Chapter 436 Xue Wushuang

Xue Wushuang's name is known to everyone in the academy, not only because of his medical skills, but also because of his outstanding appearance.

In order to see him, many women pretended to be sick, pretending to have leg pains and neck pains abound.

But Xue Wushuang is like a big popsicle, he doesn't bother to look at anyone.

Long Suwan was known as the number one beauty in the academy, but Xue Wushuang didn't even remember who she was.

Long Yao blinked, smiling brightly, "You are Doctor Xue! That's just right, let's go find the principal together! Hurry up and give me a hand!"

Long Yao doesn't care what kind of Doctor Xue you are, the business is to find the principal and get the approval to go out to practice.

There is a ready-made doctor here, just take it with you when you go out to practice.

Xue Wushuang felt very tired, and he was helpless when he met this fool, "Hurry up."

In order to get to the principal's courtyard quickly, Xue Wushuang could only be pulled by her arm obediently.

I don't know if it's his illusion, compared to the previous Longyao, the current Longyao makes him less annoying.

Shi Yun was dumbfounded, seeing that her young lady was almost hanging on Dr. Xue like a koala.

What made him even more dumbfounded was that Dr. Xue didn't throw Miss out.

"Miss, wait for me." Shi Yun chased after holding a pile of mess.

Long Yao's legs seemed to be filled with lead and they were extremely heavy. She didn't want to walk at all. Fortunately, there was a free tool man to drag her.

Regarding Long Yao's rogue behavior, Xue Wushuang remained the same on the outside, as if she was not alone, and she walked as if she was walking on the ground.

Finally arrived at the gate of the principal's courtyard, Long Yao let go of Xue Wushuang and jumped to the gate.

After pushing the door twice but it didn't open, Long Yao pinched her waist and sank to her dantian, shouting, "Old principal! Open the door!"

Xue Wushuang rubbed her forehead with a headache, stepped forward and fiddled with the door twice, the latch was unlocked, and pushed the door open.

Looking at the open door, Longyao looked up at Xue Wushuang's side face, "Why didn't you open it earlier?"

What does it mean for the villain to file a complaint first?This is!
"You were the one who ran to the door first." Xue Wushuang's voice didn't fluctuate, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

It means that you are a fool and the villain will sue first.

"For the sake of you being a beauty, I don't care about you." Long Yao just couldn't get angry with the handsome guy.

She was so beautiful, she was pleasing to the eye, so naturally she wouldn't argue with him.

He turned around and swaggered into the courtyard.

The corner of Shi Yun's mouth twitched, he suspected that Miss's stupid problem was not cured at all.

Xue Wushuang was paralyzed without any expression on her face, and followed her into the small courtyard with steady steps.

Chen Jinnan was cooking tea by the stove in the house.

Looking at the handsome men and women who came in one after the other, the eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

How did these two get mixed up?
But this looks really eye-catching!

These two people have a completely irreconcilable relationship, yet they appeared together at his place.

This is really strange.

"Principal, hurry up and write me an approval letter." Long Yao looked at the middle-aged man in front of her, but she didn't expect that the principal was not an old man, but a middle-aged handsome man.

Long Yao doesn't need to think about it, the one who can sit here is the principal himself.

Chen Jinnan was a little stunned, did something happen to his retreat this time, why wasn't his good brother's daughter stupid anymore?
He can tell clearly whether a person is stupid or not.

When I saw Long Yao for the first time, her eyes were dull and she giggled all day long, as if she had lost one of her three souls and six souls.

Goodbye today, she is already a complete person, not stupid at all.

"Oh? Xiao Yaoer wants uncle to write some approval for you?"

Chen Jinnan was full of smiles, his brother finally waited for the day when his daughter was not stupid.

Chen Jinnan knew very well that Long Yao would return to normal, and it would be her birthday in a few days.

Many days earlier than he expected to wake up.

Seeing the loving smile on Chen Jinnan's face, Long Yao was a little stunned.

There has never been anyone like an elder who made her feel cared for, and the beautiful uncle in front of her gave her a different feeling.

She has no relatives since she was born, except for the leeches who are by her side like family, no one gives her this feeling anymore.

This feeling is different from the feeling that Lizhi gave her. The seven of them are like a big brother who pampers her infinitely, while the person in front of her gives her the feeling that she is an elder who cares about her.

"Oh, I want to take Class [-] out for a few days of experience, and come back during the competition."

Long Yao came back to her senses, and her tone of voice was cute.

Xue Wushuang unexpectedly glanced at the two of them, and he didn't know their relationship.

Seeing the two getting along, he was a little surprised.

This also understands why a fool would come to be a mentor.

With the support of the headmaster, she can naturally enter the academy.

"No! This is absolutely not possible! Don't you all know the strength of each of you? The food is good!"

"Besides, there is no doctor in the academy who is willing to go out with your seventh class to practice."

The doctors in the Medical Pavilion of the college are all under the command of Xue Wushuang, and no doctor is willing to take risks with Class Seven.

"Who says there is no doctor? Isn't he?"

Long Yao pointed to Xue Wushuang beside him and said.

Xue Wushuang still had no expression on his paralyzed face, and sat on the side as immobile as a mountain.

"Him? How could he go with you?"

Xue Wushuang is the chief of the Medical Pavilion, how could he leave the academy so easily?
Chen Jinnan didn't plan to let Class Seven go out to practice. Those children's strength could no longer be improved, and he couldn't do anything about it, and it was impossible for the college's resources to be wasted on them.

"Why can't it? Xue Wushuang, will you follow me to practice?"

Long Yao suddenly moved closer to Xue Wushuang, staring at him with big watery eyes.

Xue Wushuang suddenly smelled a scent of milk, raised her eyes and met a pair of big eyes.

Those eyes touched his heart a little.

"No." Xue Wushuang replied firmly.

Long Yao creaked her ten fingers, gritted her teeth and said each word: "What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts? Do you believe that I will beat you unconscious and carry you away?"

Shi Yun twitched at the corner of his eyes, Miss!When did you become so violent?

Chen Jinnan glanced at Xue Wushuang with a suppressed smile, and suddenly felt very amused seeing his blank expression.

This guy has always been facial paralyzed, and it's rare for someone to be helpless.

"That's not going." Xue Wushuang has been in poor health in winter. Even if he is a doctor, he can't heal his weak body. He must lose half of his life when he goes out to experience in winter.

"If you don't go, you have to go! Set off in three days, if I don't see your figure, I'll just knock you out and carry you away!"

"Principal, hurry up and give me the approval."

Without approval, they will be stopped when they pass through the city.

This approval document is equivalent to a customs clearance document.

"Are you really determined to go?" Chen Jinnan also wanted to fight for a chance for the children in Class Seven.

If there is something to be gained from going out this time, it will be a major turning point in life for those children.

(End of this chapter)

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