Chapter 441 Round City
The streets of Yuancheng were crowded with people, Shi Yun followed Long Yao closely, for fear that she would get lost.

"Miss, where are we going?" Shi Yun squeezed out from the crowd, and managed to keep up with Long Yao.

"Of course, go to the pharmacy! I want to buy some medicinal materials."

First get some medicinal materials to refine some low-level elixir and sell them, and then buy the medicinal materials for marrow elixir after exchanging money.

"Oh!" Shi Yunhu stood behind Longyao, fearing that there would be too many people and the two of them would be scattered.

"Medicine Pavilion?" It must be selling medicinal herbs.

As soon as Long Yao entered the Medicine Pavilion, she smelled the familiar fragrance of herbs.

After buying a lot of herbs, I just rented the alchemy room in the medicine pavilion and started preparing for refining the alchemy.

"Miss, what kind of elixir do you want to refine?" It seems that the elixir that is too expensive or too exotic is not easy to sell.

Because they have never seen such a good pill.

"What kind of elixirs are you familiar with?" Long Yao thought it was better to understand the situation here before making any plans.

Shi Yun pondered for a long time and said: "Miss, I don't know much about elixirs, and I haven't seen many elixirs. The most valuable ones are hemostatic elixirs and qi training elixirs."

"Ah? Are these pills very valuable?" Long Yao couldn't believe that such poor pills are so scarce here?
Are these two junk pills the most valuable?

In the Taihuang God Realm, children didn't take such pills.

"It's valuable! It's so valuable! Just because people who practice martial arts are easily injured, the hemostatic pill is a very scarce pill, and the Qi training pill is even more valuable. It is an indispensable pill for cultivation."

Shi Yun also took Qi training pills, but it was given to him by Master Hou.

At that time, he felt that the qi training pill was really a good thing.

After thinking about it for a long time, Long Yao decided to refine some other pills while refining Qi training pills.

Those pills are too rubbish, a waste of her Liuli Jinghuo.

Shi Yun just stood aside and watched dumbfounded. A piece of white cloth on the ground was piled up with pills without much effort.

Shiyun held the jade bottle mechanically containing the elixir, is this elixir?Are you sure it's not pills?

Every elixir has a peach blossom, which not only looks good but also smells good.

"Okay! Are these pills enough to exchange for a lot of money?" There are hundreds of jade bottles on the ground.

"Miss, this is more than a lot of money! It's a sky-high price!" How can an alchemist refine so many pills?
"Really? As long as it can be exchanged for money! Let's go!" Long Yao's blood boiled when he heard that he could exchange a lot of money.

She finally wants money!

When we got to the street, we found an empty seat, and a pile of pill bottles were placed on the ground.

"Miss, people who sell pills like this think it's fake!"

The corners of Shiyun's eyes twitched, whoever sells pills is not careful, but the lady is lucky, this has become a street stall.

"Is this elixir? There are so many? Liar?"

"That's right! I've met people who set up street stalls selling pills, but they were actually clay balls."

Pedestrians passing by shook their heads.

I don't even believe that this is a real elixir.

"What kind of elixir is this?" A strong man picked up a bottle of elixir and smelled it. It smelled very good. He didn't know what kind of elixir it was, but it looked really nice with a flower on it.

"What kind of elixir do you want?" Long Yao saw that what he was holding in his hand was a bottle of qi training elixir, or a high-grade elixir.

The strong man looked at the pills all over the floor and his heart was beating. Are these really pills?
Why is it different from the pills he has seen before?

"Do you have Qi training pills?" What his brothers lacked was Qi training pills.

Long Yao pulled out a bunch of bottles from a pile of jade bottles, "These are all."

The strong man stared, so many?There must be three hundred, right?
"How much is this one?" The strong man touched the money in his pocket, and there were only 5000 taels of silver bills.

Long Yao made a gesture, "This pile is 8000 taels."

Shiyun's shoulders tilted violently, almost falling to the ground.

Miss!Are you stupid?So many pills are only 8000 taels?

"How much, how much, how much?" The strong man clasped his ears hard, thinking he had misheard.

Shi Yun was bleeding in distress.

"Hey! Auntie! You are my auntie!" The strong man suddenly cried out, holding Longyao's hand as if he saw his own mother.

"Grandma, this is 5000 taels, I'll make up the rest for you! Just wait!"

The strong man turned around and grabbed the person beside him, "Take out all the money!"

The person who was grabbed was trembling all over, how could he be so unlucky to meet this evil star.

"Uncle, Uncle, I only have 2000 taels." As he spoke, he took out a bank note with trembling hands.

"Bring it to you!" Turning around, he grabbed another person and robbed 1000 taels.

After collecting enough 8000 taels, she happily ran to Longyao's booth, "Grandma, 8000 taels of silver notes! These pills are mine."

Holding a pile of jade bottles and smiling like a fool.

Long Yao took the 8000 taels of silver bills and put them in her arms, and those boys earned their money back!
The remaining pills are enough to earn tens of thousands of taels!
"Grandma, what kind of pills are these?"

The strong man always felt that this person was not simple.

Judging from his age, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, how could there be so many pills and they were sold so cheaply?
This is no different from giving away!

This aunt's background must not be simple.

"Do you want the tendon replacement pill?" This kind of pill is to replace the abolished tendons on the body and re-grow thick tendons.

"What? Say it again, grandma? I can't hear well." The strong man felt like a thunderbolt struck his head, making him tremble all over.

"Change tendon pill? Are you kidding? Isn't this kind of pill already lost? There are no prescriptions for pills."

"That's right! If such a precious pill had already been auctioned in the Treasure Pavilion, would you still set up a street stall here?"

Pedestrians who hid far away thought that the girl might not be a fool when they heard the word Changjin Dan.

Due to the fact that the strong man was there, none of them dared to take a step forward, only dared to press quietly.

"Grandma, do you know that this elixir is a lost elixir? How many people dream of obtaining such a elixir but have nowhere to go!"

The strong man's name is Wang Meng, he is from the Sedum Kingdom, and his thirst for pills has reached the point of madness.

Jing Tian Kingdom lacks materials, medicinal materials are scarce, and alchemists are even more difficult to find.

Now that he met Long Yao, an alchemist, Wang Meng wished he could tie him back.

After thinking about it, he gave up this idea, and the main thing is to make friends with such an alchemist who can't figure out the background.

"It's just an ordinary pill, is it so scarce?" As soon as Long Yao said that, Wang Meng looked at Long Yao like a fool, and this girl didn't look like a fool!
Shi Yun can't wait to cover the young lady's mouth, what if they tie her back after talking?
Cough cough cough!Wang Meng was choked by his own saliva and tears came out, he was sure, this aunt is a careless person!

At this time, an old man and a young man came and picked up Longyao's elixir, "Master, the elixir this person sells is fake, right? Isn't Changjin elixir already lost?"

The old man poured out a elixir, his eyes widened instantly, "This is not fake! It's a real tendon-changing elixir!"

(End of this chapter)

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