Chapter 427 Broken Arm
The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, of course she knew that her arm was broken.

"Did it break from a fight just now?"

Long Yao's tone became much gentler.

The young man in front of him had a stern face, as if the injury on his body was not on him, but he couldn't hear him screaming for pain.

"You are so seriously injured, don't go in yet."

Long Yao stopped him and said.

To put it bluntly, this trial tower is a place where spiritual energy gathers. The reason for practicing in it is because the spiritual energy is absorbed into the tendons through martial arts formulas to forcibly expand and strengthen the tendons.

Now he is seriously injured, his tendons are blocked, and he will only die after entering.

"Ah?" Gu Shang was slightly taken aback.

He had finally waited for this opportunity to practice, how could he let it go?

Long Yao couldn't help but dragged him out of the trial tower.

Gu Shang stood stiffly on the spot, not daring to move, what happened to this fool teacher today?

"Just follow me! Why are you standing there?"

"Shiyun, if he doesn't leave, knock him out and carry him away!"

Long Yao swaggered back to the small courtyard, all of them were brainless!

Shi Yun suppressed a smile and said, "Let's go! Don't let me knock you out."

"Oh." Gu Shang didn't want to be knocked out and carried away, so he walked obediently behind Shi Yun.

Long Yao finally understands what they mean by martial arts. In her eyes, she can easily refine ten or eight of them. The waste products she refines are even better than this trial. The tower is a hundred times better.

What kind of barren place is this continent?

No wonder the former her would close the ladder road here.

"Miss, do you need my help?"

When they arrived at the small courtyard, Shi Yun arranged Gu Shang in the living room, and Long Yao was making herbs.

Shi Yun felt that it was reliable for him to treat the kid's injuries, in case the lady gave the kid away.

"No, I'm not stupid."

Long Yao pushed Shiyun away and took care of the herbs by herself.

Gu Shang watched her handling the herbal medicine and felt his heart pounding. This idiot mentor also said that he is not a idiot?
She is so stupid that there is no cure, okay?

Can the herbs she made work?What if you poisoned yourself?

Long Yao came to Gu Shang with a bowl of black medicine, seeing him move his butt twice in fear, Long Yao hid a little farther away.

"Don't worry, it's not poison! It won't kill you! Come here!"

Long Yao impatiently dragged him to her eyes.

Still want to run?Where are you going?

"Director, mentor, I still want this arm!"

Gu Shang is about to cry, isn't he an idiot mentor who is too unreliable?
"Don't move!" Long Yao directly stopped him to prevent him from moving.

Gu Shang opened his mouth wide and remained motionless, only his eyeballs could move around.

He watched Long Yao do whatever he wanted on his arm.

As soon as the herbal medicine was applied to the arm, a cool air flowed through the tendons, and the injured arm instantly stopped hurting.

Gu Shang stared at Long Yao unexpectedly, when did she know how to heal?
It is even better than the medicine prescribed by the college's physicians.

After applying the medicine, Longyao loosened his acupuncture points, "It will take three days and three nights for your arm to heal, so don't move around for these three days."

Gu Shang stared at Long Yao with complicated eyes, "You, aren't you stupid?"

Long Yao paused holding the medicine box, "You're not stupid, are you surprised?"

Gu Shang covered his face, not very surprised!It was very unexpected, okay?
Who would believe that a well-known idiot suddenly stopped being a fool?

"Thank you, tutor, today, and the student is leaving."

Gu Shang was afraid that he would lose his usual calmness if he stayed any longer, so he had better run away quickly.

"Go! The official class starts tomorrow, and you inform them."

When Long Yao thought that several beautiful boys would be trained by her under his command, her whole body became hot and her blood began to boil.

Gu Shang met Shang Longyao's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he was shocked fiercely, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Yes." Although still a little confused, they still walked out of the courtyard together.

Something seems wrong?

But it seems,,,, there is nothing wrong!
Long Yao was gearing up, and she met several beautiful boys when she arrived here, and her paws were already itching.

Shi Yun looked at Long Yao strangely, what's wrong with Miss?
The young lady who is sober seems to be worse than when she was stupid!Why does he feel more stupid?
"Miss, should I take you to see the doctor of the academy?"

Shi Yun intends to take Long Yao to see a doctor to see if she is still awake.

"What kind of doctor are you looking for? Am I not a doctor myself?"

Long Yao gave him a disgusted look, your brain is not working!Your whole family is out of their minds!

"But miss, then why do you see that boy Gu Shang's eyes are shining!"

Shi Yun didn't understand, Miss had never seen this kind of look.

Long Yao didn't plan to take care of this one-brained guy anymore, but let's see how to open up all the muscles and veins of this body, and then restore her previous strength.

The martial arts here are not worth mentioning to her, but her power of chaos is easy to use!
Seeing that his lady ignored him, Shi Yun scratched her head and went to the kitchen.

The next day.

A few people from Class [-] returned to the dormitory just after they came out of the training tower, and Gu Shang told them that that idiot was coming to class today.

He also said that the stupid mentor is no longer stupid, is this possible?

They didn't want to come, but they had to respect their teachers in the academy, even if their tutor was a fool, they would listen to her words.

Leng Huanyue moved and sat next to Gu Shang, "Gu Shang, you said your arm doesn't hurt anymore? Or did that idiot heal you?"

Yesterday they saw that Gu Shang didn't enter the cultivation tower, they all felt sorry for him, only later did they find out that he was injured.

Shang Feiyu held a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, tilted his head, and looked at Gu Shang with a pair of fox eyes.

Tsk tut twice, "Gu Shang, I'm really worried about your arm! How dare you let that idiot heal your arm for you? Are you afraid of losing your arm?"

The best doctor in the college, Dr. Xue, doesn't have that ability, so he can heal a person with a broken arm in three days.

How dare she, a fool, guarantee that her broken arm will recover in three days?
I'm afraid I'm so stupid that I can't tell the time from east to west, from north to south, right?
The corners of Gu Shang's mouth twitched imperceptibly, he actually didn't believe it, but the effect of the treatment was visible, so he had to believe in her medical skills.

He just applied the medicine overnight, and today he can move his arm slightly without any pain.

"That's right, Gu Shang, why don't you go see Dr. Xue again?"

Dong Shaohua also echoed at the side, their foolish mentors are unreliable.

"No, I'm already feeling better, you see, I can move."

Gu Shang tried to clench his fist, a little more flexible than that time in the morning.

Tang Zhening leaned over his head to take a look, sniffed the smell of herbs on his body, and made a senior comment, "There is nothing wrong with the smell of herbs, and I feel refreshed."

Yu Sheng rolled his eyes coldly, "Since when did you become a dog's nose? You can also smell this?"

"You don't understand this. Herbs have spirits, and the smell of good herbs can refresh people."

Tang Zhening flickered twice with the folding fan, acting coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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