Chapter 415 Relationships
Relying on Wei Taoxian's relationship, Wei Anhou planned to shoot Longyao at the ceremony.

But for some unknown reason, all the people who were secretly responsible for shooting back arrows died.

Now that the disciples of Jianzong who were on the surface were also beheaded, he didn't know how to explain to Jianzong.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Wei Anhou closed his eyes in despair.

"Father!" Wei Taoxian was caught, struggling unwillingly.

How can Marquis Wei An care about this adopted daughter?Even his own son doesn't know his own life experience, will he go crazy if he finds out?

Wei Taoxian was picked up and raised by him, his own son and his favorite woman, and he sent him to the palace as a tool for fighting for power.

Empress Dowager Wei is not his sister, but the woman he loves the most.

It's all over now!

"What does His Majesty want?"

Wei Anhou can only compromise now.

As a father, he didn't want to embarrass his son too much.

Everything he did was for his son.

"I will make it possible for you, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, to go to the underworld to reunite. I won't say anything to the emperor."

This is his bottom line.

The revenge of killing parents must be avenged. Let them bear the evil they did.

"Okay! Your Majesty wants to keep his word."

Wei Anhou only had his own son in his heart, and Wei Taoxian's life and death had nothing to do with him.

"I keep my word."

Yanfeng waved his hand, and Yunluo took him down.

Suddenly, Yanfeng felt dizzy for a while, and something seemed to be broken in his mind.


A dragon chant resounded through the sky, and a phantom of a green dragon appeared in the thunderstorm sky.

Then the phantom of the blue dragon got into Yan Feng's eyebrows and disappeared.

"True Dragon! Your Majesty is indeed the Son of the True Dragon!"

"I'll see your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

An Guogong took the lead and knelt down to salute.

He was more excited than anyone else, the real dragon emperor!The real real dragon emperor!
A lot of things were stuffed into Yanfeng's mind in an instant, which made his head aching like a splitting headache.

Long Yao unexpectedly raised her eyebrows slightly, did she get rid of the obsession in her heart and restore her previous memories?
He really is Qinglong!
Yan Feng grew up under oppression before, with blood and deep hatred in his heart, and every day he thinks in his heart is to strengthen himself and avenge his parents.

How can a king full of hatred think about the people's livelihood in the world?
Today's sacrifice ceremony can get rid of the Empress Dowager Wei, and also inspired Yanfeng's Qinglong soul, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy! '

Yan Feng opened his eyes suddenly, it was no longer the complicated look in the past, but sharp and killing.

Even if his whole body was soaked by the rain, the aura of dominating the world cannot be ignored.

He is like a born king, a born emperor!
The officials kneeling on the ground felt like a mountain was pressing on them, making them unable to breathe, making them have no desire to resist.

With Long Yao's inconceivable means in front of them, seeing the phantom of the dragon again today is not so difficult for them to accept.

I just feel that this is auspiciousness from heaven, the real dragon is here, God bless Beiyu country!

"Pingshen!" Yan Feng waved his hand and turned to Long Yao's side.

The majestic and inviolable face just now was painted with a gentle smile, the gentleness that can only be felt when facing Longyao.

"Yaoyao, thank you."

Long Yao smiled slightly, "You really are Qinglong! I'm not sure it's a coincidence, your name is obviously the same as Qinglong!"

Yan Feng was startled coldly, "You? How do you know?"

Long Yao looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, this rain will last at least three days and three nights.

"Let's go! Let's go back and talk!"

Long Yao dragged her words and returned to the tent.

The battle on the altar was over, and all civil and military officials who did not participate in the rebellion were placed in tents.

Those who participated in the rebellion were all executed on the spot by Yanfeng's order.

Changed into a normal attire, stared at Longyao suspiciously.

"It's strange, isn't it? Not only do I know your identity, but I also know Yuan Jun and Ye Yu. They are all my people now. I came here not only looking for Dragon Balls, but also looking for you."

As soon as Long Yao finished speaking, Yan Feng grabbed her arm excitedly.

"What did you say? Ye Yu and Yuan Jun? Where are they?"

Yanfeng had memories of the past, and also remembered who the two of them were.

He wants to see his brothers as soon as possible now!
"Ye Yu is not here. Yuan Jun was seriously injured and is still sleeping. One day you will meet."

Ye Yu is on Peach Blossom Island, and Yuan Jun is sleeping in the pawn shop, and even if he wants to meet, he can't see him.

"Is Yuan Jun's injury still not healed?"

Yan Feng squatted on the armchair decadently, thinking of the big battle between their brothers, they must have suffered serious injuries.

"You don't have to worry about them, you should worry about yourself! You are a weak chicken now."

Long Yao laughed and teased him.

Yanfeng smiled wryly, "I will continue to practice, and I will fight side by side with my brothers."

And Xuanwu has not been found, he believes that one day their brothers will reunite again.

"I can help you with this, but you have to follow me."

Long Yao intends to go back this time and bring Yan Feng with her. Ye Yu must be very happy to see Yan Feng.

"Go? Where are you taking me? Yaoyao, you haven't told me your real identity yet?"

"Now that I have the memories of the past, I know that the longbow in your hand is absolutely extraordinary."

Yan Feng couldn't see through her at all.

Whoever she was, she was the one who fell from the sky to redeem him.

"Me? I am the Dragon Emperor."

Long Yao spoke lightly, but his words were bluffed.

"How is it possible? You are the Taihuang Dragon Emperor? The Nine-Colored Dragon Emperor?"

Yan Feng pinched his cheeks hard, the pain made him tear up.

"Of course! You don't believe me? Otherwise, why would I come to find Dragon Ball?"

Long Yao rolled her eyes, did she have to lie?
Yan Feng's shoulders tilted violently, and he fell off the chair.

"Dragon Emperor! You are really the Dragon Emperor! My mother! How is this possible!"

"Have I seen the Dragon Emperor? Hahahaha! I have seen the Dragon Emperor!"

"God is not mean to me! You can let me meet the Dragon Emperor! That's great!"

Yan Feng got up from the ground, turned around excitedly, and couldn't help but murmur in his mouth.

"Stop! You're going to turn me around!"

"Do you believe that I am the Dragon Emperor so easily?"

Long Yao rubbed her chin and smiled, this guy is too innocent, right?
"Of course I do! You fell from the sky."

Yan Feng still remembers the scene clearly. She fell from the sky, like a goddess of war who saved them all.

Zhu Meng also said that she is the God of War, and the only one who can be called the God of War in the God Realm is the Dragon Emperor.

Long Yao had a headache and raised her forehead, she fell from the sky and became the Dragon Emperor?That was an accident, okay?

"By the way, Lord Dragon Emperor, you said you came to find Dragon Ball, what's going on?"

In the past, when she said she was looking for dragon balls, he thought they were unique gemstones, but now thinking about the dragon balls she said, they were all dragon balls in their dragon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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