Chapter 431

Long Yao asked them to fight each other in the martial arts field, just to let them open up all their tendons.

Drinking the spring water of the Holy Spirit washed the impurities in the tendons, but the tendons atrophied due to years of dark wounds.

In order to open their tendons, Long Yao made them fight with all their strength, and the more times they fought, the more their tendons opened.

They are using the martial arts training ground, why is the group of people here to join in the fun?
"Our Class [-] is going to use the training ground now, and your Class [-] will let it out."

At this time, He Qiucheng came out from the crowd and said.

He Qiucheng is also in Yu Wenning's circle, and he is always the object of fawning in the first class, so he has no respect for Long Yao, a fool.

"Yo! Isn't this Leng Huanyue?"

He Qiucheng pretended to see Leng Huanyue just now, and let out a bluff.

"He Qiucheng, our seventh class is using the martial arts training ground, so it's nothing to do with your first class."

Leng Huanyue doesn't intend to leave either, so why are all the good things in their class?

"Leng Huanyue, who gave you the courage to shout at us?"

He Qiucheng didn't want to make Leng Huanyue feel better.

He still remembers the previous hatred!
Yu Wenning stepped aside, a little further away from Long Yao.

Long Yao poked Shi Yun with her elbow, "What's going on?"

How did the tense situation become the two of them?
Shi Yun's face was a bit ugly, because Leng Huanyue was not worth it, "In fact, Leng Huanyue and He Qiucheng have always been rivals. The woman next to him was originally Leng Huanyue's fiancée, but now she is on good terms with He Qiucheng."

Leng Huanyue's fiancée, Kong Qianqian, and the two were childhood sweethearts, they went to the Martial Arts Academy to study together, and because of their high talents, they both joined the same class.

During a practice mission, Leng Huanyue suffered severe damage to her tendons in order to save Kong Qianqian, and changed from a proud child to what she is today.

What hit him even more was that when his fiancée knew that he had become a useless person, she turned to someone else, and that man was still his deadly enemy.

Hearing that Long Yao raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, Kong Qianqian came to He Qiucheng's side, "Leng Huanyue, brother Qiucheng is right, your seventh class has no right to shout at us."

Kong Qianqian looks soft and beautiful, her pupils are like autumn water, her gaze inadvertently swept across Leng Huanyue, there is no trace of warmth in her eyes, even a trace of disgust appeared.

So what about good looks?Still not a piece of trash?
When Leng Huanyue met Kong Qianqian's extremely indifferent gaze, her eyes couldn't help but darken.

Then he sneered, "Why?"

The rest of Class [-] stood behind Leng Huanyue, "Huanyue is right, why?"

There is a posture of desperately fighting them.

He Qiucheng glanced at the people in Class [-], without any panic on his face, but a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What? Are you trying to break the school rules? Our class has the right to use any resources in the academy."

When He Qiucheng opened his mouth, he used the school rules to suppress others.

Several people in Class [-] were not reconciled, this was indeed a requirement of the school regulations.

If the first class is not allowed to use the martial arts field, those who block it will be severely punished.

"Stay out of the way? Or are you still unconvinced and want to fight us?"

Another boy from the first class spoke.

Talking about a group of purple-clothed teenagers from class one, they surrounded several people from class seven.

"If you do it, you do it! We're afraid of you!" Yin Mo, who didn't speak so easily, suddenly said.

Even if the people in their seventh class are trash, not everyone can come up and step on it!

People in class seven can lose, and never back down!

"Then you all come!" The teenagers in class one sneered.

The opposing sides were full of gunpowder, and no one planned to let the other, but no one took the lead.

The rules of the academy are not for display, and fighting is punishable.

Long Yao pushed aside the crowd and stood beside the boys in Class Seven, and asked, "What are you guys doing?"

Several people in Class [-] have complicated eyes, what's the use of the tutor coming over?

People in class one wanted to laugh when they saw Long Yao, and started to tease Yu Wenning.

"Yu Wenning, you foolish fiancee didn't come here to stand up for them, did she?"

He Qiucheng laughed and joked.

Yu Wenning's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he wished that this fool would disappear immediately.

"You have nothing to do here, so it's best not to meddle in your own business."

Yu Wenning endured the irritability in his heart and said.

This idiot didn't know how to come here to be a mentor, because of her existence, he was always laughed at by others.

"That's right, sister, it would be bad if it hurts you if we fight."

Long Suwan pretended to be kind.

"Who hurt me? You? Or you?"

Long Yao's gaze swept over all the teenagers in Class [-], all of them lost their arrogance.

The teenagers in the first class roared with laughter, any one of them can beat her when they come out, okay?
If other mentors can still be afraid of three points, they don't need to worry about this fool.

"Leng Huanyue, hurry up and let your mentor go, is it possible that you still expect a fool to protect you? You are really promising!"

He Qiucheng said sarcastically.

"What are you farting!"

Leng Huanyue said.

"Am I wrong? Or let this fool try to hit me?"

He Qiucheng continued provocatively.

Long Yao tilted her head and thought for a while, "Since they want to be beaten, why don't they hurry up?"

Several people in class seven were stunned.

What does mentor mean?
"Didn't they ask me to beat him? This kid is so stupid that he even asked me to beat him. He has such a handsome face in vain. Since you want to be beaten so strongly, I will satisfy you."

Long Yao spoke seriously, and shook her head regretfully looking at He Qiucheng.

This kid is a fool!
Several people in class [-] rolled their eyes. Is the instructor really stupid or fake?
Qi Qi glanced at each other, since the instructor has spoken, what else do they have to worry about!
up!Beat 'em up!
"Come on! Beat them to death!" Yusheng yelled coldly, and jumped on the boys in class one first.

Afterwards, people from class seven rushed forward.

Long Yao was also unambiguous, and rushed forward with her fists in turn.

Yu Wenning and the others didn't expect the waste from class seven to do it as soon as they said it.

There were only a dozen of them who came today, and before they could react, they were all punched on the chin.

Originally, Class [-] was always ordered to fight by Long Yao in the past two days, and the anger in his heart didn't set off, but this time it seemed that he had found an outlet, and he just gave a violent beating to the people in Class [-].

In addition, Long Yao also joined the battle circle. Seeing that the people in Class [-] couldn't beat her, she just got kicked by them when she went up.

When he found Yu Wenning, he kicked his face mercilessly with his little feet.

Seeing Long Suwan who came to help, she slapped her backhand, causing her to turn around three times on the spot, staring at her eyes.

He Qiucheng was directly rubbed on the ground by Yin Mo and Yu Shenghan, while Leng Huanyue went up without any hesitation and kicked him in the face.

He Qiucheng who kicked directly screamed.

Kong Qianqian was thinking about attacking Leng Huanyue, but Long Yaofei grabbed her hair and pulled her back hard.

"A sneak attack? You still have to be shameless!"

Papa couldn't even cry when Kong Qianqian was slapped with a big ear scraper.

(End of this chapter)

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