Chapter 416 Previous Titles

Hearing his address, Long Yao curled her lips slightly, she hadn't heard this address for a long time.

Now being called out by him, it still feels a little familiar.

"From now on, you should still call me Yaoyao! Isn't it too far-fetched to be called Dragon Emperor?"

"As you can see, my current strength is not comparable to what it was before. That's because I have been reborn just like you."

Long Yao is also very helpless about her own strength, and it is worthwhile for her to experience a different life after dying twice.

If the strength is not strong, let's upgrade slowly first!

I hope those enemies are still alive and well!
"How could it be! The Dragon Emperor I know is omnipotent, how could he be reborn!"

The Dragon Emperor is the object of worship of the four of them, especially Yanfeng, who is also a member of the Dragon Clan is his glory.

He has been practicing diligently, just thinking that one day he can go to the Great Desolation God Realm to meet the Dragon Emperor.

Unexpectedly, they hadn't met the expected requirements, and the four of them died at the same time.

Now that the person he dreamed of seeing is right in front of him, how can he not be excited?not crazy
"Why can't I? In fact, I have almost forgotten many things in the past."

Long Yao picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, she couldn't remember many things from the past.

"Yaoyao, don't you feel your Dragon Ball here?"

Their dragon clan will all have a sense of their own dragon balls.

Long Yao lightly shook her head, "No, just wait and see!"

Since there are dragon balls marked on the map, there must be dragon balls, but the time has not yet come.

"I'll help you find it too."

Now that I know what kind of dragon balls I'm looking for, it's much easier.

If there is a vision from the sky, or where strange things appear, this is a sign of treasures, which direction they can look for.

It rained for three days and three nights, and the whole Beiyu Kingdom cheered.

Severe droughts and floods will inevitably lead to plagues. In order to prevent the occurrence of plagues, Yanfeng ordered officials from all over the country to distribute free herbal medicines to resist the plagues.

The Empress Dowager Wei and Wei Anhou were secretly executed by Yan Feng, and they found a beautiful excuse to execute them.

When Yan Feng told his brother Yan Qing about this matter, Yan Qing was silent for a long time.

In the end, Yan Qing decided to travel around the world and learn about people's livelihood on his behalf.

He refused him because of his bad words, and personally sent him out of the imperial city, and gave him a communication jade card before leaving, so that the two of them could contact each other conveniently.

"Take care, Your Majesty." Yan Qing cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and got into the carriage.

Yan Feng's eyes were red as he watched the carriage drifting away.

"Actually, you, the emperor, know everything. If he leaves, he doesn't know how to face you, right?"

Long Yao sighed in her heart, how could such ruthless people as Empress Dowager Wei and Wei Anhou raise such a reasonable son?

Rumors and rumors subconsciously glanced at Long Yao, "His parents killed my parents, and I killed his parents. We can still be called brothers, so it's a good and bad relationship, right?"

Yan Qing is actually self-aware. He is not of royal blood, but he enjoys the treatment that royal blood should have. In order to save face for him, the emperor did not inform the world of his life experience. He is already very grateful.

"When is it time to repay the injustice? It is the best result for the two of you to have now."

Long Yao also relaxed and smiled, it is really rare to have two such people in the royal family.

"Yeah! That's great! Now my work is over, and I'm helping Lord Dragon Emperor find the Dragon Ball."

Yan Feng is now the real emperor, and it is convenient for him to do anything with real power.

"Take it easy! Don't feel where it is."

Long Yao went out of the palace in a dawdly manner, leaving Yan Feng alone to read the memorial in the imperial study bitterly.

Today is the day when Qizhen Building reopens.

After a series of publicity, coupled with the newly renovated Qizhen Building, it has long attracted the attention of those dignitaries.

A red cloth covers the plaque, and the horse shopkeeper greets guests with a smiling face in front of the door.

Twenty shop waiters and twenty guards stood neatly outside the door.

"I heard that this Qizhen building is the property of the empress."

"Not only this family is the property of the empress, but the whole three streets are all the property of the empress!"

"Really? The empress is really rich!"

"Even though the empress is rich, she never drives up the market price, and the prices of things in other shops are not high."

"I also heard that during the drought, the grain in the empress's rice shop was still sold at normal prices."


The people in front of the Qizhen Building said everything, and they all said admiration for Longyao.

The success of Long Yao's praying for rain is well known throughout the world, and everyone is proud of having such a queen in Beiyu State.

Long Yao sat in the wing room, looking out from the window.

Yan Feng and Yun Luo looked here and there in the wing room, like two idiots who have never seen the world.

The wing room doesn't look big from the outside, but when you walk in, it's quite different.

Long Yao rebuilt the Qizhen Building by using the space folding technique. It looks like a small three-story building from the outside, but it is as big as twenty three-story small buildings inside.

In order to deceive others, Long Yao asked Shopkeeper Ma to only decorate the outside, and the inside was built by herself.

The Hot Pot Barbecue City on another street is still under construction.

In the future, the shops on the entire street will be connected together and become a food street.

"Yaoyao, this house is too nice!"

Yanfeng has the memory of the past, and knows that this room is made from space folding books.

But how precious is a master craftsman?What's more, he is still a master refiner who can use the space folding technique?
"It's not good, how can it attract people to spend money?"

From now on, the Qizhen Building will be a gathering place for luxury goods, a place for dignitaries to sell gold.

Exchange the rare treasures of the world for the money in the pockets of those rich people.

"That's right." Even if Yanfeng is the emperor, he has never seen so many strange things in Qizhen Tower.

Amidst the uproar, the plaque of Qizhen Building was officially unveiled.

The three big golden characters of Qizhen Building shine brightly in the sunlight.

"Today, the Qizhen Building reopens, and everything inside is [-]% off. Please come inside!"

Shopkeeper Ma first made an opening remark that is usually not new.

The crowd couldn't wait to go in and have a look, and they rushed into the Qizhen Building before Shopkeeper Ma finished his opening remarks.

The horse shopkeeper's feet were almost swollen from being stepped on, so he quickly dodged aside.

"It's really going downhill! Why don't you follow the rules?"

The horse shopkeeper clutched his feet and muttered for a while.

"It was an eye-opener!"

An Guogong also went to the Qizhen Building to join in the fun, but he couldn't move when he saw the weapons inside.

Cao Xinyi came with his father. An ice-blue crossbow on the shelf imprinted in his eyes, and he picked up the small crossbow and looked at it carefully.

A shop waiter came over, "Young Master, this is the latest weapon from Qizhen Building. It is small and exquisite and has a long range. The most important thing is that it is easy to carry."

(End of this chapter)

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