Chapter 419 Proposal

Yan Feng followed Long Yao's suggestion and planned to give scholars all over the world the opportunity to become officials in the court.

Longyao's plan also has a detailed plan on people's livelihood, how to increase food production.

"Empress, what is this chemical fertilizer you mentioned above?"

They are very curious about the fertilizers used to increase production.

"The farmyard manure used specifically to increase grain production is similar, but it works faster and increases production more than that."

The chemical fertilizers in her hands are not ordinary chemical fertilizers, and they will not agglomerate when used in the ground like those ordinary chemical fertilizers, which will make the food lose its original taste.

Her chemical fertilizers are the feces of spirit beasts in the God Realm, and after some tempering, they are excellent fertilizers.

The corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched when she saw spirit animal feces for sale in the Wanjie pawnshop. Is this thing still sold in the God Realm?
"Then ordinary people can really use this chemical fertilizer?"

It was hard for Cao Xinyi to imagine what cheap things the empress could have here.

"Naturally, a fertilizer brick the size of a head is soaked in water and can irrigate hundreds of acres of fertile land. It will lose its effectiveness after a year of use. A fertilizer brick costs two taels of silver. Do you think it's expensive?"

Since Longyao intends to help the common people, naturally he will not charge too much money.

"It's really not expensive."

Cao Xinyi did some calculations and felt that the fertilizer bricks were really not expensive.

"Empress, has the effect of fertilizer bricks been tested?"

Lan Yu's family also has thousands of fertile fields, and the farmyard manure is not enough every year, and the grain output is only that much, and there will not be much more.

If the fertilizer brick works well, he can give it a try first.

"Your family's fertile land can be tried first."

If you want the people to trust you, someone needs to lead the experiment, and the Lan family is the best choice.

"Our Cao family can also try."

Their Cao family also has fertile land, so they can experiment together.

"Alright! Then I will leave this matter to the two of you."

What Long Yao was waiting for was their words. Finally, someone could help her to share her worries, and she could be the shopkeeper again.

"Okay! Empress, don't worry."

The two vowed and left the Qizhen Building with their respective things.

The Qizhen Building was overcrowded for three consecutive days, and during these three days, the reputation of the Qizhen Building had spread throughout the entire Beiyu Kingdom.

There is also a continuing tendency to spread to the remaining countries.

In the blink of an eye, March has passed, and today is the opening day of the food street.

Long Yao swaggered down the street, followed by Cao Xinyi and Lan Yu.

"I said empress, you are too generous, aren't you?"

Lan Yu had to admire Long Yao's boldness.

The whole street has taken on a new look, and the scene of thousands of people renovating it is still vivid in my memory.

"What is this? Follow me in the future and you will see more."

Long Yao took the two of them into the barbecue hot pot city.

The entire long street is full of gourmet shops, and the barbecue and hot pot city alone occupies half of the street.

There are three gates of BBQ Hot Pot City, and half a street of shops from the second floor have been connected together.

No matter from which door you go in or go up to the second floor, you can walk freely in the hot pot restaurant and barbecue city.

The first floor is the rest and waiting area, and the second floor is the eating area.

The third floor is the office area and the accommodation area for the staff.

Long Yao took the two of them to a private room on the second floor, "Please sit down! Today I will show you what barbecue and hot pot are."

"Then we really need to get to know each other well."

The two sat elegantly, waiting for the delicious food to be served.

Not long after, the waiter pushed a small cart into the private room, and another waiter was holding a pot.

"Meet the empress."

The shop waiter was the first to kneel down and salute.

"Get up! I'm just your boss here."

"Hurry up and serve them dinner."

Although Long Yao didn't like those red tapes, she also acquiesced to their salutes.

Maybe it's because she remembered some things in the God Realm. It has become a habit for others to kneel down and salute her there, right?
"Yes!" The waiter arranged the meat and vegetables one by one, and put two pieces of charcoal into the pot.

"Empress, is this the charcoal you mentioned?"

This was the first time for Lan Yu to see the legendary charcoal, and it really didn't choke at all when it burned.

"That's right! Back when I told you to partner with me in the charcoal business, you still dismissed it. Do you regret it now?"

As long as the hot pot comes out, her charcoal will definitely be in short supply.

Even now, Lan Yu felt that the sale of charcoal was unreliable.

"Empress, I still feel a little suspenseful."

The Lan family was able to have today's status as an imperial merchant, relying on prudence and careful planning.

Blue Rain couldn't see through the future of charcoal, so he didn't want to rush to conclusions.

Cao Xinyi said: "Empress, I can cooperate with you."

The Cao family's current income is all maintained by the income of Cao Xinyi helping Longyao manage the store.

If they can cooperate in the charcoal business again, there must be room for his family's economy to turn around.

The economy of Duke Anguo's mansion is so tight because all the money is used to support the army.

An Guogong Cao Xuan led 50 troops, and the treasury was empty and could not support the normal expenditure of the army. An Guogong had to use his own money to subsidize it.

Now even if the treasury has money, it will not be all used for the army led by An Guogong, it needs to be arranged reasonably.

Cao Xinyi wanted to earn more money for his family, so there would be nothing wrong with cooperating with the empress.

"Okay!" Long Yao agreed, and finally someone helped her.

The kiln for firing charcoal is too large, and she has no reliable candidates.

It is impossible to count on that rumor, the cronies around that guy can count on five fingers.

Long Yao complained about Qinglong every day, and after being reborn, she became a useless emperor.

"The hot pot is ready, eat it quickly!"

I'm here for dinner today, how can I talk about business!
It's still important to eat!

The meat slices are neither fat nor thin, arranged in a flower shape and placed on a plate, surrounded by plates of fresh green vegetables.

Meatballs, mushrooms, hairy tripe, bamboo shoots, vermicelli, etc.

All the ingredients they have never seen before are full of a whole table here.

"How do I eat this?"

Cao Xinyi was a little dumbfounded holding the chopsticks. Are these all raw?
"Look how I eat!"

Picking up the seasoning, I first made an oil dish for myself, and then made a sesame sauce dish for myself.

The two imitated Long Yao's practice and prepared the sauce dish.

"Put the meat in a pot and cook it, and then it will be ready to eat after blanching in water for three counts."

"Oh! It's delicious! I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time."

Long Yao's favorite food is hairy tripe and mutton. These different and ordinary ingredients are more delicious.

Seeing Long Yao eating so vigorously, the two imitated her way of cooking hot meat.

"Oh! Delicious! Empress, is this hot pot? How can it be so delicious?"

Lan Yu couldn't stop eating.

Cao Xinyi was not much better either.

Long Yao smiled lightly, she didn't believe that the famous hot pot and eight major cuisines could not conquer their taste buds?
(End of this chapter)

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