Chapter 443 On the Road
Several cubs wailed and used their internal strength to continue running.

Xue Wushuang frowned, this exercise method was different from what he thought.

"Master Long is exercising their tendons?"

He once suggested to the academy that students should strengthen their physical fitness, but the martial arts passed down from the school are all about cultivation, and physical exercise is a joke in the eyes of others.

Seeing Longyao exercising these children today, I admire her again.

Is it really okay to exercise them like this just to start?
"Xue Wushuang, do you have good eyesight?" Long Yao was still teasing him leisurely.

Xue Wushuang had a rare smile on his face, "I once suggested that the academy change the children's cultivation methods, but unfortunately the principal did not accept my suggestion."

The dean can be regarded as a stubborn old man, always thinking that the cultivation methods passed down from his ancestors are infallible.

Xue Wushuang knew that someone in this continent had once ascended to become a god, so he always felt that there was something wrong with the cultivation method here, and he himself tried to change the cultivation method, no matter how he changed it, he felt it was inappropriate.

"It's strange for that old headmaster to listen! If he doesn't see the results, he won't change his original intention."

This time, Long Yao brought the teenagers from class [-] out to practice, which also meant to change the way of cultivation in this continent.

If it doesn't change, even if she opens the ladder road, people here will not be able to become gods.

This is probably one of the reasons why the old man Tiandao asked her to come here, right?

"Mr. Long, have you ever thought about changing the practice here?"

Xue Wushuang didn't know why she asked her so suddenly.

"Isn't this just being modified?"

Long Yao waved his hands in the car, the cubs who were almost exhausted and paralyzed were finally able to lie down on the ground to rest.

"Oh my god! The mentor is simply not human."

Shang Feiyu began to moan as soon as he lay down, and he didn't dislike the heavy snow on the ground.

The rest of them lay on the ground and were too lazy to talk.

The internal energy in the body has been emptied, and the legs are as soft as noodles.

I don't even bother to speak a word.

Long Yao jumped out of the carriage and stuffed a pill into each of their mouths.

"Rest tonight and practice, and continue running tomorrow. You have been running like this until Luoyujian."

Long Yao turned around and went to find a place to rest, ignoring the wailing of those cubs.

When they arrived at Luoyujian, they didn't know what danger was waiting for them. Along the way, she wanted them to change their exercises as soon as possible.

If they want to replace the original exercises, they need their tendons to be extremely tough.

"Ouch! What kind of medicine did the teacher give us?"

Yu Shenghan ran into the woods by the roadside while clutching his buttocks.

"Hmm! Wait for me! Let's go together."

Dong Shaohua clutched his stomach and rushed into the woods.

Then one after another, the bastards ran into the woods clutching their buttocks.

Long Yao jumped into the carriage and laughed happily.

Xue Wushuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked curiously, "What did Teacher Long give them?"

"Change tendon pill!" Long Yao took out a bottle of pill and handed it to Xue Wushuang.

Xue Wushuang tightly held the black jade bottle in her big, well-articulated hands.

It turned out to be a tendon changing pill!

Only then did Xue Wushuang realize later: "Could it be that this is the elixir that Teacher Long sells in Yuancheng?"

In fact, Xue Wushuang has already set off a storm in his heart, this is a long-lost elixir!

"That's right! In fact, your body can also take a piece of this elixir, which is good for your cold syndrome."

The veins on Xue Wushuang's body had already frozen, and if he couldn't cure the cold, his whole body would become an ice sculpture.

Eating a tendon-changing pill will keep his tendons from freezing temporarily.

"I have not recovered from my cold, so it would be a waste to eat it."

Xue Wushuang lowered his eyes in disappointment, he also wanted to be good, but the sky failed.

He got the disease when he fell into a frozen lake when he was eight years old.

I don't know if the little girl who saved him back then had the same disease as him.

Seeing him pondering over the snowflake jade pendant, Long Yao asked, "Who gave you this quick jade pendant?"

Xue Wushuang took off the jade pendant, the snowflake jade pendant had been smoothed and shiny by him, it could be seen that he often took it out to stroke.

"It was a gift from a little girl who saved me. She said I was as white as a snowflake, and she didn't know where that little girl was?"

Xue Wushuang has been looking for that little girl all these years, but there has been no news for many years.

At that time, he had just been rescued, when the little girl said a word, put a jade pendant in his hand and left.

"Did you save you by the Weihe River?" Long Yao confirmed, she really saved this kid.

Xue Wushuang was stunned when Long Yao said this, "How do you know?"

He was rescued by the Wei River, and only he and the little girl knew about it.

"You? It's you, right?" Xue Wushuang grabbed Long Yao's arm and exhausted all her strength to confirm.

After more than ten years, he finally found her!

Then there was self-blame, his savior had been stupid for so long in front of his eyes, he didn't even know about it, and he was still indifferent.

"Of course it's me! Do you know what this fast jade pendant is?"

Long Yao's mind became more and more clear these days, and only then did she think of all the things in the past.

'Snowflake Ling' is a mysterious army of the Long Family, which exists to protect this continent and Wushu Kingdom.

Wu Shu Kingdom is the country where Long Yao was born, and it is also the country guarded by Long Xiao, Marquis of Wu'an.

The academy was established at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, and Longyao was thousands of miles away from Kyoto to become a tutor at the academy.

Long Xiao had always known that many people wanted to get that army dispatch order, so he gave it to his daughter for safekeeping. No one would have thought that Xue Hualing would be on a fool.

The current emperor betrothed Longyao to his son, also for Xue Hualing.

Xuehualing is also the name of this army, and this army only obeys those who hold the Xuehualing jade pendant of the Long family.

Long Yao remembered very clearly that when Long Xiao handed her Xue Hualing, he repeatedly told her to take good care of the jade pendant.

When Long Yao first saw Xue Wushuang at that time, she thought he was really good-looking, just like the snowflake jade pendant on her waist, so she gave it to Xue Wushuang.

Xue Wushuang didn't know, so, "What is this?"

"Xue Hualing, have you ever heard of it?" Long Yao didn't hide anything from him, and directly told him the origin of the jade pendant.

Xue Wushuang's mouth grew enough to stuff eggs, "What did you say? This is Xuehualing? This is actually Xuehualing?"

Everyone knows Xue Hualing's name. This army exists to protect the peace of this continent.

It is said that the mysterious army did not know when it appeared. The people in that army are immortal, and their force is still higher than that of everyone on this continent.

Many people are also looking for them at any cost in order to obtain the secret of the army's immortality.

These years have passed, and there has been no news from Hao.

Xue Wushuang put the jade pendant back into Long Yao's hands, "Take this jade pendant back! I can't take it anymore."

This thing shouldn't be in his hands, it's better to return it to its original owner.

Long Yao felt the difference when she picked up the jade pendant. The jade pendant had strong spiritual fluctuations, and it really wasn't something that this continent should have.

(End of this chapter)

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