Chapter 433 Disobedient

The bastards are all sleeping late and not coming to class.

"Tutor, I haven't finished my homework, so I came to do my homework."

Long Yao left homework for them all, yesterday they patronized a fight, so they didn't write homework at all.

Looking at the hard-working boy, Long Yao nodded in satisfaction.

"Leng Huanyue, I've seen your martial arts skills, have you thought about changing them?"

Long Yao casually picked up the method he had copied, and the more she looked at it, the more she lost sight of it.

These exercises are also the top exercises in the library library of the academy.

Leng Huanyue was the proud son of the first class back then, so the exercises she got were naturally top-notch.

In Long Yao's view, these exercises are not even considered rubbish.

Leng Huanyue paused the hand holding the brush, and changed her skills?Can the exercises be changed at will?
Putting down the writing brush in his hand, he looked up and down strangely at Long Yao, could it be that he was mistaken?Is this mentor still a fool?
"Teacher, you can't just change the kung fu. My kung fu is the top kung fu in the academy. If you change it, it's easy to go crazy."

Martial arts are not easy to practice, and skills are even more difficult to obtain. As long as one kind of skills is practiced, it cannot be changed.

"Of course I know, but with me in your veins you won't be able to get rid of it."

When Long Yao said these words, Leng Huanyue sighed helplessly, she was really a fool.

Is it that easy to change exercises?

"Mentor, Huanyue still has to do homework, can you please go to the seat?"

Leng Huanyue didn't want to spend more time talking, because she couldn't understand it with a fool.

Long Yao knew that they didn't believe it, so she took out a book of exercises suitable for Leng Huanyue's practice.

Since she is her apprentice, the natural skills are the top.

"What is this?" The book has a dragon pattern on it, and the cover is very beautiful.

"This is the exercise I want to change for you, open it and have a look."

These exercises are much more advanced than those in martial arts here, Long Yao does not believe that he is not tempted.

"This kind of exercise has never been seen before, teacher, you,,,?"

Leng Huanyue is not sure now, is the mentor a fool?
This exercise must be worth a lot, so just give it to him?

"Take a look before you talk."

Long Yao didn't believe it anymore, he wasn't tempted to see such a top-notch exercise.

Leng Huanyue opened the exercises carefully, and was immediately attracted by the contents above.

The more I looked at it, the more frightened I became, as if there was a fire burning in my heart.

Snapped!Leng Huanyue held on to her thoughts and didn't want to read any more, he was afraid that he would really be greedy and change the exercises after listening to her words.

"How do you feel?" Long Yao wanted to laugh in her heart, but she couldn't bear to look at it even though she was already tempted, not bad!He is a determined child.

"Teacher, I don't know where you got this exercise. It is impossible for this academy to have such an exercise. You should take it back."

Leng Huanyue endured the longing in her heart and put the exercises on the table.

Who doesn't want to be strong?The situation in their seventh class cannot be solved with just one exercise.

"This one is for you, and these few are for the rest of you. After you think about it, come to me with the exercises."

There are their names on every exercise book, let them figure it out by themselves.

Long Yao believed that they would make the right choice.

There are still a hundred days before the selection. If they don't find another way, they will not be able to defeat a group of those heaven's favorites.

Leng Huanyue returned to the dormitory with the exercises in his hands, his heart was extremely complicated, he didn't know whether he should trust that idiot or not.

But looking at her today, she is not stupid at all.

"Huanyue, why didn't you go to the classroom?" Shang Feiyu walked into the dormitory carelessly.

There are only seven people in class seven, so they all live in the same yard, and the dormitories are all next to each other.

"Come back! Haven't they come back yet? I have something to discuss with you."

The fire in Leng Huanyue's heart that wanted to become stronger had already been extinguished, and when she saw that exercise book, the fire in her heart was ignited again.

Because of his crippled body, he could no longer withstand any blows.

"They'll be here in a while, what do you want to say?"

It was the first time Shang Feiyu saw him look so serious.

Could it be that something big happened?

"Feiyu, have you ever thought about what will happen if we lose our martial arts one day?"

He didn't dare to gamble, but he was unwilling.

"Lost? Is there any difference between us and lost now?"

Shang Feiyu didn't care a word.

Is there any difference between all the people in Class [-] and the trash?

"Yeah? What's the difference between losing and losing!" Leng Huanyue slammed his fist on the table, his eyes full of reconciliation.

What's the difference between them and trash now?
"I said Huanyue, what happened to you today? It's very strange!"

Shang Feiyu glanced at the cracked table, did this guy take the wrong medicine today?
There was silence in the room.

At this time, the rest returned to the dormitory together.

"What are you two doing?" Tang Zhening noticed a different atmosphere when he arrived in the room.


Just as Yin Mo picked up the tea bowl on the table and wanted to drink some tea, the table had already been honorably sacrificed.

Yin Mo blinked his eyes while holding the tea bowl, "What's the matter? I didn't touch it."

"That's right! What's the situation? This table is still made of iron and wood! I found it with great difficulty!"

Gu Shang held a table leg and was about to cry.

The most valuable thing in their dormitory is this desk, and now there is nothing left.

Their seventh class is short of resources, and all the gold coins are used to buy cultivation resources, and the things used in the dormitory are also in short supply, and the family can't give them to them, everything depends on themselves.

The only intact table is now also fragmented.

"Don't worry about this, I have something to discuss with you, you should take a look at this first."

Leng Huanyue gave them the formulas marked with their names.

"What are these things?" Shang Feiyu looked more and more shocked at the formula in his hand.

This is more than a hundred times higher than the exercises they practice now.

Moreover, this method does not look like pure martial arts.

"Where did you get it?" Yin Mo felt the difference in this exercise.

Leng Huanyue's eyelids drooped, and she finally said, "This is what my instructor gave me. These are all suitable exercises for us to practice. The instructor said that he can change the exercises for us. Let me discuss it with you. If you agree, I will go to her. "

Dong Shaohua looked at the formula in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more passionate his heart became, "Huanyue, you said that this book was given by the teacher?"

He once saw the records of spiritual practice in the ancient books at home, and some fragments of the formula were very similar to this one.

If it is really spiritual practice, then they will definitely make money this time!

Dong Shaohua's hands trembled with excitement.

"Yes! What's the matter?" Leng Huanyue frowned, it was the first time he saw Dong Shaohua so excited.

Dong Shaohua held the book and said, "Have you all seen the magic formula inside? Do you know what it is?"

When Dong Shaohua thought that this should be a spiritual practice, his whole body felt as if being roasted on a fire, his whole body was warm.

"What is this? Isn't it a martial art? It's just better than ours."

Although Shang Feiyu was envious of these exercises, his heart was beating drums, and he didn't know the authenticity of the exercises that the fool teacher showed.

(End of this chapter)

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