Chapter 423
As soon as Long Yao finished reading her physical condition, a flood of memories entered her mind.

"Dare to feel that this body is transformed from the soul fragments scattered by Lao Tzu before! Is he still a fool now?"

"Not only is he a fool, but his strength is so good?"

According to this fool's memory, this body is the prostitute of Long Xiao, Marquis of Wu'an.

In order to appease Long Xiao, the emperor devoted himself to guarding the frontier, and personally named Long Yao the princess of Wu'an.

Not only that, the emperor also married Longyao to his sixth son Yu Wenning.

Long Xiao was guarding the frontier and was often unable to take care of his daughter, so he assigned a trusted subordinate to take care of her.

Long Yao's second uncle saw that his niece was a fool and couldn't take care of the huge Wu'an Hou Mansion, so he personally wrote to Long Xiao asking to take care of Wu'an Hou Mansion and Long Yao.

Long Xiao never thought that his second brother would occupy the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, so he agreed to his request.

These years have passed, and the entire Marquis of Wu'an has become the domain of Longyao's second uncle, Longrong, who not only eats Long Xiao's salary, but also treats Longyao harshly.

The person who waited on Long Yao's side was Shi Yun, the bodyguard of Long Yao's father, Long Xiao, who became lame because of the battle, so Long Xiao arranged to take care of her by his daughter's side.

Long Yao was injured because she saw her fiancé, Yu Wenning, with her second uncle's cousin, Long Suwan. She was stimulated and wanted to kill Long Suwan, but was beaten to death by the guards beside Long Suwan. Throw it back to the instructor's dormitory of the college.

When Longyao arrived here, that 'Longyao' was no longer alive, and when the soul fragments were about to disappear, they were forcibly fused by Longyao who came here.

Zhu Menglei's dying is the reason for helping Long Yao fuse the soul fragments.

Long Yao now remembered everything, that Shiyun was injured by Yu Wenning's guards in order to save him, and she is still unconscious.

"Zhu Meng, take a good rest, I'm going out first."

Long Yao drank two sips of the dew from the Holy Spirit tree for Zhu Meng, and left the pawn shop after seeing that it was asleep.

I ran downstairs and went to the next room.

The instructors of the Martial Arts Academy live in separate small courtyards, and Long Yao lives in the worst one.

Shiyun lives in a room on the first floor of the small building.

When Long Yao opened the door, she saw Shiyun covered in blood on the bed. In winter, the room was as cold as a freezer, without even a brazier.

The quilt on the bed was in tatters, so thin that it was almost transparent, and it was almost as if people would not freeze to death in such a cold weather.

Long Yao remembered that the quilt she had covered was a new one, and the thick pink quilt was not cold at all.

There is also a brazier burning charcoal in her room, and the room does not feel cold at all.

Long Yao took out a thick silk quilt from the pawnshop and covered him with it.

I gave him another two sips of dew from the Holy Spirit tree, checked his pulse carefully, and found that his injury was healing.

It's just that his lameness takes a while to heal.

It was only then that Long Yao took a closer look at this person. He was only 21 years old, and his face was a little immature, but he took on the responsibility of taking care of a fool.

He is like a big brother, giving Long Yao warmth and protecting her all the time.

Leave all the delicious food to her, but he himself is often hungry, and give Long Yao any new clothes.

Longyao's second uncle had cut off all of Longyao's expenses three years ago, and could only rely on Shiyun to earn coins as sandbags in the academy to support Longyao.

Long Yao is an idiot, but she was curious about being able to be a tutor at the Martial Arts Academy.

Logically speaking, being a tutor is also paid, but Long Yao didn't even see a silver coin.

She is a princess, and her salary for a year will not be less, but she will live in such a poor way.

Long Yao sneered, this is interesting!

Seeing that Shi Yun had fallen asleep peacefully, Long Yao opened the door and saw that the courtyard was covered with snow.

There was not a single footprint in the yard, which meant that no one had been in the yard these days.

No one will care about Long Yao's life or death, so naturally no one will come.

Long Yao picked up a broken branch and began to sweep the snow. There was not even a decent tool in this yard.

"It's really nice to be bullied by others! Let's see how I can recover these debts!"

This is the Martial Dao Continent, so beating someone and killing someone is no big deal!

The snow has stopped, and the clean ground is exposed in the swept places.


Long Yao rubbed her stomach and went to the kitchen helplessly. The rice in the kitchen had already bottomed out, let alone vegetables and meat.

"Forget it, let's get something to eat from my pawn shop."

There was plenty of food in the pawnshop, so I took some rice noodles and vegetable meat out and put them in the kitchen.

"Shiyun's injury is still not healed, so I can only drink some meat porridge."

Just about to make meat porridge, I found that there was no dry firewood.

Long Yao supported her forehead, it was a miracle that Long Yao could still survive before such a day.

Some charcoal was taken from the pawn shop and a small stove was fired.

Long Yao was unrepentantly cooking porridge in the kitchen, the kitchen was leaking everywhere, so she took out her cloak and put it on because of the cold.

The aroma of porridge wafted from the small courtyard, and people in several small courtyards nearby could smell this strange fragrance.

After the meat porridge was ready, Long Yao took it to Shiyun's room.

"This guy is seriously injured."

Shi Yun is already thin and skinny, his face is sallow, and there are many old wounds on his body, it is a miracle that he is still alive.

Shiyun felt comfortable and warm in his coma, and his stomach was no longer hungry.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, it was already evening, and Long Yao's body was already exhausted, so she hurried back to her room to sleep.

The next day.

"Miss!" Shi Yun jumped up from the bed and ran to the second floor.

As soon as Long Yao opened the door, a figure rushed in.

"Miss! How are you? Is your injury healed? Tell me there is still pain there, can I give you a whir?"

Shi Yun took Long Yao's hand carefully, as if coaxing a child.

The corners of Long Yao's eyes twitched, is this coaxing the child trying to make such a fuss?
"Miss, you are talking! It still hurts there? I'll go get you a doctor right away."

Shi Yun picked up Long Yao and put her on the bed, covering her carefully for fear of accidentally hurting her.

Up to now, Shi Yun still hasn't felt that his injury has healed, so he coaxes Long Yao with a worried face.

Long Yao grabbed Shi Yun's arm, "I'm fine."

Shi Yun blinked and turned around, as if she felt that the young lady was different now.

"Miss?" Shi Yun touched Long Yao's forehead.Does Miss have a fever?
Long Yao slapped his paw, "Shiyun, I'm fine now, those who hurt us should pay back."

"Miss, miss? You, how are you?"

Shi Yun's eyes were flushed with excitement, it's great!It turns out that what Lord Hou said is true!

"Aren't you surprised?"

Long Yao was a little surprised. Wasn't he surprised if he wasn't stupid?
"This subordinate is not surprised at all. When Master Hou instructed his subordinates a few years ago, he said that the young lady will regain consciousness, and this subordinate has finally waited for it!"

"It's just that these subordinates have failed to take care of the young lady under the entrustment of Lord Hou these years, and let Long Rong occupy the Hou's mansion."

Shi Yun feels guilty in his heart, because he is incompetent.

(End of this chapter)

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