Chapter 428
Leng Huanyue took the fan in his hand and threw it out of the window for him, "Use a fan in winter, it won't freeze you to death."

Speak for that idiot?He didn't believe that that fool could really be a doctor?
"Hey, hey! My fan!" Tang Zhening felt sorry for her fan, isn't that very valuable?
The seven people in the classroom were laughing and playing, but they didn't take Long Yao's coming to class at all.

When it was class time, Long Yao swaggered into the classroom, followed by Shi Yun who was a little lame.

After two injections by Longyao, Shiyun's lameness has improved a lot.

As soon as Long Yao entered the classroom, a small arrow flew in front of her eyes.

"Miss be careful!"

Just as Shi Yun was about to step forward, she saw Long Yao holding the arrow between her fingers.

"This thing is exquisite, but it's a pity that the power is too bad."

Long Yao casually threw the arrow on the ground, and even stepped on it when walking by.

Dong Shaohua's face turned red with anger, what does it mean to be too weak?The arrows he researched are powerful enough to shoot through a cow, okay?

The rest of the people looked at Long Yao's mockery, pretending to understand!
"Tsk tsk tsk, what a tragedy! How many of you are the only ones in our class?"

Long Yao thinks that these seven people are just right, these seven guys are very similar to Leech and the others.

He kindly helped the seven of them to accept these seven apprentices here!

Long Yao saw the seven of them very pleasing to the eye, having traveled so many continents, except for that little guy Zhezhi, these seven were the few people she pleasing to the eye.

"I don't know what the teacher plans to teach us today?"

Leng Huanyue couldn't imagine what a fool could teach them.

Martial arts cannot be taught by everyone.

"Let's talk about what I teach you later! Please copy everything you have learned before and let me see."

Long Yao lay down on the table and fell asleep again, and started snoring in the blink of an eye.

She was very tired not long after she woke up, so she should sleep for a while before talking.

The corner of Leng Huanyue's eyes twitched, and she fell asleep again...

This is the reincarnation of Sleeping God!
"Hurry up and copy!" Shang Feiyu threw away the dogtail grass, picked up a brush, dipped it in his saliva, and started to do his homework.

Shi Yun dutifully guarded Longyao's back, seeing that her snot bubbled up from her sleep, she smiled and took out her cloak to cover her body.

On the podium, Long Yao was sleeping in the dark, and the claws of the people below were about to be useless.

"Copy so much! I'm so mad."

The last thing Yu Shenghan wants to do is to write, and now I am afraid I will have to copy until tomorrow.

"Is this showing us off?"

Tang Zhening didn't know when he came to Leng Huanyue's side, hooking his shoulders together and looking good for the two brothers.

Leng Huanyuekeng snorted, "Just her? A fool?"

They didn't expect much from Long Yao.

"That's right! If it weren't for the need to respect the teacher, I wouldn't waste time copying big characters here."

Tang Zhening moved to his seat and started copying big characters.

She is the mentor and she has the final say!

Gu Shang shook his head with a smile and continued to copy big characters. The tutor must have some intention for them to copy their minds.

Seven people copied each big character by the next night and haven't finished copying it yet.


Bursts of hungry grunting resounded in the classroom.

Long Yao also woke up from hunger, "You haven't finished copying yet?"

Writing one by one is like a chicken plane, and writing so slowly!

"Teacher, I'm hungry! I don't have the energy to copy!"

Shang Feiyu threw away the brush and didn't intend to write anymore.

They have been writing for a day, and it has no effect on cultivation.

"Hungry? That's right, I'm hungry too! Shiyun, give each of them a sip, and if you can't finish writing, write it a hundred times in a row!"

Long Yao handed Shiyun a jade bottle with a big belly, which contained spring water of the Holy Spirit, refreshing them.

A bunch of brats are working hard with her here!

Watch how she treats them!
"One hundred times!" The seven said in unison.

If you copy it once, your claws will be useless, and you have to copy it a hundred times!They're going to be crazy!

"Drink it!" Shi Yun poured a glass of water and handed it to Leng Huanyue.

"What? It's not poison, is it?"

Leng Huanyue didn't take the cup, and moved her butt vigilantly.

"Aren't you hungry? You won't be hungry after drinking!"

Shiyun didn't care about 21 and directly poured it into him.

"What are you doing?" The rest of the people rushed forward to pull Shiyun away.

They were still one step too late, and Leng Huanyue was poured a glass of water.

"What did you drink for me!"

Leng Huanyue held her throat and wanted to spit out the water.

"It's useless! That's a good thing!"

Long Yao smiled viciously, and that look was a bit sinister.

A bunch of brats!If you don't teach them a lesson, you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!
It seems that this is not a lesson, but a benefit!
"You! Shiyun, did the teacher not take the medicine again?"

Leng Huanyue vomited so faintly that she didn't vomit anything, and her face was blushing and her neck was thick.

Shiyun shrugged, his lady doesn't need to take medicine at all, okay?
"My lady is normal! Drink it quickly! Don't let the lady do it herself!"

He poured out another glass of water and held it in his hand.

The rest of the people looked at Leng Huanyue nervously, to see when his poison would kick in.

In case the poison is released, they can escape as soon as possible!

Why doesn't Leng Huanyue know what they think?A senseless thing!

Gu Shang didn't want to pick up the water glass and drank it down, "Hurry up and drink it, are you okay without watching Huanyue?"

After drinking, I continued to copy my mind.

No matter how foolishly they copied it, there are still a hundred times waiting for them!
A few people gritted their teeth and drank the water, and each of them went to write the mental method unwillingly.

Seeing a few boys gnashing their teeth and continuing to write ideas, Long Yao wanted to laugh.

Finally at midnight, the seven people hurriedly handed in their ideas for writing.

"Go! Gather at the Martial Arts Arena tomorrow."

Long Yao smiled and left with her mind.

"Can she understand it?"

Leng Huanyue was already tired and dizzy, and it was difficult for them to memorize these thoughts. Can that fool teacher understand?
"Don't worry about whether she understands it or not, how do you feel after drinking that water?"

Gu Shang clutched his stomach, his face flushed red.

"Oops! I'm going to the toilet!"

Tang Zhening ran away quickly.

"Oh! Wait for me! And me!"

Shang Feiyu clutched his buttocks, and jumped to the latrine with his legs intertwined.

The rest of them all clutched their bellies and ran out of sight.

"Hmph! Brats! Dare to fight me! See if I won't make you suffer."

Long Yao was sitting in front of the table, reviewing the thoughts written by those guys, thinking that the spring of the Holy Spirit was about to explode, and she was overjoyed.

It's been a long time since no one asked her to rectify, and these brats delivered themselves to her door, and she felt uncomfortable if she didn't rectify them.

"What are these ideas? Are you still trying to fool me?"

Looking at the mental technique on the paper, Longyao found it to be the worst skill that could not be worse.

No wonder the strength of these children is so low, these mental methods are not suitable for their cultivation at all.

(End of this chapter)

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