Chapter 442

Changing tendon pills have been lost in this continent, and the pill formula can't be found, but the sudden appearance of changing tendon pills is so dramatic.

The old man's name is Du Zhong, and he is a master of alchemy.

The boy who followed him was his apprentice Yang Su.

The two masters and apprentices passed by Yuancheng, intending to buy some rare herbs, but they didn't expect to encounter the long-lost Changjin Pill.

"What? Is this really Changjin Pill?"

"How could Master Du be wrong?"

"Then we? Can't... I don't know how to sell this pill?"

This is a muscle-changing pill!Who wouldn't want one?
Wang Meng didn't do it at first glance, that old man is an alchemist, so he didn't want to offend, so why are these thieves here to join in the fun?
"Get out! You can afford the aunt's medicine?" Wang Meng waved his fist, scaring the people around him to scatter in an instant.

Long Yao had a headache, drove away people, who would she sell this elixir to?

Where did this stupid guy come from?

"I don't know how to sell this little friend's elixir?" Du Zhong was obsessed with elixir, and was even more fanatical about the lost elixir.

Now that he encountered this long-lost pill, how could he let it go.

Wang Meng also wanted to buy some of this elixir, but he didn't have that much money, so he asked the price first!

"That's right! Auntie, how do you sell this pill?"

"Aren't you out of money?" Long Yao looked at the pile of pills in his arms and said.

Wang Meng scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "Grandma, can you leave a contact information? I will bring the money and go to you to buy the elixir."

Long Yao pondered for a moment and said: "I have no fixed place recently, and I will go when the Pearl Secret Realm opens."

"Okay! At that time, I will go directly to my aunt! Let me take my leave first."

Since he didn't want to disclose his whereabouts, Wang Meng wisely didn't ask any more questions, and ran away with the pill in his arms.

He has to go back to the country and collect enough money to find his aunt.

Only then did Du Zhong salute, "Can you sell all these elixir to me?"

The majestic alchemy master only dares to be called inferior in front of Long Yao, this is the rule of alchemy masters.

As long as your alchemy is outstanding, regardless of your age, you will be called a senior.

"Okay! You can just give me some money." Long Yao stuffed the last few jade bottles into his arms.

These were sold enough for their flowers along the way, and she also had private money.

There is gold and silver in the pawn shop, but for some reason, they cannot be used in this plane.

Otherwise, why would she sell pills to make money?
"Thank you, master! This is 50 silver notes, and I only have these on my body. When the secret realm is opened and I meet the master, I will give you another 50 silver notes with both hands. Do you think this is feasible?"

Du Zhong's face was hot. He came out this time with only the money to buy medicinal materials, and there was no extra money.

He had no storage space, so he didn't have much money with him.

There are very few people here who can have storage space, even if he is a master of alchemy, he does not have storage space.

"Forget it! There are a lot of these!"

Long Yao waved the bank note into the interspatial ring.

Du Zhong was shocked, this little girl actually has a space ring, her identity is really not simple.

Long Yao returned to the inn, and a group of people were looking for Long Yao anxiously.

"Mentor, where have you been! Let us find it easily."

Panting, Leng Huanyue rushed in from the door.

"I'm going to sell pills! See what this is?" Long Yao took out a stack of bank notes and put them on the table.

Shang Feiyu had a headache and raised his forehead, this mentor was really worrying.

Xue Wushuang was standing on the second floor of the inn, and when he saw the person came back, he returned to the room with the stove in his arms.

Tang Zhening and the others also rushed into the inn from the outside, and when they saw Long Yao's figure, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher, can you tell us when you go out?"

Gu Shang is exhausted like a dog, is their mentor's madness cured?

He ran out without saying a word, making them all worried to death.

Only then did Long Yao pay attention to the few cubs in front of her, all panting tiredly.

"Why did you go?" Long Yao took out the banknote and returned it to them.

Leng Huanyue looked at the bank note in her hand and didn't know what to say, how could they reason with her?
"Teacher, do you know that we are all worried that you went out without saying anything?"

Only then did Yin Mo speak.

Long Yao finally understood why they were in such a mess, she didn't expect these brats to understand and love her so much.

"Okay, okay! I'll go out and tell you later, isn't it okay?"

Long Yao has compromised, and it feels good that someone cares about her.

"Teacher, why do you have so many banknotes?" Now that the tutor is back, they can't talk too much, Dong Shaohua is a little dumbfounded with the banknotes in his hand.

"I sold the elixir! Your money will be returned in full!"

Long Yao counted the banknotes in her hand and laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth.

She is finally rich!She never felt safe without money.

The corners of the teenagers' mouths twitched. Their mentor is a fool who just woke up. What can they do?Follow her first!

When Longyao was rich, she bought a lot of necessities in the city and started to set off for Luoyujian again.

This time, Long Yao didn't ride a horse, and didn't let a few youngsters ride a horse, but let them run.

"Hurry up! Running so slow? An 80-year-old lady can run faster than you!"

Long Yao sat on the carriage and drove Wen Lin aside, and she drove the carriage herself.

On both sides of the carriage were a few little boys running and sweating profusely.

Shi Yun was riding a horse leisurely holding a whip, driving a few teenagers to run like trying to catch ducks.

Long Yao drove the carriage crookedly on the road, frightening Wenlin Dadongong to sweat.

"Ouch! Do you really know how to drive a car!" Wen Lin was afraid that his master would be turned upside down.

In fact, Xue Wushuang was almost thrown up by her in the car.

No discomfort could be seen on his facial paralysis, and the knuckles of his hands holding the stove tightly were turning white, showing how much effort he had put in to endure.

What is this dragon mentor doing?
Xue Wushuang's original good temper almost couldn't be maintained.

The running boys wanted to cry but had no tears, "Director, mentor, why do we use running?"

Shang Feiyu panted heavily, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he could barely move.

Although Leng Huanyue was sweating profusely, she gritted her teeth and persevered without crying out.

He knew that the mentor must have his own intentions in doing so.

Long Yao smiled harmlessly and said: "Of course it is to exercise your physique! With your small body, it is not enough to be punched by someone."

I don't know how the martial arts in this continent are taught. They are all used to improve their strength, but they don't know that if their strength is improved, they will still be easily defeated by others if their physique is not good enough.

"Mentor, you let us run for a long time, can you rest?"

As the saying goes, you can't encourage growth. They have never run like this before, but now they suddenly run like this for a long time, and they really can't stand it.

"Then use your internal strength to continue running!"

Long Yao didn't intend to let these cubs go, and vowed not to give up until they used up all their internal energy.

(End of this chapter)

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