.

"Cough cough cough cough! You fell to my death!"

Lan Yu got up from the water, and the white clothes on her body had long lost color.

"How are you?" Lan Yu pulled Cao Xinyi up and saw that he had multiple stab wounds.

Cao Xinyi's eyes darkened, those people really want to rebel!

"I'm fine!" The two hid aside Yan Feng, and couldn't help but look at Long Yao together.

Long Yao stood quietly on the spot, her beauty was unsurpassed in the entire Beiyu Kingdom, now she just stood there quietly, she was already as beautiful as a picture scroll.

It's still raining.

Not just a little bit, but a torrential downpour.

The whole altar rained mixed with blood, accompanied by people who fell to the ground and became a Shura field.

The Heijia army has one enemy against a hundred, which is more than enough to deal with those people.

Long Yao watched with great interest, and scenes of massacres played out in his mind.

Those scenes were a hundred times more tragic than these.

The people in black and Jianzong were gradually defeated by the massacre of the black armor army.

Empress Dowager Wei was not reconciled to the fact that her situation was over, she wanted to turn around and leave.

"Where is the queen going?"

As soon as the clear and crisp voice came, the neck of Queen Mother Wei was firmly grasped by a small white hand.

The sudden change made everyone present stunned, and they subconsciously looked at the owner of that hand.

"You witch, let go of the queen mother!" Wei Anhou was startled, he never dreamed that this witch was so fast, she had captured the queen mother in the blink of an eye.

Long Yao raised her red lips slightly, "Witch?"

Long Yao raised her eyebrows, "I pray for rain to help the common people in the world, but in your eyes, I am a witch? Have you asked the opinions of the common people in the world?"

Wei Anhou's face turned red all of a sudden, how dare they ask the people's opinions?
The people can live with rainwater, they ask the people is it because they are not happy?
The Empress Dowager Wei was pinched by Long Yao's neck and could not move, for fear that if she resisted, she would lose her life.

He looked at Yanfeng imploringly, hoping to spare her life for the sake of her raising him.

If he wants to be in charge, she'll just give it back to him, as long as she doesn't kill her!
Yan Feng braved the rain and stood in front of the Queen Mother, Long Yao reluctantly let go of the Queen Mother's neck.

Cough cough cough!The queen mother fell to the ground, and was drenched by the heavy rain without her previous luxury and dignity.

"Yanfeng, let the queen mother go." The queen mother was strangled by Long Yao's neck for a long time, her voice was hoarse.

Wei Anhou has been caught by Yunluo, forcing him to kneel on the ground and cannot move.

"Mother? Let you go? Did you ever think about letting father and my mother go?"

"My mother and my father were in love with each other. It was you who made things difficult and had to let my father fight for the throne, which caused their brothers to fight each other. Later, I used my mother to threaten my father and force my father to marry you as the queen. Mother was tortured by you in the harem."

"If the father hadn't got your handle, I'm afraid it wouldn't be my turn to be the crown prince, and it wouldn't be my turn to sit on the throne now."

"Do you think this ceremony is really just to pray for rain? It's also to completely disintegrate your power. Do you understand now?"

This ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven can also be regarded as a round, a round for the Empress Dowager Wei to get into.

Empress Dowager Wei was shocked when she heard that, she never expected that he would dare to tamper with the heaven sacrifice ceremony?
"Impossible!" Obviously, those who supported him before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven did not change anything.

There is something extra in Long Yao's hand, which is the jade seal hidden by the Queen Mother of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Did you see it? With this thing, don't your so-called accomplices be obedient?"

"How do you have it?"

Empress Dowager Wei couldn't believe it. How did she get the jade seal in such a complex underground chamber with secret organs?
"I'm the witch you're talking about. It's nothing more than a jade seal, to me."

"Queen Wei, don't talk about the mechanisms you designed, even your head, I can take it at will."

"You have to take good care of your head in the future."

Long Yao gave a nasty smile, I won't scare you to death!

what!The Empress Dowager Wei was also a person who had experienced wind and rain, but she was so frightened by Long Yao that she passed out directly.

"Queen Mother! Queen Mother!" Wei Anhou struggled and rushed to Queen Mother Wei's side.

Yan Feng's face was gloomy and he said, "Wei Anhou, don't I need to say more about your relationship? I'll save some face for you, Brother Huang."

Yan Feng's elder brother is also the biological son of Empress Dowager Wei. He has taken good care of him since he was a child, and he cherishes the friendship he has had since childhood.

"You? You know everything?"

Wei Anhou couldn't believe that what he had planned for decades had just turned into a bubble.

"Of course I know. How are you going to face the emperor? He is born pure and kind. He never thought of becoming the emperor. It is you who have been forcing him to satisfy his ambitions. If you let the emperor know his life experience, you will let him know." How is he dealing with himself?"

Yan Feng lost his mother's care very early on, and then his father passed away. Yan Feng, who was only five years old, became a puppet emperor under the reign of Queen Mother Wei.

At a young age, Yan Feng has never been warmed up. Every time he is unhappy, his brother is always by his side.

If his imperial brother knew about his life experience, he wouldn't know how sad it would be.

Wei Anhou looked at the fallen Jianzong disciples one by one, and closed his eyes in despair. After all, he was completely defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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