Chapter 430 Fit
There is also that Yin Mo who has been silent and never likes to talk. This child is shy and silent, and generally no one will pay attention to his existence.

Long Yao has been in contact with them for a day, but she has not seen him say a word.

His veins are of fire attribute, suitable for being Dafeng's apprentice.

Tang Zhening's veins are green, he has a strong control over medicinal herbs, and his sense of smell is also different from ordinary people, so he is suitable to be a doctor.

It is just right to send him to Qiongqi as an apprentice.

Qiongqi was originally an excellent alchemist, and he would not let such a good seedling go by.

Dong Shaohua is very good at making weapons, so he is suitable to be Chaos' apprentice.

Shang Feiyu is idle all day long, but he is very good at hiding his aura, good at assassination and hiding, suitable for light weapons and light skills.

Suitable for leeches as apprentices.

These guys were originally good seedlings, but unfortunately, they had some hidden injuries to some extent, and the blood stasis blocked the smoothness of their tendons and arteries, which made their strength so terrible.

Long Yao made clear arrangements for several people and went back to her room to sleep.

She is in a bad state now, it's better to sleep more.

The next day.

The members of Class [-] on the training ground started sparring again.

This time, in order not to be thrown over their shoulders, they all sparred seriously, punching to the flesh, and it was painful to hear.

The entire arena was full of cursing and wailing.

Gu Shang's arm is already healed, and this time he sparred with Shi Yun.

The situation can be imagined, Shi Yun has no trouble dealing with him.

Long Yao watched with relish, and suddenly another group of purple-clothed youths came from a distance.

Every boy has a word embroidered on his chest, which means that he is the proud son of the Martial Arts Academy.

There are boys and girls in the first class, Qi Qi appeared in the martial arts arena.

It can be said that most of the college's resources have been invested in the first class of teenagers.

The cultivation tower can be entered ten times a month, and the pills refined by the doctors of the academy are also first supplied to them.

From Long Yao's point of view, the elixir refined by their college physicians is just some herbal pills.

The heaven's favored ones in the first class, as well as the magical tools refined by the craftsman for them, and all the good resources went to the first class.

The treatment of class one is preferential treatment that other classes dare not even imagine. It can be said that going to class one is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

As long as you go to class one, not to mention being the object of worship by the students, even the tutors will treat you politely.

Long Yao looked at the long swords in their hands, covered her eyes and couldn't see.

Is this still a high-end magic weapon?
Do not make jokes!
The trash she throws out isn't so bad either!
Squad [-], who lost all strength from the beating, was lying on the ground and didn't want to move.

The arrival of a group of people didn't mean anything.

It doesn't matter what class they are in.

When Shi Yun saw the faces of the two of them in the first class, their expressions instantly became extremely ugly.

He glanced at Long Yao worriedly, afraid that she would become a fool again if she was stimulated.

Seeing Long Yao's expressionless face, Shi Yun had a strange look on his face.

Leng Huanyue saw a young girl in the crowd. The person who was lying on the ground got up and wanted to leave, but was blocked by several teenagers.

Long Yao didn't know, so what happened to this Leng Huanyue?

"Today is really a narrow road for Yuanjia!"

"Now it's a good show. That idiot met Yu Wenning and Long Suwan, and Leng Huanyue met Kong Qianqian and He Qiucheng. Isn't it because the road is narrow?"

"This martial arts training ground is very lively today!"

A group of teenagers waited to watch the fun.

This is simply the Shura field of the century!Such excitement is rare.

Leng Huanyue stood where she was, her eyes were gloomy.

"What are you doing here? We need to use the training ground, so you should leave."

It was Yu Wenning who spoke.

The woman standing next to him was Long Yao's cousin Long Suwan, and the two men were indeed a match.

Yu Wenning had already seen Long Yao, but his eyes just glanced casually, and he didn't bother to look at it anymore.

Facing Long Yao's stunning face, Long Suwan almost lost control for a moment.

Why would a fool have such a face.

"Why? Who are you?" Long Yao walked in front of Yu Wenning with his waist pinched.

The man in front of her was handsome and handsome, and he was indeed a good-looking talent, but he was not her type, so he looked familiar.

Yu Wenning took two steps back in fear, avoiding Longyao was like avoiding the plague, he didn't want to get too close to this fool, for fear of being entangled again.

"What are you going to do? I said I don't like you. I like Suwan. You'd better not provoke me."

"Miss." Shi Yun stepped forward to protect Long Yao, for fear that these two men and women would irritate Miss.

Long Yao pushed Shiyun away, only then did she remember who the person in front of her was, the fiancé of this body.

Just this crooked guy?

"Damn! Who do you like to care about me? I'm using the martial arts training ground today, so stay where you feel cool."

Long Yao pinched her waist and acted like a shrew, not paying attention to Yu Wenning.

When she went back to find his father, she called off the broken marriage.

"You! What a shrew! There is no one ten thousandth of Su Wan."

Yu Wenning was so angry with her that he lost his usual calm.

Sure enough, he was still that fool who didn't know how to pay attention to his own image.

"I'm not as good as her? Are you blind? I'm thousands of times prettier than her, okay?"

When Long Yao heard that she was not as good as an ordinary person, she instantly looked like a cat with its tail blown.

Shi Yun slapped her forehead, and his young lady went crazy again.

Long Suwan couldn't maintain the expression on her face, she smiled awkwardly, then took Long Yao's hand pretending to be magnanimous and said: "Sister Yao, don't blame Aning, he has no other intentions."

"Who are you? What right do you have to speak?"

Long Yao unceremoniously turned back.

Pretending to be a weak little white flower in front of her?The calculation was wrong.

The smile on Long Suwan's face froze, how is this fool different today?

In the past, she would listen to whatever she said and never contradict her.

"You have something coming at me, don't make things difficult for Suwan! You always made things difficult for her before, and I will never allow you to bully her again from now on."

Yu Wenning's face was as cold as frost, and he stood in front of Long Suwan to protect her.

Long Suwan, who was hiding behind Yu Wenning, showed a proud expression without any trace.

So what if you are Aning's fiancée?She still loves her!You can only be a clown.

"Yo! Is this adulterer/husband/*** hooked up to become adulterer, come out to wander around together?"

Long Yao was not polite, and the dogs and men were all brought to her eyes, so it's really not her style not to abuse them.

Show affection in front of her?Isn't this scolding!
"You! You're so vulgar! I'll let my father break off the engagement when I go back!"

Yu Wenning really couldn't bear it anymore, how long will this idiot keep pestering him!
"Hey! Thank you so much! Hurry up and undo it, I don't want to see you, a scumbag!"

"Can you get out now? The martial arts training ground is used by our seventh class today."

Long Yao didn't want to waste any more saliva, the veins of these guys from Class [-] haven't been fully opened yet.

(End of this chapter)

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