Chapter 445 Cannibal Vine

Long Yao led the people along and explained: "The piranha has a companion plant, the piranha vine, and that thing is harder to deal with than the piranha! Let's go before it wakes up!"

Long Yao can't guarantee that her current strength can deal with the man-eating vines, and if she really encounters them, she can only try her best!
Leng Huanyue followed Long Yao closely, seeing the strength in her body, she wanted to learn spiritual practice even more.

Rumble!The mountain shook for a while, and the thick man-eating vine waved its cane and rose from the ground.

"It's over! Man-eating vines! Hurry up and go!"

Long Yao pushed a few people out of the attack range of the man-eating vine, and faced the man-eating vine alone.

Several people fell to the ground together, and when they turned their heads, they saw a scene they would never forget.

The man-eating vine waved its cane, attacking Longyao like tentacles.

"Miss!" Shi Yun got up from the ground, and saw Long Yao jumping around.

"Shiyun, take them away! You have only one dead end here, protect them with a barrier! Hurry up!"

Long Yao also struggled to resist the man-eating vine.

The strength of the cannibal vine is many times greater than that of the piranha.

"Yes!" Shi Yun turned around and took out the formation plate and threw it on the ground.

At the moment when the barrier was opened, Xue Wushuang rushed out of the barrier and flew to Long Yao's side.

"Doctor Xue is back! Mentor!"

Leng Huanyue and the others slapped the barrier, watching the two of them being whipped by the man-eating vine.

The tentacles of the man-eating vine covered the sky and the sun, and the strength of the wild dance made Long Yao a little overwhelmed.

"What are you doing here? Are you looking for death?" Long Yao caught Xue Wushuang who was blown away, and the two of them spun and landed.

Seeing the injuries on his body, Long Yao roared angrily.

"I'm fine! I can't let you fight alone!" The corners of Xue Wushuang's lips were forced to ooze blood.

Looking at the man-eating vines, he never let go of his frown.

This thing is too powerful!No wonder none of the people who came here got out alive!

What surprised him was Long Yao, she was indeed the legendary spiritual cultivator.

"You are also a delay in coming! You go back to me!"

Without waiting for him to explain, Long Yao dragged him and threw him back into the barrier.

"Doctor Xue!" Leng Huanyue wanted to go forward to catch Xue Wushuang, but was hit on the ground by the impact.

Long Yao threw too much force, Xue Wushuang and Leng Huanyue hit the ground hard.

boom!The mountains shook for a while.

Xue Wushuang got up from the ground ignoring the pain, looking at Long Yao who was fighting in the distance, with worry flashing in his eyes.

"Teacher be careful!" Yin Mo watched Long Yao being drawn by a cane.

Long Yao turned over and jumped up, her feet landed firmly on the ground, "Your uncle! I don't believe that I can't subdue you!"

The man-eating vine seemed to be enraged, and the dancing vines kept chasing Long Yao.

"Bai Ling go!" The white silk in Long Yao's hands kept getting longer, shuttled between the gaps in the vines and entangled the wildly dancing vines.

The rattan was entangled by the white silk and could not move, no matter how hard it struggled, it was futile.

"Let's see how you beat me this time!"

"Pierce the cloud and shoot!" The three arrows in his hand shot straight into the root of the man-eating vine.

Rumble!Squeak squeak!

The sound of the explosion accompanied by the ear-piercing squeaks made the ears of Leng Huanyue and the others ooze blood.

The smoke dissipated, the sound of the explosion disappeared, and the man-eating vines disappeared.

Long Yao fell from midair, at that moment Leng Huanyue seemed to see God.

"Miss!" Shi Yun quickly supported Long Yao.

Long Yao fainted due to excessive use of spiritual power.

"How are you?" Xue Wushuang stood aside, eyes full of worry.

"Teacher, how are you?" Several teenagers also looked at her worriedly. They were all useless. They had never seen such a monster before. That little strength would only hinder the mentor.

Long Yao waved his hand, "I'm fine, you don't have to blame yourself, now your strength is delivering food in front of these disgusting things, you just need to learn the second level of the spiritual practice formula I taught you, it is easy to deal with these things, you decide Ready to practice?"

Although these youngsters wanted to learn spiritual cultivation formulas along the way, they were unavoidably apprehensive. Now that they have seen the power of real spiritual cultivation this time, they probably no longer have any worries.

Several teenagers in class seven knelt together and clasped their fists together, "Please enlighten me, teacher!"

The voice is loud and powerful.

Xue Wushuang clenched her fists tightly, it really is spiritual practice!

Long Yao looked at Xue Wushuang, "Do you want to learn? If you learn from me and teach you, it will be your reward for protecting us along the way."

The road was not peaceful, and they encountered many bandits and bandits, and Xue Wushuang basically stood in front of them to protect them.

"Don't make fun of me, it's me who made a fool of myself along the way."

Seeing the current Long Yao, Xue Wushuang realized that she could not show her strength at all.

Then he continued: "Yaoyao, do you know how precious spiritual cultivation formulas are? Are you just teaching us so casually?"

He wants to learn!He really wants to learn!Who doesn't yearn for the day of becoming a god?
"Then learn it!" Long Yao grinned as she covered her chest in pain, that thing was so sour when it hit her body!
Long Yao led them out of the ruined sea of ​​flowers before dark.

Under Luoyujian, the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, everywhere is full of vitality, and it is also accompanied by unpredictable dangers.

Several people were silent along the way, but Long Yao didn't feel used to it.

Sitting by the fire, Long Yao couldn't help but ask first: "Why don't you talk?"

Long Yao looked around, it was still difficult to find what she needed down the mountain stream, the two things she was looking for grew in extremely cold places, this mountain stream is not cold either!
Xue Wushuang then said: "Yaoyao, there are many dangers down here, how can we rely on you for protection? But we are helpless against things like piranhas."

I don't know how many dangers are waiting for them here. He is worried about her safety.

Leng Huanyue also said at this time: "Teacher, why don't we go back? It's not that we're afraid, it's that we don't want to see you get hurt."

The others nodded in agreement.

The danger here was something they didn't even dare to think about before, but now they encountered piranhas as soon as they came in, and they didn't know what unpredictable dangers they would encounter if they walked on.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there me? From tonight, you start to practice according to the spiritual formula. Although the cultivation is slow for a while, it is better than the rubbish you have learned before."

Before taking the marrow-changing pill, their cultivation would be extremely slow, which is better than the martial arts before.

"We can really start practicing?" Gu Shang said in disbelief.

They just waited for the teacher to speak, and they were almost suffocated along the way. Who can understand the feeling of being unable to practice with a spiritual practice formula in hand?
"Yes, you have also seen the danger below. Although cultivation cannot be accomplished overnight, it is better than the little internal strength in your body."

The spiritual cultivation that just started is easier to use than their current martial arts.

"Great!" Several youngsters swallowed a pill at the same time and began to practice.

They have already memorized the spiritual exercises by heart, and they can practice as long as they follow the method taught by the teacher.

Xue Wushuang was holding the spiritual practice formula in his hand with mixed emotions in his heart. The ancestors of the Xue family spent countless manpower and financial resources but failed to find a spiritual practice formula, but he actually had one in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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