Chapter 447
Everyone was injured, and none of them were seriously injured. Longyao didn't give them pills, but only gave them some powder.

After a day's journey, they still couldn't get out of the woods, so they met two black blind men.

Looking at the black blind man in front of her, Leng Huanyue snorted. This is really a person who would get stuck in his teeth when he drank water and hit his heels when he farted when he was unlucky!

How lucky are they!Just after killing a pack of wolves, two blind men came.

"Can't you make it?" Leng Huanyue tilted her head and asked Xue Wushuang.

He didn't even need to think about it, their mentor had gone somewhere for a long time, so he could only ask Xue Wushuang.

Xue Wushuang frowned tightly, it was a bit tricky for such a big blind man.

What exactly is this place?Why are animals so big?

"Go!" Xue Wushuang flew up first.

The fight with Xiong Xiazi here is fierce, Long Yao has already arrived in a cave halfway up the mountain.

"Sure enough, there are good things here." Long Yao's consciousness spread out, and was blocked by a force halfway up the mountain.

Out of curiosity, Long Yao decided to find out.

The entrance of the cave is halfway up the mountain, because the entrance of the cave is small and covered by many vines, if you don't use your spiritual sense to check it, you can't find it at all.

The hole is too small, and only Long Yao's small body can barely squeeze in.

The hole mask was covered with a layer of enchantment, which was shattered by Long Yao's sword.

"How dare you take out an enchantment of this level?"

This enchantment is too rubbish, meeting her is considered a nemesis.

"So cold?" Just as Long Yao broke the barrier, the cold air inside burst out, and a layer of ice quickly formed around the hole.

The ice also has a tendency to spread outward.

Long Yao ignored the ice, squeezed into the hole and walked in.

Maybe there is something she wants in it?

When she was on the mountain stream, she obviously felt that it should be very cold down there, but after coming down, it was as warm as spring.

This made her doubt her intuition, and now that she found this hole, she reaffirmed her judgment.

Sure enough, she did not make a mistake in her judgment, the cave under the mountain stream was indeed extremely cold.

Squeeze into the hole and walk in, the further you go, the bigger the hole will be.

The wall inside the cave was covered with a thick layer of icicles, glowing with starlight under the illumination of the night pearl.

"It's so cold here, I don't know if there are any herbs I'm looking for."

The medicinal materials she needs grow in extremely cold places, and they are not unavailable on these lower continents.

The cold smoke fruit and ice lotus on Nebula Island, she thought she had found them in the lower continents, but it took luck to find them.

The colder it got, the more Long Yao couldn't stand it.

After taking out the cloak and putting it on, I felt much better.

The ice in the cave covered the entire cave, almost falling to the ground.

Long Yao carefully avoided the sharp ice and continued to go deep into the cave.

I don't know how long I walked, and I crossed a narrow passage, and the front was suddenly open and empty.

"Is this the end?" Here is a huge circular cave, the ground is flat and smooth, and people can almost be seen.

"Ice lotus? Sure enough!" Long Yao found a lotus flower carved out of ice in a corner of the cave.

After the ice lotus blooms, it looks like a crystal lotus, shining with crystal light.

Long Yao stepped into the cave carefully, looked up, the sky was exposed on the top of the cave, it was a deep well-shaped cave.

Snowflakes fell from the cave roof in a thin layer of snow on the ground.

"So it's still snowing outside the mountain stream!" If she hadn't seen the snow here, she would really have thought that spring was already blooming outside.

As soon as Long Yao arrived next to the ice lotus, she found that there was a small puddle, and the ice lotus grew in the small puddle. How could it not be frozen in such a cold place?

Driven by curiosity, Long Yao reached out and poked the puddle, and it turned out to be very sticky.

"Heh! Good thing! Lotus dew? This thing can't be formed in ten thousand years."

Lotus dew is the juice secreted by ice lotus itself, which is as thick as honey.

This thing is much more precious than ice lotus.

"Since I met it, it's mine!" Long Yao played Yan Guo's nature of plucking hair, took out the jar and began to collect lotus dew.

"Ouch! Who hit me!" Long Yao had just finished collecting lotus dew when something hit her on the head.

Covering her big bagged head and looking around, didn't she see who hit her?
A slight noise attracted Long Yao's attention.

Long Yao followed the voice and looked, this sight made her overjoyed.

"Wahhaha! It doesn't take much effort to get here!" Long Yao flew up and stood halfway up the mountain in the cave.

There is a protruding stone here, you can't really notice it if you don't look carefully.

There is a bird's nest on the protruding stone, and there is something like a white tree branch with two snow-white fruits on it.

This is exactly the cold smoke fruit she was looking for.

It's just that in this bird's nest, what's the matter with this little fluffy eggshell?

The little yellow bird held the eggshell, tilted its head and stared at Long Yao curiously.

"Little guy, what are you? Did you hit me just now? You can hatch in such a cold place. I don't believe you are an ordinary thing!"

The temperature here is at least minus [-] or [-] degrees. A newly hatched little guy is not afraid of the cold?

Chirp!The little thing rubbed against Long Yao's fingers attached.

Xiao Wing did not let go of Long Yao's fingers.

"Nonsense! You want to follow me?"

Long Yao wanted to cry, but there was still an egg hatching in the pawn shop, and now another little thing just hatched.

Has she become a nursery here?

The little thing looked at Long Yao blankly with the eggshell on his head, wouldn't she take him away?

Seeing that the little thing was about to cry, Long Yao was a little dumbfounded.

"You are so spiritual? Could it be that you are not an ordinary bird?"

Those ordinary little birds would not have such a pitiful expression in their eyes.

The eggshell on the little bird's excited head was crooked, and she finally knew that it was no ordinary little bird!
"Okay! I'll take you! I'll take this fruit!"

Without waiting for the little bird to react, Long Yao threw the bird and its nest into the pawn shop.

There is an extra bird's nest on the dragon vine tree outside the pawn shop.

"It really doesn't take much effort!"

Long Yao took out the shovel and dug out the Hanyan fruit and put it in the pawn shop.

Take some time to refine the pills for those brats.

As soon as Long Yao dug out the cold smoke fruit, she heard the sound of the ice breaking.

The secret sound is not good!
The treasure inside is gone, and the cave is about to collapse.

Long Yao didn't care too much, this place was the closest to the entrance of the cave above, and flew out.

A red figure flew out of the cave at a high speed and was suspended in mid-air, and the mountain had completely collapsed.

The huge impact made Long Yao raise his hand to cover it.

"Bah, bah, bah! I ate a mouthful of dirt!"

Seeing that the collapse subsided, Long Yao looked around.

The white tents not far away attracted Long Yao's attention.

There is a well-trained army standing not far from Longyao looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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