Chapter 424 Poem Cloud
Long Yao helped him up and said: "Shiyun, it's not your fault, I will pay back ten times what those people owe me."

When Shiyun was sent to her side to take care of her, he was only a teenager, and he killed all the maids and women who bullied Longyao, so that Longyao could have today.

Otherwise, the original Long Yao would have been killed by those people many times.

He can't fight against the entire Hou Mansion by himself, and it is already very good to save the lives of the two of them.

"It's great that Miss is not stupid! That's great!"

Shi Yun was a little incoherent.

Long Yao said: "Shiyun, should I go to teach today?"

According to memory, the class she taught was also a mess, or the worst class.

I don't know how she, a fool, came to the Martial Arts Academy as a tutor.

The Martial Arts Academy is the only academy on this continent that teaches martial arts, so many nobles from aristocratic families want to come in.

Those civilians want to enter this academy, unless your martial arts aptitude is particularly good.

Shi Yun smiled awkwardly when she heard the words, scratched her head and said, "Miss, you don't need to go to the class you teach."

"Oh? Why?" Long Yao just woke up, of course she still couldn't understand the situation here.

Shi Yun sighed and said: "Miss, those people are all mediocre, and the academy can't change their qualifications, let alone us."

There are seven classes in the Martial Arts Academy, which are ranked according to the students' aptitude and family influence.

Class One is the class with the best qualifications, and Class Seven is the class with the worst qualifications.

In this continent that respects martial arts, resources are those with good qualifications first served, and it is the same in the academy.

Classes with good qualifications will get more resources, while those with poor strength will get fewer resources.

It just so happened that Class Seven had the worst strength and aptitude.

In addition, the instructor of Class Seven is an idiot like Long Yao, and the already scarce resources are always taken away by other classes, which makes the qualifications of the students in Class Seven even worse.

If the students in class seven hadn't looked at Long Xiao's face, Long Yao, a foolish tutor, would have been beaten to death countless times by them.

Marquis Long Xiao of Wu'an is a Martial Venerable who resounds throughout the Martial Dao Continent, and is respected by everyone. For his sake, the students in Class [-] should think that Long Yao, a foolish mentor, does not exist.

Everyone knows that Long Xiao, the Marquis of Wu'an, loves his daughter like his life. Even though he has been guarding the frontier all these years and cannot return to Beijing, he has given his daughter a lot of good things. In the end, everyone knows who left the things. They don't even want to open their mouths to make decisions for a fool.

The students in class seven are direct descendants of major families, and they were assigned to class seven because of their mediocre qualifications.

He doesn't pay much attention to Long Yao, the mentor.

Long Yao became more interested in this class when she heard about it, mediocre people?She didn't believe that anyone would be mediocre in her hands!

"Then I'll have to take a look."

She still can't figure out what the martial arts they practice is, so let's figure it out first.

The corners of Shiyun's mouth twitched, but in the end he didn't say anything. Since the lady is awake, he will listen to her.

"It's too cold in winter. If you have clothes over there, quickly change into them and follow me to see my class."

Long Yao had already prepared several sets of clothes for Shi Yun. Although there was a strong qi flowing in his veins, because of his injuries all year round, the blood stasis blocked the flow of qi, making him unable to resist in winter. cold.

In addition, he spent all the money on buying clothes and food for Longyao, so he had nothing to wear himself.

In Longyao's space, there are many clothes made of natural silk, which are warm in winter and cool in summer, which are most suitable for him to wear.

"Miss? Where did you get these clothes? We can't take other people's clothes."

Shi Yun was shocked when she saw those expensive clothes.

In the past, Long Yao also stole other people's clothes, just to wear them for Shiyun, but her arm was broken, and she was able to move after half a year of training.

"Don't worry, since I'm not stupid anymore, these things will naturally be available, and we won't have to worry about food and clothing in the future, you can just wear them."

Long Yao touched the red blood beads on her neck, which was given to her by the father of this body, Long Xiao.

It is the storage space that everyone on this continent dreams of.

Long Xiao put a lot of things in it for her, and because this thing was too heaven-defying, it couldn't be opened when Long Yao was still a fool.

"Miss, can you open that bead?"

When Shi Yun heard Long Yao's words, she made a bold guess, her eyes flushed with excitement, and the young lady would no longer have to endure hardships with him.

"Of course, what my father left me is enough for us to live on."

Although there are not many hidden things in this space, the gold coins inside are enough for them to spend a while.

With this bead as a cover, it was only natural for her to take out something.

"Okay! That's great! But miss, this thing is too heaven-defying, you must protect it well."

Shi Yun was still worried about telling her, because she was afraid that Long Yao would get hotheaded and send out this heaven-defying thing.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid anymore."

There are many memories in Long Yao's mind, and she always gives a lot of things to her fiancé Yu Wenning.

It was just to get a smile from him. In the end, she didn't even bother to talk to her. She just took her things and drove her away.

Long Yao's teeth itch with hatred, you male white lotus and female white flower, I will wait for you!

"Okay!" Shi Yun secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, and the lady finally returned to normal.

He must write to Lord Marquis to tell the good news that the lady is awake.

Long Yao followed behind Shi Yun, and the two walked across the road to Class [-].

When Class [-] opened the door, Long Yao couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the situation?" There was no one in the classroom.

Shi Yun patted his forehead and remembered, "Miss, today is the day to enter the trial tower, I forgot to tell you."

The Trial Tower is the Holy Land of Martial Arts Academy. It takes half a day to practice inside, which is more obvious than outside for more than ten days.

As long as students who entered the Martial Arts Academy are eligible to enter the trial tower to practice, it's just that classes with poor qualifications enter less frequently.

Class One can go in ten times a month, and Class Seven can only go in once.

This also makes the gap in the strength of students more and more obvious.

The class led by Long Yao only has one chance every month, and it is often snatched by other classes.

At this time, two groups of students gathered in front of the trial tower.

The two batches of students wear different clothes, one group of students wears white clothes, and the other group of students wears green clothes.

Students in white clothes have a number seven embroidered on their chests, and students in green clothes have a number six embroidered on their chests.

The number on their chest represents their class.

"Your Class [-] has already entered once, and now it's our turn to Class [-], why are you here?"

A burly young man pushed away from the crowd and yelled at the person opposite.

Their class only enters the trial tower once a month, and these people still come to snatch it?
Class [-] is already a level higher than them, and has entered and exited the trial tower more times than them, and now they have the cheek to rob them?
(End of this chapter)

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