Chapter 437 Approval
Long Yao nodded seriously, she would not change the things she had decided.

"Principal, let me make a bet with you, this time I will definitely make them reborn, if I can't do it, I will automatically ask you to leave the academy."

She didn't believe it, with the spiritual practice formula in hand, those guys haven't grown up yet!

These children are obviously good seedlings, but they were delayed by the martial arts here.

"Actually, I don't want to give up on those children in class seven. If you can make them improve by one level, I will give you whatever reward you want."

Chen Jinnan also wanted to take a slant, maybe the child who regained his sanity could bring her a different surprise.

Xue Wushuang frowned uncontrollably, how could the headmaster agree to her?
Isn't this bullshit?

"Principal? You are?" Xue Wushuang looked at him disapprovingly.

Chen Jinnan frowned, and sighed: "Wu Shuang, you also know that the secret realm is about to open, and I don't want to give up on these children, but if I have a way, I won't let this girl mess around."

"This time you go with their seventh class! You are relatively strong, and you are also a doctor, so you can protect them."

Xue Wushuang's strength is obvious to all. At the age of just 20 years old, his strength has surpassed those old guys.

Xue Wushuang looked at Long Yao, he was definitely not joking when he said that he knocked himself out.

That's all!He just went with them.

"Okay! Let me go back and make full preparations."

Xue Wushuang happened to be looking for a medicinal herb as well. He planned to look for it in the past winter, but he had to move forward.

"Okay! Then you go and prepare! I will wait for your good news."

Chen Jinnan decided to take a gamble, or this girl could bring him a different result.

"Great! Then you talk, I'll go first!" Long Yao ignored the two, pulled Shi Yun and left.

It is much more comfortable to leave than when to come.

Xue Wushuang disagreed and said: "Principal, this winter is unusual. The danger will increase several times for them to go out to practice. I can't guarantee that they will come back alive."

I don't know what's wrong with this winter. It's much colder than previous years, and the snow is also heavy.

According to historical records, this year's heavy snowfall is the biggest snowfall in the past 30 years.

"I also know that this winter is unusual, but I want to work harder for those children, so that they will not regret it if they work hard."

He also couldn't bear to disqualify Class Seven from enjoying resources. The college's resources are not so abundant, and he still expects those children who enter the secret realm to bring more resources.

There is no hope for the children in their seventh class to enter the secret realm, and all he can do for them is the last effort.

Xue Wushuang also understood the dean's difficulties, and finally nodded helplessly, "Then I will accompany them for a while, I will go back first."

He needs to prepare well for this trip, and he needs to bring a lot of things.

Long Yao simply prepared some things and set off in three days.

Long Yao waited on the training ground with Shi Yun, and the seven teenagers in front of them were holding short swords and carrying a burden on their backs.

Today's weather was bitterly cold, and the burning fire in their hearts made them feel no cold. However, the seven teenagers stood with their heads held high on the training ground, waiting for the moment that would change their lives.

Hearing that Class [-] was going to practice, all the teenagers from the academy came to join in the fun, to see how those idiots chose this kind of weather to go out to practice.

"What do you think this fool is going to do? Is it to let them die?"

"I can't stand this cold weather!"

"Yes! We are stronger than them and can't resist the cold. They still want to experience it? What's the difference between this and courting death?"

The students surrounding the martial arts training ground were chattering a lot.

Yu Wenning, who was standing in the crowd, looked at Long Yao who was standing on the high platform, and his molars creaked.

"Disgraceful!" Yu Wenning didn't want to take another look at Long Yao, turned around and left the training ground.

A fool who doesn't stay in the academy well and does shameful things all day long!

Ah ah ah ah ah--

Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the martial arts training ground, which made Yu Wenning stop in his footsteps.

Turning around, I saw Xue Wushuang walking towards me.

The female students gathered around the training ground, all of them blushed with yelling nympho.

She shyly looked at Xue Wushuang, for fear of missing a glance.

"Mr. Long, we can set off." Xue Wushuang brought a guard to Long Yao.

"What! Doctor Xue is following them?"

"How is this possible! Doctor Xue hasn't gone out with any class to practice!"

"Why? What should we do when Doctor Xue is gone?"

"Exactly! How could that idiot He De let Dr. Xue follow him?"

There was an instant stir in the crowd, especially those women, all staring at Class Seven with envy and hatred.

Leng Huanyue looked at Long Yao unexpectedly, how did he persuade the principal to let Dr. Xue follow?
How could Dr. Xue agree?

"That's amazing! Our instructor is really awesome!" Shang Feiyu instantly felt a radiance on his face, and it was the first time for Dr. Xue to go out to practice with the class!

Their class seven finally felt proud.

"Look at those envious and jealous eyes, everyone wants to eat us! Why do I feel so good!" Yu Shenghan felt a little relieved, they had never been envied and envied by anyone in Class [-]!
"When we come back, it's time to blind them!"

It's fine if Yin Mo doesn't speak, but once he speaks, Qi Qi, a boy from Class [-], will feel hot in his heart.

"Okay! Now that Dr. Xue is here, let's go!" Long Yao waved and led a group of people across the training ground and left the academy.

She is one step closer to her Dragon Ball!
A carriage and several horses were parked outside the college.

Holding a heater in both hands, Xue Wu turned around to look at the small Long Yao and said, "Mr. Long, why don't you ride the carriage with me?"

Xue Wushuang's bodyguard, Wen Lin, looked at his master as if he had seen a ghost. Doesn't his master have a cleanliness habit?
Isn't that not allowing others to touch his things?

What's going on here?

Wen Lin looked as if he had swallowed a handful of flies, his throat was itchy from the discomfort, and he wished he could stop that idiot instead of his master.

He didn't want to see that fool, it was too much of a headache.

"Forget it! I like the feeling of galloping on horseback."

Long Yao rejected Xue Wushuang, she was not cold at all, even riding a horse.

Xue Wushuang was rejected, without any change on her face, she turned around and got into the carriage alone.

Wen Lin is angry, when will the master invite the woman to ride in the carriage together?Why don't you give me face?

"Wen Lin, let's go." Xue Wushuang's cold voice came from the carriage.

Wen Lin suppressed the anger in his heart, drove the carriage and set off.

"What are you doing? Be statues!" Long Yao turned her head and saw a few boys from Class [-] opening their mouths so wide they could stuff their fists.

"Oh! No! Teacher, how did you win Dr. Xue? You even asked him to invite you to ride in a carriage?"

Shang Feiyu's gossip heart was burning.

The rest of the people listened with pricked ears, but they were also curious.

(End of this chapter)

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