Chapter 420 Food Street

There are not only barbecue and hot pot on the food street, but also eight major cuisines have been moved here by Longyao.

There are high-end places, and there are also places where ordinary people can afford to eat. Here you will eat delicious food from all over the world.

"Empress, the skewers are here."

The shop waiter brought a plate of barbecue to the private room.

"Come on! Put it here quickly."

Long Yao can't wait to eat kebabs.

There are also kebabs on Peach Blossom Island, but Mo Xun never lets her eat more.

She must eat enough this time.

"Oh! It's delicious! That's what it tastes like."

"Eat! You eat too!"

Long Yao slurred while eating the skewers.

I don't know if it's because of the water and soil environment, but the pork here tastes more fragrant, and the mutton tastes more delicate.

"Empress, you look too bold when you eat, don't you?"

Cao Xinyi was a little speechless. Is the person with one foot on the stool and eating barbecue with his sleeves rolled up really the empress?
Not only that, but the person who was sweating from the hot pot, raised his sleeves and continued to eat, is he really that noble empress?
"Cut! What do you know? It's cool to eat like this! If it weren't for my inability to drink, I would definitely have a good drink with you!"

Long Yao herself is also very depressed, why can't she drink alcohol?Get drunk when you drink.

"Then let's be presumptuous for a while today, drinking and eating meat with the empress."

Lan Yu has an uninhibited temperament, and it is interesting to see Long Yao's heroic way of eating.

The three of them had a great time eating in the room, and a waiter outside the door lowered his head and listened to the movement inside.

I looked around and saw that there was no one walking outside, so I quietly opened the door and entered the room.

Hiding behind the screen, a pair of hateful eyes stared at Long Yao who was dressed in red.

Whoosh! "I'm going to kill you!"

Wei Taoxian drew out the soft sword at his waist, and charged directly at Longyao's back.

"Empress, be careful!"

The jade flute in Lan Yu's hand resisted Wei Taoxian's dark sword.

Wei Taoxian was forced to take two steps back, Kan Kan stabilized his feet, "She really is a flirtatious woman! It's not enough that you snatched His Majesty away, and you're still fooling around with them here!"

Seeing that Long Yao didn't speak, she continued: "I'm here to take your dog's life today! You caused me to lose everything, so I will use your life to pay for it."

Long Yao sneered, "I don't need you to judge who I am! Bengong expelled you from the capital to save your life, and you dare to come back?"

"So you don't intend to live anymore, do you?"

At the beginning, she saved Wei Taoxian's life, so she thought that she would just go back to Jianzong and keep her own life.

If you actually sent him to your door today looking for death, then don't blame her for killing him directly.

"What's the point of Miss Ben living like a lost dog? If you hadn't ruined my life, would I be what I am today?"

"The position of queen is mine! It's you! It's you who destroyed everything about me!"

Wei Taoxian's eyes were full of hatred, wishing to tear Longyao apart now.

She was originally an orphan, and Wei Anhou took her in when she saw that she was beautiful. At first, she was just a dispensable person in the Wei Mansion, but after a few years of groping in the big dye vat in the back house, I let her know One reason is that if you want a good life, you have to rely on yourself!
Wei Taoxian was not reconciled to being neglected among Wei Anhou's many adopted daughters, so she learned to play tricks and eliminate dissidents.

Finally, Wei Anhou noticed Wei Taoxian's existence, and while admiring her scheming, he also became more defensive.

Wei Taoxian received enough attention from the Hou family and became the real eldest lady of the Wei family.

Wei Anhou also sent her to Jianzong, hoping to help his biological son achieve great things one day.

Speaking of which, Wei Taoxian is just a pawn in Wei Anhou's hands.

Wei Taoxian has lived a luxurious life for so many years, and when she enters the palace and becomes a queen, she will no longer be controlled by others.

She will be a queen under one person and above ten thousand people. At that time, she will live the most extravagant life, with the power of life and death in her hands, who would dare to resist her?

Even the Wei family would kneel in front of her and bow down in the end.

All these good things were broken by Long Yao, not only the extravagant life was gone, but also he was reprimanded by his master when he returned to Zongmen.

Not only did she reprimand her, but she was also defiled by that old immortal, who locked her in a cage and tortured her day and night.

She became a tool for that old thing to vent/vent/beast/desire.

In those days, her life was worse than death.

She finally escaped for revenge.

Seeing the drastically changed capital, the hatred in Wei Taoxian's eyes grew deeper and deeper.

Why did the person who caused her have an estate that would never be spent in several lifetimes, and enjoyed treatment that she couldn't even imagine? Why should she be a bereaved dog!

She wants revenge!She wants to take back everything that belongs to her!
As long as that woman dies, everything she owns will be hers!

Long Yao finds it ridiculous, her own destiny is in her own hands, why should she pay the bill when she is down and out?

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? You can be a queen without me? Have you ever asked Yanfeng if he would marry you?"

"You said that this palace destroyed everything about you? Even without me, you probably wouldn't be able to be a queen, right?"

"Wei Taoxian, you said that I didn't want to cherish your life because I kindly spared your life. In order not to leave you as a troublesome future trouble, how about I kill you?"

His white and cold hands grabbed Wei Taoxian's neck in a blink of an eye.

Click!Before Wei Taoxian could react, his eyes were already protruding.

Cao Xinyi was slightly taken aback.

Lan Yu never thought it would be so easy for the empress to strangle someone to death.

"Come on! Take people down."

Long Yao took out a white towel and wiped her hands, it's better not to let such annoying flies live.

"Yes!" Two guards came in and led him out of the private room.

Cao Xinyi looked at Longyao now, and there were some complicated emotions in his eyes.

Lan Yu didn't think it was a big deal, if he didn't kill such a person, wouldn't he keep it for the Chinese New Year?

"What a disappointment! Don't eat it! You eat it! I'll go back first."

Long Yao's interest was disturbed by others, and she lost any desire/desire to eat.

Seeing the red figure walking away, Cao Xinyi said, "Is it a blessing or a curse for such a cruel woman to be by His Majesty's side?"

The thing about the rooster sitting in the morning has already happened in Beiyu country, so is it possible that there will be another Queen Mother Wei?
Lan Yu said, "Brother Xin Yi, you still haven't seen through the empress's ability?"

"I think you are too soft-hearted. You have not followed An Guogong to the battlefield. You may not know the cruelty there. Only the Empress Empress can help His Majesty revitalize the Beiyu Kingdom."

After listening to his words, Cao Xinyi's mind suddenly became very clear, yes!It's because he's too soft-hearted.

He has never been to a battlefield, and his parents and elder brother also protected him very well, and did not want him to be exposed to those bloody scenes.

Sometimes his father and brother would tell him about the situation on the battlefield, he should have woken up long ago.

"You're right! I'm too soft-hearted."

Cao Xinyi thought about what the empress did just now, and the discomfort just now was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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