After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 421 Where is the Dragon Ball

Chapter 421 Where is the Dragon Ball

Long Yao returned to the palace, lying on the bed with her legs crossed, staring at the bright moon in the sky in a daze.

"Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball! Where are you?"

She really didn't understand, she didn't feel the breath of Dragon Ball at all.

"What is Yaoyao doing?"

The voice of Yan Feng came from the window.

When Long Yao got up, she saw Yan Feng jumped in from the window.

"Hey! Master Qinglong can also climb windows!"

Long Yao laughed and joked.

Yan Feng patted the non-existent dust on his body, and smiled, "My Lord Dragon Emperor, it's because it's midnight! It's too troublesome to disturb those servants when you walk through the main entrance."

Long Yao pouted, "I believe you are evil! Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Is it so obvious?" Yan Feng rubbed his hands and approached Long Yao obsequiously.

Long Yao nodded, "It's too obvious! You don't look like an emperor, if you have something to say, hurry up, or I'll kick you out?"

"Don't, don't! How dare I call myself the emperor in front of you!"

"Lord Dragon Emperor, I've finished the pill you gave me, hehe! Can you give me some more?"

Yan Feng has been concentrating on cultivating these days, and with the support of Long Yao's elixir, his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds.

"It's been prepared for you a long time ago! Take it!"

Long Yao threw him a bottle of elixir.

"Okay! Then you rest! Resign, little one!" Yan Feng mischievously said, took the pill and went to practice.

Long Yao smiled helplessly, what kind of people are around her?One by one!
The days passed like running water, and a year passed in a blink of an eye.

The effectiveness of the fertilizer bricks has already seen results, and the output of Blue Rain's thousand hectares of fertile land is five times higher than before.

The rest of the farmers who bought fertilizer bricks also knelt on the ground and cried because of the bumper harvest.

"Thank you Empress Empress for giving us people a good life!"

"Thank you Empress Empress for your great kindness!"

"The Empress is a fairy!"

When the common people saw the heavy ears of wheat in the field, they knelt and kowtowed together.

Yan Feng led all the civil and military officials to the field, seeing such a high yield of grain, he couldn't help but get red eyes.

"Did you see it! This is the grain we harvested this year, and the common people can finally have enough to eat!"

Yanfeng took all the officials to go to the fields to collect grain in person, and let those pampered officials know that the people are not easy.

All the officials bit the bullet and went to the fields to collect grain. After a day, they were all lying on the ground so tired that they didn't want to move.

Sure enough, who knows that every piece of Chinese food is hard work!
In the past year, people all over the country will buy a fertilizer brick to fertilize their own food.

Seeing the hope of survival, the common people are smiling every day.

This year, people across the country ushered in an unprecedented bumper harvest.

The treasury granary of Beiyu Kingdom could no longer hold grain, and the common people no longer had to worry about paying grain taxes.

The food street in Longyao is famous all over the country, and the charcoal business is booming.

People from other countries all came here admiringly. In order to study in Beiyu country, they all signed an agreement of common development and peaceful coexistence with Beiyu country.

From then on, Northern Yu and Zhou Kingdom all fell into a state of peace.

The war is to compete for food. With the support of Longyao, the rest of the countries are self-sufficient in food, and cattle and sheep can be sold to Beiyu country in exchange for what they need.

Long Yao was sleeping, a lot of power of faith and golden light of merit penetrated into the center of Long Yao's eyebrows.

The golden power of faith and the golden light of merit converged between her brows, and an orange bead was slowly forming.

Zhumeng came out with a 'whoosh'.

"Hahahahaha! Dragon Ball! Dragon Ball!"

Zhu Meng happily flew around the room.

It turns out that the dragon balls in this interface can only be formed by relying on the power of faith and merit here.

Long Yao didn't know anything about the outside world in her sleep, she just felt that there were many things in her mind.

Orange represents 'goodness'.

Only with kind thoughts in the heart can the merits and virtues be perfected.

Long Yao's dream is full of pink, a white figure dancing sword in the peach forest, like a frightened bird, like a swimming dragon.

Long Yao who was hiding behind the peach tree was like a spectator, her eyes never parted from that white figure.

She wanted to see the appearance of the white figure clearly, but she couldn't see clearly.

puff!Long Yao, who was acting as a spectator, looked down at the long sword on her chest, and blood dripped from the corner of her mouth onto the blade.

Long Yao wanted to see the man's face clearly, but she couldn't see clearly no matter what, could she not do it if she wanted to see who killed her?

"Your heart is so cruel!" Long Yao's red figure fell into the rain of flowers all over the sky.

The figure of the man in white gradually drifted away, Long Yao also slowly closed his eyes.

Lying on the bed, Long Yao suddenly opened her eyes, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Everything in the dream is so real, and the pain in the chest can still be clearly felt.

Looking at the bright full moon outside the window, Long Yao raised her hand to grab something, but her slender fingers curled up and didn't grab anything.

At this moment Zhu Meng flew in front of her eyes, "Yaoyao, are you finally awake?"

She had slept for three days and three nights, but it was terribly frightened.

Yan Feng has been guarding here for two days, and he just went to wash up and planned to go to court.

"How long have I slept?"

Long Yao struggled to get up and found that she had no strength in her whole body.

"It's been three days, you should feel the dragon ball in your body, right?"

Zhu Meng hurriedly wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Long Yao grabbed Zhu Meng, held it in her arms and stroked it, "Zhu Meng, we should go again, right?"

Zhu Meng got a small head out of her arms, "Yaoyao, what's wrong with you? I feel that something is wrong with you, did you remember something?"

Long Yao sighed, "I was killed in my dream. It was a man in white. I couldn't see his face clearly."

She is very familiar with the Taolin in the dream, that is the Taolin where Mo Xun lives, is that man Mo Xun?
"Yaoyao, don't think about it, wait until all the dragon balls are gathered, and you will remember everything."

Zhu Meng couldn't bear her suffering, so she patted the back of her hand to comfort her.

"That's all! Don't think so much, arrange things here, we should go back."

She can't take Qinglong away temporarily, so she can't abduct the emperor of a country, can she?
Let Yan Feng practice well here.

"What! Are you leaving?"

As soon as Yan Feng ran to Fengqi Palace, he heard her say this.

Long Yao clasped her ears, "What's all this fuss about! You can stay here to practice for now! This is for you, as long as you have this token, you can go to my place to meet your brother."

The token is the key to the pawnshop in the world, and he can go as long as he wants.

"Then will you come?"

Yan Feng is like an abandoned puppy, pitifully grabbing Long Yao's sleeve and not letting go.

This is too sudden!Just leave!
"Come on! When the time comes, your strength will be about the same and the country will be on the right track. You can go directly to the pawnshop and don't come back. Is it possible that you still want to stay here?"

Yan Feng has started to practice, and his lifespan must be longer than ordinary people. Could it be possible that he will become an immortal emperor here and be regarded as a monster?
(End of this chapter)

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