Chapter 448 Snowflake Ling.

The leading general, dressed in silver-white armor, is tall and tall, about 20 years old, and has a stunning face that makes all women fall in love.

The man standing at the front was the most conspicuous, and Ye Shaoheng subconsciously paused for breath the moment he saw Long Yao.

What a beautiful woman!
"Who are you?" Ye Shaoheng kept watching Long Yao.

No one can reach here except they can come in. How could this woman appear here?

Seeing the handsome guy, Long Yao instantly felt better, "Handsome guy, what's your name?"

The corners of the soldiers standing behind Ye Shaoheng twitched. Was their general molested again?
Ye Shaoheng has no expression on his face. He has met many women who look at their faces, and the woman in front of him seems to be superficial.

"It should be me who asked the girl? Who are you?"

Ye Shaoheng frowned slightly. This girl was able to fly in the air just now, so she must be stronger than them. Don't offend them if you can.

"Me? Long Yao, can you tell me your name now?"

Long Yao's red lips smiled, she had already guessed who these people were.

Unexpectedly, Xue Hualing's army would be stationed in this place!No one would have thought that the Xuehualing army guarding this continent would hide in Luoyujian.

Long Yao had already seen the jade pendants on their bodies. There was a piece of white snowflake jade pendant around their waists, with the word 'Ling' engraved on it.

"Ye Shaoheng, since the girl broke into this place unintentionally, I hope the girl will leave quickly. This is not a place for a little girl to come."

Thousands of soldiers in the Xuehualing camp have never been out here before, and there are no outsiders here. The sudden intrusion of a woman made him have to raise his vigilance.

"Snowflake Ling? Didn't expect your resident to be here?"

"It must be very hard to be stationed here, right? It's snowy and deserted all the year round, so you don't want to go out and have a look?"

Looking at the young faces, Long Yao felt that they should not stay here any longer.

The strength of these people is now higher than hers. Don't look at their young looks, but look at their bone ages are actually thousands of years old.

The reason why they keep their youthful appearance is that they are controlled by a drug. Only in this extremely cold place can they survive and ensure their immortality.

These people can live for a long time without eating and drinking, just like immortal cultivators who have reached the bigu period and can live without eating.

Ye Shaoheng's pupils shrank sharply, how did she know they were Xue Hualing?

This woman can't stay!
"Don't act like you want to eat me, you should recognize this, right?"

Long Yao took out the snowflake jade pendant, cut her finger and dripped a drop of blood on the jade pendant.

The snowflake jade pendant flashed golden light, and a golden dragon phantom flew out of the jade pendant, circled around Longyao and got back into the jade pendant.

Ye Shaoheng turned pale with shock, knelt down on one knee and said, "This subordinate has seen the master."

"This subordinate has seen the master!"

"This subordinate has seen the master!"

The rest of the soldiers knelt together and roared loudly.

Long Yao waved, "Get up!"

She didn't expect to meet Xue Hualing by mistake.

I originally thought about going back to Kyoto to find Xue Hualing's whereabouts, but now I don't need to spend much time looking for it.

"Thank you sir."

Ye Shaoheng got up, and once again met the girl in front of him, her face still made him unable to hold his breath.

Hundreds of years have passed, and this is the first time someone from the Long family has found them.

500 years ago, a bloodline of the Long family also found them. They thought that something happened to the Long family and they needed to come forward to solve it, but it turned out that it was because of internal fighting in the family.

At that time, Ye Shaoheng directly refused to go out of the mountain, and the family fighting was not within their jurisdiction.

After the blood of the Long family was sent out of the mountain by Ye Shaoheng, it was only now that they saw the blood of the Long family again.

It is still the purest blood of the Long family!
As long as the snowflake jade pendant is dripped with the blood of the Long family's blood, the phantoms displayed are different. Only the phantom that shows the golden dragon is the purest blood of the Long family. Xue Hualing must obey unconditionally.

Ye Shaoheng, the last blood of the Long family, could refute him because his snowflake jade pendant only flashed a golden light, and Xuehualing could not obey their orders.

Long Yao is different, her snowflake jade pendant shows Jinlong, the real master of Xuehualing.

"Master, shall we go to the tent to talk?"

Ye Shaoheng led Long Yao to the camp.

"I don't know if the master is coming, is there any difficulty that requires us to go out of the mountain?"

They have been here for a long time, so long that they don't know how long it has passed.

They have their own channels to know about the vicissitudes outside, and they haven't heard what happened to the Long family in Jingdu?

"No! I came here by accident. I didn't know it was you until I saw the jade pendants on your bodies."

"It's you, really don't plan to go out and have a look? I can help you remove the drugs on your body and still keep your youthful appearance, are you willing?"

Long Yao decided to accept them and take them with her when she left.

When you get to the God Realm and fight with people, you can still have helpers!
"Master! Are you serious? Can the medicine on our bodies be lifted? Or keep us immortal?"

Ye Shaoheng and the others don't want to be controlled by drugs, but they are reluctant to part with their strength. It is precisely because they are controlled by drugs that they have developed their supernatural strength.

They are gods on this continent, even if they can't get out of this extremely cold place, they don't want to be ordinary people.

After staying in this extremely cold place for a long time, they did not have a good impression of the colorful world outside.

They all know that people in this continent originally became gods, and they also want to become gods one day, even if they are controlled by drugs, they still want to live like this.

Long Yao understands their thoughts, since he can give them the power to become gods without drug control, they will definitely serve him with their lives.

"Of course it is true! I have a condition! That is, from now on, you will only serve me alone?"

Long Yao didn't intend to make a loss-making business, if she still thought about allegiance to the blood of the Long family in the future, it must be her!
"This subordinate swears to be loyal to the master to the death!" Ye Shaoheng knelt on one knee, his voice sonorous.

He had a feeling that the woman in front of him would definitely lead them out of a different life.

There are only two generals in Xuehualing's army, one is Ye Shaoheng and the other is Xuanyuanli.

Xuanyuanli is patrolling the camp and hasn't come back yet.

In the future, they need to be loyal to only one master, and they need to discuss it carefully.

Long Yao nodded in satisfaction, "Okay! Refreshing! You should explain to the rest of the people first, and listen to their different opinions. This is the elixir to relieve the medicine on your body."

Long Yao poured out a hundred bottles of pills from the space ring.

It is not difficult to remove the medicine from their bodies, but the rare thing is that the medicinal materials for refining the elixir are hard to find.

These are trivial matters to Long Yao.

The most indispensable thing in the pawnshop is the weird pills, although they are not as good as her refining, but they are enough, and the pills in the pawnshop are inexhaustible, this is what Long Yao is most satisfied with.

(End of this chapter)

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