After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 435 It's Not That Simple

Chapter 435 It's Not That Simple

I always feel that things are not that simple, why is she suddenly not stupid?And suddenly became a spiritual cultivator?Where do these spiritual practices come from?
Marquis of Wu'an Mansion absolutely does not have these things.

"Have you made up your mind to become spiritual practitioners?"

Long Yao knew that no one would take the shortcut to reach the sky in one step and continue to be a useless person!

In the classroom of Class [-], needles can be heard quietly, and everyone is struggling in their hearts.

Are you wondering if you should take a gamble?
The woman sitting on the podium had beautiful eyes, which seemed to bring light, a light that led them out of the darkness.

"Teacher, we are determined to be spiritual practitioners!" Leng Huanyue decided to take a gamble.

If they lose the bet, they will not be better off than they are now.

"Yes! Teacher, we decided to take a gamble! Even if we fail, we will not live better than now."

Gu Shang also made up his mind to take a gamble, and if he went on like this, he would really be called a trash.

Long Yao glanced at the faces of the others, all of them were determined.

Since they all decided to take a gamble, she wouldn't let them down, "Okay! You won't lose."

"Starting tomorrow, I will apply from the academy to take you out of the academy to practice. At that time, it will be the beginning of your new life."

Long Yao had planned it long ago, the training tower in this academy didn't have much effect on them, it was still a joy to fight in actual combat.

"Out of the academy? Teacher, there is no such rule in the academy!"

In order to ensure the safety of the students, the academy conducts all cultivation and so on in the academy.

Occasionally, the students who go out to work are just the favored ones of the first class, and they must be accompanied by mentors and doctors.

"What breaks the rules? I am the rules."

She doesn't want to stay in this ruined academy!She beat up those people in class one, and she hasn't come to find fault with them in class seven. She must be planning some big move, and she doesn't want to confront them yet.

If you want to teach them a lesson, then see the truth in the martial arts arena!

Leng Huanyue had a headache and wanted to go out of the college. Except for the college holidays, it was a fantasy for Class [-] to go out.

"Mentor, our class can't go out without the guidance of a doctor."

If Class Seven wants to go out, even if the instructor leads the team, they still need a doctor in the team.

"I'm not a doctor?"

Long Yao felt that her medical skills were not bad!

The teenagers in class seven all twitched their mouths. The instructor wasn't stupid just now, why did he become so stupid again?

Not everyone can be a doctor.

"Don't worry about this! You are going to prepare for these two days. When you get back, read the spiritual formula in this book carefully. I will go to the principal."

Long Yao dragged Shiyun to find the principal.

Through Tian Shiyun's explanation these days, Long Yao finally knew why a fool could come to the academy as a tutor.

The principal of Martial Arts Academy, Chen Jinnan, is the sworn brother of Marquis Long Xiao of Wu'an.

Few people know about the relationship between the two, and almost no one in the academy knows about it.

Long Xiao asked Shiyun to bring Chen Jinnan a letter three years ago, hoping that he could take care of his daughter.

After Chen Jinnan found out about Longyao's situation, he brought her and Shiyun into the academy as tutors for Class Seven.

It happened that no one in the seventh class was willing to teach, so Long Yao was assigned to the seventh class.

Since Chen Jinnan often retreats to practice martial arts, he knows little about Long Yao's situation in the academy.

Letting Long Yao toss about in the academy, when Long Yao was beaten to death, it happened to be the time when Chen Jinnan was in seclusion. I heard that he had just left the seclusion last night.

Led by Shi Yun, Long Yao went to the small courtyard where the principal lived.

The place where Chen Jinnan lives is halfway up the mountain behind the college. The road here is covered by heavy snow. It really takes a lot of effort to climb up the mountain.

Shi Yun was behind her, holding the stove snacks and cape in her arms, both hands were full, seeing Long Yao stumbling in front, afraid that she would fall and die.

"Miss, be careful!" Shi Yun shouted anxiously behind her.

Long Yao didn't expect that the mountain was so steep and there was no one to sweep the snow.

The snow was buried knee-deep, and there was no way to sweep it.

"Hey! That handsome guy in front, wait! I can't walk anymore, give me a hand."

Long Yao turned around a boulder and found a man in white walking in front of him with steady steps.

He walked on the snow like he was walking on flat ground, and he could be seen as a practicing family.

Now her small body is not strong enough, even if she has practiced spells for a few days, she can only support this weak chicken body from fainting.

Walking such a steep mountain road, with the snow buried to the knees, every step is difficult.

Xue Wushuang stopped and looked back, a small red figure was struggling to move in the snow.

Silver eyes stared at the figure without any waves, and had no intention of going up to help at all.

Long Yao staggered and threw herself on Xue Wushuang, panting, "Why don't you give me a hand?"

Xue Wushuang lowered her eyes, staring at the pair of white and tender hands on her arms and frowned slightly, "Girl, please respect yourself."

Only then did Long Yao raise her head, and the handsome man in front of her almost blinded her eyes.

This time, he didn't blame him for not pulling himself, and stared at him with a pair of big eyes shining.

The man in front of him is as beautiful as the moon, his face is carved like a knife, his eyebrows grow into his temples, and his eyes are like bright stars.

For some reason, the lips seem to be covered with a layer of frost, which makes me feel pitiful.

The black hair and golden crown poured down.

The white fox fur cloak was ankle-length, covering Ruyu's whole body.

The man in front of him had the same appearance as Mo Xun.

This is the first time she has met someone who looks as good as her uncle.

"Wow! Where's the handsome man? Handsome guy, tell me who you are?"

Long Yao became lustful all of a sudden, if such a good-looking handsome guy didn't flirt with her, it would really be a waste of her title of Dragon Emperor.

Xue Wushuang was slightly taken aback when he saw Long Yao's appearance, and said in an indifferent voice: "Can Teacher Long let me go?"

It turned out to be the well-known idiot tutor in the college, and he had been known for a long time.

"So the handsome guy knows me? That's great! We are so destined! I can't walk anymore, give me a hand, I'm going to find the dean."

Long Yao didn't intend to let him go, it would save energy if someone dragged her away.

"Men and women are not close, please respect yourself, Teacher Long."

Xue Wushuang wanted to push Long Yao away, but it was inconvenient for men and women to do so.

"Hey! Why are you so rigid! I'm almost exhausted, why don't you give me a hand?"

Long Yao was panting heavily from exhaustion, and almost died of anger after listening to his words, what an old-fashioned old man!
The corners of Xue Wushuang's eyes twitched undetectably. This is a matter of principle, and has nothing to do with rigidity.

"Miss! Miss!" Shi Yun finally caught up with Long Yao at this time.

Seeing the man in front of him, he was slightly taken aback, "Doctor Xue? Are you going to find the principal too?"

Xue Wushuang is a doctor of the college, his family is a family of medicine, and his medical skills are even more outstanding.

Xue Wushuang's light jaw was a response.

"Miss, this is Doctor Xue." Shi Yun explained in a low voice next to Long Yao's ear.

Long Yao looked Xue Wushuang up and down, is this the famous Doctor Xue?

(End of this chapter)

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