Chapter 444 Snowflake Ling

Even if Xue Wushuang knew what the jade pendant was, it would be useless in his hands.

Xue Hualing only recognizes the blood of the direct line of the Long family and this Kuai Yupei, and he is not of the blood of the Long family.

Long Yao took back the jade pendant and said: "I will take it back, this is for you, then you can take this peach blossom jade pendant and come to me to help you do something, or promise you a condition."

This is also a reward for thanking him for protecting this jade pendant all these years.

If the jade pendant was in Long Yao's hands, maybe she would have lost it long ago.

"Okay!" Xue Wushuang agreed very readily.

Looking at Long Yao's profile, Xue Wushuang raised her red lips slightly, and he finally found the little girl.

He will definitely protect her well.

Night falls.

That night, the kid from Class [-] had diarrhea, his legs were trembling, and he collapsed.

"Teacher, mentor is simply not human! What did he eat for us?"

"No! I won't die here, will I?"

"I can't do it! I still want to pull!"

Hula la!A few cubs ran back into the woods again.

It was finally dawn.

A few cubs devoured their breakfast, they felt their bodies were hollowed out.

Only food can fill their empty bellies.

Seeing that the cubs were full, Long Yao took out the pill and handed it to them.

"Stop it! What is this, teacher?"

Shang Feiyu was like a cat with a blown tail, and fled away in horror.

Will they pull out their intestines if they eat it again?
"This is Qi training pill, you can't die if you eat it!" Long Yao didn't wait for him to react, the pill popped into his mouth, raised her hand and closed her chin.

Gudong!Shang Feiyu had no choice but to swallow the elixir, his face turned purple.

Ruined!He's going to have diarrhea and die!

Long Yao looked at the others with a smile, "Do you want me to feed you or eat by yourself?"

"I'll eat it myself!" Leng Huanyue hurriedly threw a pill into her mouth.

The teacher is so cruel, let's do it ourselves!

Seeing Long Yao's mischievous appearance, Xue Wushuang smiled and shook her head, has she always been so weird?

Do not!She was an idiot before, she must have suffered a lot of grievances, right?
Xue Wushuang looked at her with distressed eyes.

"Teacher, is this elixir really a qi training elixir?" Leng Huanyue felt the difference after taking the elixir.

It was better than the pills he had taken before.

"Of course it is Qi training pill, let's set off!"

Long Yao let them run away again.

The cubs wailed and had to follow the carriage on their legs.

I didn't feel tired after running today.

Finally arrived at Luoyujian two months later.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the icy cold wind blew the clothes rustling.

Long Yao lay on the edge of the cliff and looked down the cliff, "It's so deep! How do I get down? Jump down?"

The corners of their mouths twitched together, "Teacher, we will be smashed to pieces."

What should I do if I encounter an unreliable tutor?

"Come on! Put this on your waist." Long Yao took out a strand of colorful silk.

Xue Wushuang picked up one and squeezed it in his hand. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that there is something in your hand.

"Is this silk?" Xue Wushuang had seen it recorded in books.

Heavenly silk is impenetrable by fire and water, and swords can't stop cutting. Now that he saw the real thing, he had to re-examine Longyao.

"Yes! Come with me!" Long Yao used her limited spiritual sense to investigate, and there was no heavy snow on the mountainside.

Long Yao and Shi Yun jumped off the cliff.

"Mentor!" Seeing Long Yao and Shi Yun jumping down, Leng Huanyue jumped down anxiously.

The rest of the people were also unambiguous and jumped down together.

Xue Wushuang smiled and shook her head and jumped down, no matter what she wanted to do, he would accompany her.

Long Yao led a few people to control the body and flew down, the more they went down, the more they were surprised.

It was as warm as spring under the mountain stream, and there was no trace of snow at all.

"Teacher, isn't it? Why is it like spring here?"

They fell for a day and finally reached the bottom of the mountain stream.

Looking at the greenery and the blooming flowers, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is not a dangerous place at all, it is obviously a paradise, okay?

"Teacher, isn't this place too beautiful?"

Dong Shaohua ran into the flowers to chase the butterflies.

"Don't go in!"

Seeing those flowers, Long Yao's face changed drastically, before Dong Shaohua could stop Dong Shaohua, a giant flower suddenly appeared from among the flowers.

The piranha opened its bloody mouth wide, and went towards Dong Shaohua.

The white silk flew out from Long Yao's hand, entangled Dong Shaohua and dragged her back.

"You don't want to die! You all back off!"

Long Yao had an extra ice blue longbow in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!Three cloud-piercing arrows flew out of Long Yao's hands, passed through the flower path of the piranha and returned to her hands.

Xue Wushuang led a few people back, and the figure of Long Yao fighting against the piranha was deeply imprinted in their eyes.

Squeak!Three smaller piranhas emerged from the side of the piranha.

The little piranha went towards Xue Wushuang and the others.

"Shiyun! Open the formation!" Seeing that it was too late to save them, Long Yao could only ask Shiyun to protect them with the formation.

"Miss, be careful!" Shi Yun took out a formation plate and threw it on the ground.

A light blue enchantment instantly enveloped the few of them.

The little piranha's bloody mouth just hit the barrier, and the light blue barrier made a thumping sound.

"I'll go! It's dangerous! Teacher, be careful!"

Shang Feiyu turned pale with fright, this was the first time they encountered these things.

The three little Overlord Flowers didn't catch anyone, they turned around and headed towards Long Yao.

Long Yao spun around to avoid the pursuit of the three little piranhas, and shot the cloud-piercing arrow into the three little piranhas.

The little piranha let out a painful scream, and disappeared without a trace after turning into a green stench.

The big piranha seemed to be enraged, its pistils turned into long tongues, wrapped around Long Yao's waist and fell to the ground hard.

"Yaoyao!" Xue Wushuang slapped the barrier anxiously, wanting to rush out but could do nothing about the barrier.

Long Yao got up from the ground, "Ahem! Fuck! Don't move! I can deal with this guy!"

"You bedbug actually made my whole body stinky! I will fight you!"

The longbow turned into an ice-blue slender seedling knife, flying up, and the spiritual power blessed the knife.Facing the piranha, split it from top to bottom.

The piercing sound made Xue Wushuang and the others cover their ears.

The sound was so terrible that their eardrums were going to be pierced.

The piranha was split in half by Long Yao and turned into stinky water.

"Ouch! Ouch! Uncle's! It stinks!"

Long Yao was disgusted by this piranha.

The place where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant just now has been destroyed, and the ground is in a mess.

"Miss! Miss! How are you?" Shi Yun put away the barrier and rushed out first.

Long Yao waved her hand, "I'm fine, get out of here quickly."

The sites of piranhas have companion plants, piranha vines.

Man-eating vines are harder to deal with than piranhas, so hurry up before the man-eating vines wake up.

"Is there anything else here?" Seeing her anxious look, Xue Wushuang quickly led someone to follow her pace.

Long Yao can only see a distance of a hundred or ten meters when her consciousness is scattered, so she must take someone away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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