Chapter 432
The martial arts training ground was in chaos, and the residual snow was flying, mixed with the sound of wailing.

Shi Yun stood dumbfounded, when did his young lady become so fierce?

"Miss! You have to be merciful! It would be bad if you killed someone!"

Shi Yun shouted anxiously from the side.

He can't attack the students here in the academy, or he will be expelled from the academy.

"What are you talking about? I didn't understand!"

Long Yao jumped up and down in the crowd, they don't beat women, she will not show mercy.

Several women were beaten by her riding on her body.

Shi Yun had a headache and raised her forehead, it seemed that the young lady was even crazier than before.

Someone passed by here and saw the two classes fighting together, so he hurried to call someone.

Not long after, a middle-aged man rushed to the training ground in a hurry.

"You all stop!" The middle-aged man saw the chaos in front of him, his eyes were red with anger.

The people in the seventh class had already had a good time, shaking their hair and letting go of the people in the first class, and retreated to the side.

The people in the first group were lying on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. It is estimated that his own parents would not recognize him.

Only one red figure was still waving his fists to beat someone up, and the one Long Yao beat up was Yu Wenning.

"Don't stop!" The middle-aged man hurried up to hold Long Yao and rescued Yu Wenning.

Long Yao didn't forget to kick Yu Wenning before leaving.

Yu Wenning was supported to stand up, looking at Long Yao wishing to eat her.

"Tutor,,,," the teenagers in the first class lowered their heads and dare not look at their mentor. Their faces are completely changed now, and they are ashamed to see others.

It's really embarrassing, the one from class one was beaten by the trash from class seven.

The middle-aged man was Ma Peng, the tutor of the first class. His eyes swept over Yu Wenning and the others, and he frowned immediately.

"What exactly is going on?"

When that student came to tell him, he still didn't believe that the trash from Class [-] would openly beat someone from Class [-]?
Isn't this the King of Hell's plan to break ground and seek death?
What he saw here completely overturned his cognition. Not only did the students in Class [-] beat him up, but he also beat the students in Class [-] into pigs' heads.

"Mentor, it's her, it's this fool who made them beat us!"

A student pointed to Long Yao and said.

Only then did Ma Peng look at Long Yao, and just now he saw her beating Yu Wenning with her own hands.

Taking a deep breath, Ma Peng felt a little headache, why is there such a fool everywhere?

"Shiyun, what's going on here? Is your lady crazy again? Why don't you, the subordinate, pay attention?"

Ma Peng really couldn't find anyone to vent his anger on, so he spoke aggressively to Shi Yun.

I want to ask Long Yao for a theory, but how can a fool explain it clearly?

So Ma Peng went directly to Shiyun.

Shi Yun scratched her head, really not knowing how to explain it.

That's exactly what the lady said.

Long Yao pointed at He Qiucheng and said, "He asked me to hit him."

"What?" Ma Peng thought he had misheard.

Long Yao continued: "He made me fight."

He Qiucheng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He wanted to explain, but the wound on his face hurt so much that he took a deep breath.

"Really?" Ma Peng looked at He Qiucheng disapprovingly.

Isn't this stupid?Let someone beat you?

He Qiucheng was in distress, but he just said it casually, who knew that idiot took it seriously?

Leng Huanyue rolled her eyes, "It was he who asked our mentor to beat them up, and our mentor just satisfied him."

"That's right! That's what he said." Shang Feiyu Diaoerlang said.

Suddenly feeling that their mentor is a fool has this advantage.

Hitting them is still in vain!
Ma Peng's face was ugly, and he couldn't do anything to a fool.

He waved his hand and said, "Today's matter is over, let's go!"

Thanks to their class today, this dumb guy is sure to eat.

If people found out that their class was beaten so helplessly by some trash from class [-], they couldn't afford to lose this person.

Yu Wenning snorted coldly at Long Yao, and limped away from the training ground.

He Qiucheng's face was ugly, he wanted to embarrass them today, but in the end it was themselves who were humiliated.

"Hmph! You wait!"

He Qiucheng put down his harsh words, let out a cold snort and left the martial arts training ground with the others.

Kong Qianqian glanced at Leng Huanyue with a bruised nose and swollen face, with undisguised hatred in her eyes.

Leng Huanyue lowered her eyes and didn't look at Kong Qianqian again. The last hope in his heart just now had disappeared without a trace.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha! It's a pleasure! It's a pleasure!"

"Look at their embarrassment, I must eat a few more bowls of rice tonight!"

Several people in Class [-] didn't hold back and laughed.

"Miss, you have offended Ma Peng now, so you have to be careful in the future."

Shi Yun was worried, so she gave a warning.

It is said that all the teenagers in Class [-] looked at Long Yao.

Ma Peng in class one is a small-minded and real villain.

Long Yao doesn't care, she just rules villains! "So what? Just come if you have anything to do."

Turning around, he circled around a few boys, "Not bad! All the veins are open! Then start learning martial arts from me tomorrow."

After a fight just now, the tendons of these boys opened up!
The figure of Long Yao walking away was imprinted in the eyes of the boys in class seven.

"Do you think that she speaks clearly now and doesn't look like a fool?"

Leng Huanyue suddenly had a bold guess, maybe she wasn't a fool at all, she was just pretending before.

Then her acting skills are too good, right?
"I always felt that something was different about her."

Since Long Yao came to class, Yin Mo felt that she was different from before.

"Let's go! Regardless of whether she is that fool or not, she has vented her anger for us today. Let's go back."

Shang Feiyu didn't take Long Yao's words about practicing martial arts to heart, so they should go back and practice hard by themselves.

Expect to learn martial arts from a fool?forget it!
Long Yao returned to the small courtyard, sat on the roof, staring at the bright moon in the sky in a daze.

"Dragon Ball is in the Pearl Secret Realm. If you want to enter, you need qualifications. Whether I can enter the Pearl Secret Realm depends on you brats. Don't let me down!"

The Pearl Secret Realm is opened every ten years, and only those who are qualified to enter the secret realm, except those from the Jianghu and Zongmen, are those who are ranked in the top [-] of the Martial Arts Academy.

The youngsters from the Martial Arts Academy practiced desperately this year just to get into the secret realm this year.

The other classes desperately grabbed the resources of the seventh class, also for today's quota.

"Miss, you should go to sleep."

Shi Yun stood in the courtyard and looked up at the figure on the roof.

"I know, I know." Long Yao crawled down the eaves like a koala.

The corners of Shiyun's eyes trembled for a while, and he lost sight of it.

Miss, your image!

The next day when Long Yao arrived in class, she saw only Leng Huanyue writing in the classroom.

"Leng Huanyue? Why are you alone?"

Long Yao gnawed a piece of fruit and sat on the table carelessly.

These little bastards are really disobedient!

(End of this chapter)

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