Chapter 449 Ye Shaoheng

Ye Shaoheng picked up the jade bottle, opened it and smelled it, "Master, is this a pill?"

They had seen pills before, and as time went by, no decent pill master appeared on this continent anymore.

After so many years, seeing the elixir again, I was really surprised and happy.

"It's a pill! After you eat it, your medicine can be cured."

This trip to Luoyujian was not in vain, he found what he wanted, and even found Xue Hualing by accident.

"Master, wait a moment!" Ye Shaoheng picked up the jade bottle and left the tent.

After reaching the largest tent in the camp, Xuanyuanli had already returned to the camp.

"Lao Ye, why do you want me to come back quickly?"

Xuanyuanli's appearance is handsome, and Ye Shaoheng's beauty is different.

Ye Shaoheng is elegant and pure like a magnolia, while Xuanyuanli is aloof and cold like a plum blossom.

The two sat opposite each other, Ye Shaoheng took out the elixir, "This is the elixir given to us by the master, it can relieve the power of the medicine on us."

"Master? You mean the Long family?" Xuanyuanli understood the meaning of his address.

The blood of the Long family is the person Xue Hualing swears allegiance to the death, and only the person with the purest blood of the Long family is called the master.

Ye Shaoheng nodded slightly, "Back then we were all the favored children of heaven, but we were framed and destroyed. If it weren't for the ancestors of the Long family, we wouldn't be able to live today. Now that the blood of the Long family has once again appeared the blood of the golden dragon, we must be loyal. "

Xuanyuanli remained silent. Thousands of years ago, they were all outstanding figures from the various academies and sects. When they entered the Pearl Secret Realm, they were taken away by the mentors of the various academies and the elders of the sect. pitted.

Those elders of the sect and the principal of the college worked together, thinking that the road to heaven could be opened only with the blood of thousands of heaven's favorites, but they were too far-fetched.

Xuanyuanli sneered at those idiots, the ladder road has been closed for thousands of years, can they open it just because of those idiots?
When they were dying of bloodletting, the ancestors of the Long family led people to rescue only 1000 of them, which became Xue Hualing later.

These 1000 people's tendons were completely destroyed at that time. If the ancestor of the Long family was not an outstanding alchemist, they would have died long ago.

In order to heal their tendons, the ancestors of the Long family used forbidden techniques, which allowed them to live until now.

They are alive and have obtained the longevity that everyone dreams of, but they can no longer go out of this extremely cold place, and can only live here trapped.

This is the sequelae of using forbidden techniques.

The ancestors of the Long family also aged after a hundred years. Xue Hualing insisted on her original promise to protect the peace of this continent and the blood of the Long family.

Years passed, and thousands of years have passed, and now there is another person with pure blood like the ancestors of the Long family.

Xue Hualing is obliged to follow.

Xuanyuan left the mouth and said: "After taking this elixir, is our strength still there?"

They have nothing left, only this body of strength is left, if the strength is gone, what are they still doing alive?
"Now, it can also guarantee that we will not die or grow old as we are now."

Ye Shaoheng believed in Long Yao.

At such a young age, he has already seen that his strength should not be underestimated.

Sure enough, the pure blood of the Long family is not ordinary people.

"That's good! We only have this strength left now." Xuanyuanli breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't go out to the extremely cold place for a long time. It would be good if they could go out for a few more days after taking the medicine.

He didn't dare to hope that they would leave the extremely cold place one day, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

He really wanted to go out and see what the world had become like now.

The two took the pill without hesitation and ate it, only to feel that there were tens of thousands of ants eating in their stomachs.

Ye Shaoheng endured the discomfort and sat cross-legged. Could it be some kind of poison?
No need!There is no need to give them other poisons and they will be loyal to the Long family.

Before he could finish his doubts, a sense of relief spread from bottom to top all over his body.

The originally stagnant strength increased by two levels at once.

"What's the situation?" Xuanyuan Li couldn't figure it out either.

It was terribly uncomfortable just now, but the strength has increased by two levels all of a sudden?

Ye Shaoheng clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, "Master really didn't lie to us."

The exercises they practiced thousands of years ago are somewhat different from today's martial arts, almost close to the spiritual art.

Now that the aura that has been suppressed for thousands of years has been released in the body, it is easy to upgrade to two major ranks.

Their strength has risen by two levels, and they have reached the stage of becoming gods, and they have truly achieved the possibility of ascending to gods.

"The stage of becoming a god? We did it! But there is no ladder road, we can't break through here and become a god."

Xuanyuanli was a little disappointed, this continent hadn't opened the Ladder of Godhood for ten thousand years, they couldn't ascend at all.

"Forget about that, we still have a long lifespan, let's divide up the pill first."

Ye Shaoheng took the pill and left the tent.

After some discussion, everyone in Xue Hualing decided to follow Long Yao as the main one.

Ye Shaoheng and Xuanyuanli arrived at the big tent side by side, Long Yao was gnawing a fruit leisurely.

"Are you here?" The two handsome men who came side by side were completely different from the cold appearance before, as if they had the breath of a living person on them.

"Ye Shaoheng and Xuanyuanli have seen the master!"

The two knelt on one knee and clasped their fists in salute.

"Get up! Get people together, and I'll take you away."

It's too cold here, and she won't come here again in the future, so let's take him into the pawn shop.

"Yes!" Xuanyuan left to gather people.

Ye Shaoheng's chest was hot, they could finally go out here.

"Master, can we really leave here? Wouldn't it be bad if so many people go out and are found?"

Everyone in the world is looking for Xue Hualing, and they will definitely become the target of public criticism after they go out.

They are not afraid of trouble, but they are afraid of causing trouble to their master.

"Of course I can go out! You don't have to worry about this, I will take you to a place."

The pawn shop is enough for them to live in, so they can continue to practice in the practice room.

When they are successful in cultivation, they will be taken to the God Realm.

"Okay! It's all up to the master."

Ye Shaoheng led Long Yao outside the big tent.

Thousands of Xue Hualings stood neatly on the training ground, looking at the woman in red who was approaching with admiration on their faces.

"This subordinate has seen the master?" Thousands of white-clothed Xuehualing soldiers knelt down on one knee in unison.

Long Yao stood on the high platform with her hands behind her back, and said loudly, "Get up!"

The strength of the thousand people is very uniform, and they are all in the early stage of transformation after taking the pill.

"Thank you master!" Thousands of people felt the surging spiritual power on their bodies, and they were convinced of Long Yao.

"From today on, you are my people, and from now on you will only be loyal to me! I will take you out of this world! Let you see what the God Realm is!"

Now that we are all our own people, we need to know many things sooner or later, and it is better to be mentally prepared if we know them early.

"Swear to follow the master!" The voice echoed in the mountains.

God Realm!Isn't this the meaning of their cultivation?
Long Yao nodded in satisfaction, "Then come with me!"

In the blink of an eye, including Long Yao, they disappeared into the snow-capped mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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