Chapter 438 Simple and Rough

Long Yao sat on the horse and followed the carriage unhurriedly, and said indifferently: "I told him, if he doesn't go, I'll beat him unconscious and carry him away!"

Is it so simple and rude?
Doctor Xue is not like a master who is easily threatened by others.

Xue Wushuang raised the curtain of the carriage window and looked at Long Yao who was riding a horse. How did she subdue the students in Class Seven?

Although the few students in class seven are not strong enough, they are the direct descendants of major families, and they always have a sense of pride in them.

They would rather have their bones broken than cry out that it hurts.

Now they are willing to follow a fool out to practice, don't they know how much risk it takes?

Now the few teenagers were chatting and laughing with Long Yao, they didn't show any respect to this foolish tutor as rumored by the academy.

The moment Xue Wushuang put down the curtain, Long Yao's eyes focused on the window, the man inside was picturesque, but unfortunately he died soon.

For the sake of your beauty, I will save your life!
"Shiyun, I always wonder why this Xue Wushuang is so familiar? Does he have anything to do with us?"

In the fool's vague memory, the figure of such a man in white seemed to flash past.

Shi Yun shook his head, "It's nothing to do, Master Hou is away fighting all the year round, the Xue family is a family of medicine, even if our two families are related, they are the masters of Lord Hou and the Xue family, and we will not have any intersection with Miss."

Shi Yun has only been by Miss's side in the past few years, and he doesn't know the situation the rest of the time.

In the past, he followed Lord Hou to Xue's house to get medicine.

"Miss, my foot was treated by Dr. Xue. You are often injured because of Yu Wenning, and Dr. Xue often heals you. Does this count as an intersection?"

Shi Yun suddenly said this again.

Long Yao rubbed her chin and shook her head, "This is just a normal relationship, not an intersection, I mean the intersection of saving people."

In Long Yao's vague memory, a little girl pulled a boy up from the water.

The little boy's face was very blurry, but the snowflake jade pendant around his waist was very clear in Long Yao's mind.

Now that jade pendant is worn on Xue Wushuang's waist.

It was also because Long Yao saw the jade pendant on his waist yesterday that she decided to drag him out to practice.

When Long Yao was holding Xue Wushuang that day, she accidentally saw the jade pendant on his waist, and such a picture flashed in her mind.

I feel that there is a disease in his body, which is cold syndrome. This kind of patient is a hurdle when encountering winter.

Every winter, it needs to be hung with a large amount of medicine, otherwise it will be a dead end.

It stands to reason that this kind of disease is not difficult to treat. Why did it take so long to be cured in this continent?
Xue Wushuang is a doctor himself, so he is helpless to deal with this kind of disease, maybe it is impossible to refine the elixir to get rid of the cold syndrome.

Wen Lin has a lot of hostility towards Long Yao, because she insists on dragging his master out to practice.

Xue Wushuang seldom goes out in winter, and this year, the extremely cold weather and heavy snow that have never happened in 30 years, coming out to practice must have killed him.

Wen Lin couldn't beat his master, so he had to make enough preparations to keep warm, and then reluctantly followed him out.

Long Yao dragged Xue Wushuang out, just wanted to help him cure his cold.

Shi Yun shook her head, "Miss, where is there any life-saving friendship? Before you entered the academy, you didn't know anything except running behind Yu Wenning's ass."

Long Yao covered her face, there is no need to say this kind of thing again, right?
That Yu Wenning, she will deal with him sooner or later!

If you don't know the relationship with Xue Wushuang, just ignore it for now, and talk about it later!
Long Yao led a group of sick and disabled to set off. According to Shi Yun's narration, their college's training places are fixed places.

Several forests are places that the academy likes to go to. Those places are not only rich in resources, but also have a low risk factor, so it is not easy for students to make mistakes.

Long Yao didn't want to go to those places, she wanted to go to the 'Luoyujian' which is a dangerous place in this continent.

Luoyujian is a place that all the strong in this continent dare not go, because there is no return.

Legend has it that Luoyujian is the place where it was cut out when the ladder road was opened, and there is the secret of becoming a god in it.

How many people have gone to Luoyujian in order to become gods, but none of them can come back.

Even so, many people will go there to try their luck. What if they find out the secret of becoming a god?
"What! Go to Luoyujian! Teacher, are you kidding me!"

"That's right, mentor! Is that place so easy to get in?"

"Teacher, are you sure your stupid disease is cured?"

The faces of the teenagers in Class [-] turned pale immediately, that place was simply a Hero Tomb.

The elders of their family also went to find the secret of becoming a god, and never came back.

The elders in the family told them not to go to Luoyujian.

Wrapped in a big cloak, Xue Wushuang sat beside the fire with the stove in his arms, disapproving of Long Yao's suggestion.

"Mr. Long, I don't agree with going there to practice. These children practice to improve their strength, not to die."

Someone from Xue's family also went to Luoyujian, but no one came back.

Wen Lin held back his anger all the way, and couldn't hold back anymore at this moment.

"You fool, you want to kill my master, don't you? Can you go to that place casually?"

Luoyujian is not only dangerous, but also has ice and snow that does not melt all year round. His master will die if he goes there.

"What do you know? That place has something that can change your veins, so you must go."

"Of course! There are also medicinal materials to cure your cold syndrome!"

He didn't take Wen Lin's pointing at Long Yao to heart, he was only eager to protect the Lord.

If you want to completely change their tendons, you need 'Han Yan Guo', and you need Wannian Ice Lotus to cure Xue Wushuang's cold syndrome.

These two medicinal materials are available on her Nebula Island, but she is unable to contact Nebula Island now.

There are no these two kinds of medicinal materials in this Wanjie pawnshop.

The elixirs in the pawn shop were all ordinary elixirs, and the Xisui elixirs were low-grade elixirs. They were somewhat useful, but they couldn't really stimulate their potential.

Only top-grade elixir can be replaced with marrow elixir.

The elixir needed for Xue Wushuang's cold syndrome is Binglian Dan, which is a middle-grade elixir.

"What? You know me,,? Are you really not stupid anymore?"

Xue Wushuang was surprised, no one could see that he was sick, they just thought he was unwilling to go out in winter.

Xue Wushuang's illness is only known to the insiders of the Xue family. After all, the head of the Xue family only has such a son.

If others knew that the descendants of the Xue family would not live long, their Xue family's family fortune would be in jeopardy.

"Is this difficult?" Long Yao was speechless, and there were countless people in the Taihuang God Realm who wanted her to heal them.

In order to obtain a pill that she refined, she did not hesitate to spend a lot of money.

Now there are people who doubt her strength?
Xue Wushuang looked at Long Yao unconsciously, is she really not stupid?But why?
A person who has been stupid for 18 years is suddenly no longer stupid. Is there any reason for this?
(End of this chapter)

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