Chapter 418

Seeing that Lan Yu was satisfied with the jade flute, the waiter in the shop continued, "My lord, please go to the secret room to recognize the master."

"Okay! My son can't wait."

"Let's go! Go and see with me."

Lan Yu dragged Cao Xinyi and followed the waiter to the secret room.

"Please, two gentlemen!" The waiter led the two of them to the secret room.

The secret room was empty, and a few head-sized night pearls were inlaid on the wall, illuminating the entire secret room.

"Your boss is really rich."

Lan Yu joked that the Empress Dowager is indeed the richest.

He, the richest man in the Northern Yu Kingdom, is simply not worth it.

"Young master is joking, please."

The waiter led the two of them to a table and picked up a jade bottle.

"What is this for?" Lan Yu didn't know why.

Cao Xinyi was also at a loss.

"My lord, this is the bond-bonding potion."

People here can't practice, and there is no aura in the veins, so they can't make a contract with the spiritual weapon.

Long Yao prepared this potion in order to allow them to make a contract with the spirit weapon.

"How to use this?" Lan Yu was a little dumbfounded holding the jade bottle.

"My lord, please put a drop of blood on the flute."

The waiter took out a silver needle and pricked his finger.

A drop of blood dripped on the jade flute, and the shop waiter dripped the medicine on the blood.

A golden light flashed, and Lan Yu felt as if he could feel Yudi's emotions.

Because of the contract, the jade snake on the jade flute came alive.

The jade snake spit out a blood-red snake letter, tilted its head to look at Lan Yu, and then fell asleep wrapped around the jade flute again.

"This, this, this? What's the situation?"

This was the first time for Lan Yu to see such a weird thing.

The shop clerk smiled and said: "Young Master, there are more! This little snake is named Jade Viper. It is very poisonous. It can protect you at critical times. It is also a flute and sword. You can press this button to see."

Lan Yu obediently pressed the little white bead.

Clang!The crisp sword sound is crisp and loud.

The snow-white blade was as thin as a cicada's wing, shining with a cold light.

"Good sword!" Cao Xinyi couldn't help admiring.

The waiter in the shop smiled and said, "Young master, are you satisfied?"

It means that you are always satisfied and pay quickly, and when he thinks of those commissions, he can't wait to yell three times to vent his excitement.

"Satisfied! I can't be more satisfied!"

Blue Rain never thought that there would be such a good weapon in the world.

With these handy weapons, it is like adding wings to a tiger.

"Young Master, as long as you are satisfied! Please follow me to pay the money."

The waiter took the two of them out of the secret room and arrived at the cash register.

All Longyao in the store had a panoramic view, she put down the tea bowl in her hand and raised her red lips.

Yan Feng and Yun Luo had already returned to the palace, and Long Yao was the only one left in the room.

"Come on! Go invite Mr. Cao and Mr. Lan."

There must always be someone to help her take care of everything here, and these two are the best candidates.

"It's the owner." The guards outside the door quickly led the two of them to the wing.

The two looked at each other, knelt down and kowtowed together, "I pay my respects to the empress."

"Get up! Master Lan, are you satisfied with your weapons?"

Seeing the jade flute on Lan Yu's waist, Long Yao smiled meaningfully.

"Very satisfied! I don't know what the empress called for?"

Lan Yu clasped her fists in salute.

"Discuss a deal with you, sit down."

Long Yao poured a cup of tea for each of them.

"Thank you Queen Empress."

The two sat together opposite Long Yao.

"I don't know what business the empress wants to do?"

Cao Xinyi is straight-hearted like his father, and will say anything directly.

"I can't take care of my Nuoda property without anyone to take care of it. I want to ask you two to take care of it. How about the two of you accounting for [-]% of my property?"

After she leaves, she still needs the things here in exchange for energy points, so she must find two people she trusts.

hiss!The two gasped. Doesn't the Empress know how much her property is?The [-]% share is enough to withstand their entire Lan family's property.

"Bring it up!" Long Yao waved, and the guard put a tray on the table.

It is the secret book and weapon that Cao Xinyi fancy.

This unicorn-patterned flame gun was exactly the weapon Cao Xinyi had fancyed just now.

"Young Master Cao, giving this unicorn-patterned flame gun to you is considered a meeting gift."

Long Yao waved, and the weapon was in front of Cao Xinyi.

The flame gun is only two feet long, and the silver-patterned red cherry blossoms complement each other.

Under the weapon is a book of flame guns.

"This?" Cao Xinyi really liked this gun.

Lan Yu winked at him, "Take it!"

Sleepy, someone sent a pillow, and the money was delivered to the door, don't be a fool.

"Is it really just helping the empress manage the property?"

Cao Xinyi's heart was pounding, was such an expensive gift considered a bribe?
"I know what you are thinking, this is not a bribe, it is the sincerity of buying you to take care of the property."

"I don't have much time to manage these industries all the time. I need to find someone I can trust."

"I think the two of you are quite suitable."

Long Yao still trusted these two people.

During the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the two of them tried their best to protect their words, so they deserved her trust.

"Thank you for your trust! I will never let you down."

The two knelt down together, their voices clanging.

This can be regarded as indirectly accepting the weapon sent by Long Yao.

"Get up! These are two pills that will benefit you, eat them if you can trust them!"

Since she is one of her own, Long Yao doesn't intend to treat her badly.

The stronger they are, the more they can protect Beiyu Country and her industry here.

The two of them took the elixir without hesitation, even if it was a poison to control them, he was willing to take it.

Long Yao waited quietly, and when the golden light on the two of them dissipated, she saw that the two of them had immortal aura, and their aura had changed greatly compared to before.

"Thank you for the kindness of my mother's rebirth."

Neither of them is a fool, and the changes on their bodies are clearly visible.

Looking at Long Yao invisibly, who is the Empress?

"When the time comes, you will naturally know!"

Even if Long Yao knew that they doubted her identity, she didn't intend to say more, and even if she said it, they might not believe it.

The two looked at each other, "Your Majesty, tell us about your future plans."

"Okay!" Long Yao took out a plan and handed it to the two of them.

Looking at the plan in their hands, the two became more and more shocked. If this plan is implemented, their Beiyu Kingdom will become the most powerful country in a short time.

"Does Your Majesty know about this plan?"

Cao Xinyi clenched his fists excitedly. This plan should really be seen by those ministers who can only talk about it.

During the years when the Queen Mother was in power in the Northern Yu Kingdom, it could almost be said that the treasury was empty and the people had no means of living.

Now that His Majesty is officially in power, with the help of the Empress, they believe that the world will usher in a peaceful and prosperous world in a short time.

"Of course he knows that there are not many people that His Majesty, the minister of the court, can trust. His Majesty has decided to open the Koenke, and civilians can also become officials."

"The plan above will only be seen by trustworthy people."

The official circles of Beiyu Kingdom are all the children of the aristocratic families, and the common people's children can't enter the court to be an official even if they read a lot of books.

(End of this chapter)

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