Chapter 446 Start Cultivation

Shi Yun has already started to practice, and she also sat cross-legged together and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Looking at the few people who had settled down, Long Yao nodded in relief.

If it weren't for the martial arts here that delayed these good seedlings, they would have already been outstanding and proud.

But it's not too late now, with her among these good seedlings, she will be a strong one sooner or later.

The night was low and full of stars.

Long Yao sat alone by the fire to protect them.

Half a month passed before they knew it, and with the blessing of Longyao's elixir, no matter how slow they practiced, they still achieved the desired effect.

"Hey hey! Get out of the way!"

"I'm going! Another crash!"

Shang Feiyu and Gu Shang crashed into the car from mid-air and fell to the ground.

In order to let them practice the skill of controlling the sword, Long Yao let them practice the sword after practicing these days.

Even if you encounter something like a piranha in this mountain stream, you can escape with the sword if you can't beat it.

After Long Yao uprooted the piranhas, the land within a hundred miles was safe, so Long Yao let them practice here for half a month.

Looking at the two people who fell on the ground, Long Yao covered her face, she really couldn't see.

Why are these two guys so stupid!
"What do you two want? After practicing for so long, you are still so good?"

Long Yao looked down at the two of them.

The rest of them were flying well in mid-air, but these two kept falling down.

"Teacher, this is difficult, okay? My sword doesn't work!"

Shang Feiyu got up and complained while clutching his sore buttocks.

In order for them to practice the art of controlling the sword as soon as possible, Long Yao used the space ring as a cover and gave each of them a spirit sword.

"The sword has a spirit, you need to get used to it, otherwise it won't be willing to be driven by you."

These spirit swords are all from the pawn shop, although they are not the best, they are good enough.

Gu Shang picked up his spirit sword and wiped it lovingly, "Teacher, when are we going to leave here?"

They are too comfortable here, and they need to test the results of their cultivation during this period, and it is not an option to stay here all the time.

"We should go now." Long Yao originally planned to take them on a journey today to formally start training.

This Luoyujian is very large, and it is unknown how dangerous it is.

She didn't know where the medicinal materials she was looking for were, and she really had to leave as soon as possible.

A few people walked through the forest, and occasionally many small animals passed through the woods.

The trees are tall and block out the sky, barely casting sunlight in.

"What sound?" Leng Huanyue heard a slight and unusual sound after he stopped behind the team.

A group of people stopped and looked back, and met pairs of green eyes that became clearer and clearer from the depths of the forest.

"Mentor—" Gu Shang turned his head to look for Long Yao, wanting to tell her to be careful, but found that he had long since disappeared.

Looking up, she saw Long Yao sitting on a branch, dangling her legs to watch the fun.

Several people raised their foreheads together, is this going to stop them?

"I'm optimistic about you! Come on!" Long Yao took out a fruit and gnawed on it. This is a good opportunity to train them.

"We can't let the mentor protect us, we have to fight!" Leng Huanyue held a long sword, facing hundreds of gray wolves, she still had some fear in her heart.

Even if they were practicing in the academy, they wouldn't come here. The gray wolf here is too big, right?

Each gray wolf is as big as a calf, and its hair is shiny and smooth.

Several people stared at the gray wolves with their backs facing each other vigilantly.

The gray wolf had a fierce look on its face, and its blue-faced fangs were approaching step by step.

Xue Wu held a long sword in his hands and held a sword flower, "Remember what your teacher taught you before, let's go!"

"Master is just trying out the power of spiritual cultivation!" Shang Feiyu charged forward with a sword in hand.

The rest were also unequivocal, and rushed into the pack of wolves and began to fight.



Howling wolves filled the entire forest, and Long Yao couldn't help but cover her ears due to the tragic howling.

"Howling is so ugly! No zuo no die why you try! Let's see if you dare to die!"

Wouldn't it be nice to stay in the woods?Why do you have to come out and die?

Long Yao was confident that the cubs would be fine, at most they would be hurt a little, so she sat on the branch and watched the show with peace of mind.

The pack of wolves thought it would be easy for them to fight against them, but they didn't expect them to be quite strong, and the wolf leader was about to die of anger.

Where's the kid from?How can you fight like this?

Woohoo!The head wolf raised its head to the sky and let out a long howl, and more than a dozen gray wolves joined the battle.

In the chaotic battlefield, you die or you live. A few kids in Class [-] finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

The snow-white clothes were covered with scratches and bloodstains. The pain did not stop them from moving their hands. They couldn't stop. Once they stopped, it would be their death.

Yin Mo hit a wolf with his fist, and only heard a click, and the wolf was killed immediately.

Yin Mo wondered, how could his fist be so strong?He obviously used normal strength.

Long Yao looked at Yin Mo with a smile, this guy finally found out that he was different.

Not only him, but the others also noticed the difference in their bodies, and those wolves were killed immediately with one punch.

Dong Shaohua's sword was slapped flying by the wolf's paw, and then he drew out his spirit sword to face the enemy. Without much effort, a wolf was sliced ​​in half.

"I'll go! Is the spirit sword so easy to use?" Dong Shaohua took the time to say a few words with emotion.

"Change the spirit sword to kill!" Dong Shaohua used the spirit sword to deal with the gray wolf, like cutting a watermelon in half.

It doesn't take a fool for the spirit sword to be so easy to use!Quickly remind your partner to change to the spirit sword to cut the wolves.

Just now they were reluctant to use their spirit swords to deal with these wolves, they used the ordinary swords they carried with them, and it would be better to use their fists to cut those wolves.

"I'll go! It's better to use the spirit sword!" Gu Shang swung his sword, and a wolf was split in half.

Several people followed suit one after another, and the sword was never in vain, and every time the sword was struck, a wolf would be killed.

Nearly a hundred wolves soon all became corpses lying on the ground.

"Did we kill it?" Tang Zhening looked at the wolf corpse on the ground in disbelief.

This is a gray wolf like a calf!Just let them solve it like this?

"Hiss! If I knew the spirit sword was so easy to use, would my face still be injured?"

Shang Feiyu rubbed his swollen face, feeling very sorry for his handsome appearance.

In case of disfigurement, what if I can't find a wife?
Long Yao jumped down from the tree, "How do you feel?"

Seeing Long Yao gloating, they suddenly realized.

"Teacher, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Leng Huanyue was speechless as she clutched her half-swollen face.

Obviously they could have reminded them to use the spirit sword to deal with these wolves earlier, but the mentor didn't say a word.

"Isn't it for you to discover it yourself! Your reactions are not too slow!"

Long Yao chuckled, that smile was very cheap.

Xue Wushuang also had color on her body, and she held her forehead with a headache when she heard Long Yao's explanation.

You might as well not explain it!

Shi Yun clutched his injured arm and said, "Miss, let's get out of here? The smell of blood is too strong."

Long Yao nodded, "Let's go! The danger along the way will be handled by you."

With these thugs, she can finally be a hands-off shopkeeper.

(End of this chapter)

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