Chapter 426 Let You Go
The students in class six were triumphant, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the trial tower.

The students in class seven looked at Longyao when they heard the words, and were so ignored by the instructors in class six, why are you here looking for humiliation?
Before the students of class six could reach the door, Shi Yunfei stopped in front of the door.

"My lady didn't let you go!"

Although Shiyun is still a little lame, his muscles seem to have been opened up, and his inner strength is screaming wildly in his body, making him want to fight with someone.

Long Yao winked at Shi Yun, and he flew to stop in front of the door.

The students in Class [-] were dumbfounded, they all turned around and looked at Long Yao who was dressed in red.

Looking at Long Yao today, it seems that something is different.

The students in class seven were also stunned, staring at Longyao in disbelief.

In fact, the eyes are full of disapproval, isn't this self-inflicted humiliation?

Can you beat someone like a fool?

None of them can beat the people in class six!

What is this idiot planning to do?
Liu Jian frowned tightly, not understanding what this idiot was going to do.

He said coldly: "Shiyun, what do you want to do? Is your young lady falling ill again and going crazy? Hurry up and take her back to comfort her, don't make trouble here?"

Shi Yun looked displeased, his young lady is already well, okay?

Just as she was about to refute Liu Jian, Long Yao couldn't help but say, "Shi Yun asked you what's going on here just now? Are you deaf? Answer me quickly!"

Liu Jian was a little impatient, why did this idiot speak so clearly today?
Could it be that this fool was stimulated and started to go crazy?

Seeing that Liu Jian didn't speak, the tall boy from Class Seven said, "Mentor, do the students know what's going on?"

Yu Shenghan feels that today's mentor is different?Then came out to speak.

Leng Huanyue rolled her eyes countless times, even if you said that idiot would understand it, it would be strange!

"Yu Shenghan, are you stupid? Come back quickly." Leng Huanyue frowned.

Long Yao's eyes fixed on Yu Shenghan, the young man was very tall and strong, but his face was very fair.

When he arrived in front of Long Yao, he bent down and saluted, and then told Long Yao exactly what happened just now.

Long Yao had some impression of the young man in front of him, he was the best in martial arts in the whole seventh class, basically he would help out with anything.

After listening to Yu Shenghan's narration, Long Yao narrowed her slightly raised phoenix eyes, and her eyes fell on Liu Jian.

Shiyun has always known that the resources of class [-] are always being robbed, and he has helped the theory a few times, but because of his status, he is also powerless.

I didn't expect them to get worse.

Now I don't know how the lady will deal with this matter?

"Mr. Liu, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Long Yao's tone was calm.

Liu Jian didn't think there was anything wrong with snatching the resources of Class Seven.

He opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Long, I have nothing to explain. The academy didn't have any expectations for the trash of Class Seven. The dean intends to cancel all the resources of Class Seven in the academy. Naturally, there is no time for this training tower to practice." Grab it or not."

"How is it possible!" Leng Huanyue turned pale with shock.

The resources for their cultivation in the seventh class are scarce, and the only way for them to break through is this trial tower.

If there is no time to practice in the trial tower, then wouldn't the students in their seventh class never have a bright future?
As soon as Liu Jian's words came out, everyone in Class Seven had a bad face.

Is the academy planning to completely abandon Class Seven?
The people in class six held their heads proudly, waiting to see the jokes in class seven.

Liu Jian didn't intend to talk nonsense, and wanted to push Shiyun away and lead people into the trial tower.

Before Liu Jian could take a step forward, his feet left the ground and he fell hard at Long Yao's feet.

Long Yao stepped on his head and rubbed it on the ground, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? My students can come in whenever they want, let alone the dean, and don't try to stop me when the king of heaven comes. Lao Tzu's students enter this broken tower to practice."

"Let go of me! If you go crazy again, go back and take your medicine! I will definitely let the principal drive you out of the academy."

Liu Jian struggled on the ground, but he couldn't be restrained by her little feet.

"If you want to drive me away, then you have to get out of my feet first! Who is the principal? I don't know him! Because I'm a fool!"

Long Yao stepped hard, and Liu Jian's head was trampled into the snow.

The struggling Liu Jian straightened his legs and suffocated to death.

The teenagers in class six were stupid for a long time before they came back to their senses. Their tutor was beaten by a fool?
The teenagers in class [-] didn't even realize it. When did their foolish tutor change?

"Mentor! Instructor Long, let go of our instructor."

The students of Class [-] surrounded Longyao together, and saw that their instructor passed out.

What a bad start today!Meeting this fool is a variable.

Long Yao let go of her feet with a smile, and said with a harmless face: "For the sake of your filial piety, quickly take your mentor away! If I go crazy again, let his head explode!"

The students of class six carried Liu Jian and left the trial tower in a state of embarrassment.

It is not a gentleman not to avenge this revenge, let's wait and see!
The boys in class seven have complex expressions. What is their instructor doing today?Forgot to take medicine when going out?
Suddenly thinking of the fact that the college was going to cancel the resources of their seventh class, they all became serious.

Without the support of resources from the college, even if their family is rich, they will not be able to buy some cultivation resources.

Otherwise, the whole family would not have sent them to the Martial Arts Academy to practice.

Without the support of resources, how can they catch up with the progress of other classes in the future?

Even if they can enter the cultivation tower today, what should they do in the future?
Looking at the cultivation tower in front of him, he no longer had the momentum to compete just now, and could no longer arouse the slightest interest.

Long Yao looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys in front of him, each of them looked like a defeated rooster.

Long Yao couldn't see the young man's weak look, so she said coldly, "Why don't you go in? Why are you just staring blankly?"

These boys are like leeches, maybe in this continent, she can raise seven more beasts.

A few boys from Class [-] looked up at Long Yao, their idiot mentor was so violent today, wouldn't they turn back to that idiot in the future?
Even if they told them what they were worried about, she couldn't help them. She buried all her concerns in her heart and walked towards the trial tower with her head down.

Leng Huanyue glanced at Long Yao, turned around and walked towards the trial tower.

Yu Shenghan clasped his fists at Long Yao and followed Leng Huanyue into the trial tower.

Seeing that the students had all entered the trial tower, Long Yao was about to leave when she saw a young man who entered the trial tower last, with an arm dangling unconsciously beside him as if he had no muscles or bones.

Long Yao stopped the boy and frowned inaudibly, "What's wrong with your arm?"

Gu Shang's face was cold, and he said coldly, "It's broken."

After finishing speaking, he will bypass Long Yao and enter the trial tower.

(End of this chapter)

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