Chapter 450 Disappearing
As soon as their figures disappeared, more than a dozen people found the camp.

"Why is there no one here?"

"Look at the footprints here? Did you just leave?"

"Isn't Xue Hualing here?"

"We have been searching for more than ten years, is it possible that we are going to miss it again?"

A dozen or so people were all covered by black clothes, only revealing a pair of greedy eyes.

Long Yao ignored the dozen or so people outside, they were visiting Wanjie pawn shop with Xue Hualing.

Thousands of people in the pawnshop sigh or sigh.

The only place like this is the legendary Asgard, right?
"Master, what is this?" Ye Shaoheng twisted his thigh severely.

It was the first time they had seen such a beautiful place.

"This is my place. You can use everything here. If you want to go out and see the outside world, you only need to have this token, but there are only three usage permissions per month."

Long Yao gave each of them a token to go in and out of the pawn shop, so of course the people on their own should give them full trust.

"Thank you, master, but master, what is your identity?"

Xuanyuanli picked the fruit from the tree and took a bite.

They haven't eaten anything for many years, and today they smell the fruit and suddenly want to eat this fruit.

"You will know who I am sooner or later."

She can't remember the past now, she only knows that she is a dragon emperor, and she doesn't know who she is now.

"Okay then! We've identified you as the person."

No matter what her identity is, since she is the person Ye Shaoheng identified, she will not change in this life.

"Okay! You can just look around here! I'm going out to see those little brats."

Before the two could react, Long Yao's figure had disappeared.

Several people in the woods were chased by a giant python.

"Yin Mo, did you dig its nest! No matter how you chase us, you won't let go!"

Shang Feiyu was in a state of distress, his clothes turned into rags.

Fortunately, the key parts were not exposed, and the spring light was barely covered.

"How do I know? I just went to dig a grass, okay?"

Yin Mo was still holding the grass in his hand. This grass is so special that the tutor must like it.

Xue Wushuang was in a mess, and the clothes all over her body were turned into rags.

The rest of the people were not much better, this was simply the most embarrassing time in their life.

"Where did the tutor go? If we don't come back, we will die!"

Yu Shenghan wiped his face, turned his head and glanced at the giant python, his feet seemed to be running faster with hot wheels.

Leng Huanyue simply stopped and turned around, holding the spirit sword, watching the giant python running towards her and decided to fight to the death.

They were the ones who encountered the danger, so why should they ask the mentor to deal with the aftermath for them?
So what if the python is powerful?Have killed so many beasts, are you still afraid of it?
"Huanyue! You don't want to die!"

Shang Feiyu turned around and saw that Leng Huanyue had stopped running.

"Go away! I'll deal with it here!"

Leng Huanyue always felt that something in his body was about to explode, and he desperately needed an outlet.

"Where are we going? We, Class [-], will never leave our brothers behind!"

Shang Feiyu also returned with a long sword in hand.

The rest of the people stood behind Leng Huanyue without saying a word.

The seven classes of them have always been one, not afraid of life and death, and living up to brotherhood!

Seeing how united the seventh class is, Xue Wushuang nodded happily, "Since you want to live and die together, add me!"

These days of experience made him understand what true brotherhood is. He used to be alone, but this time he also has friends.

"Okay!" The rest said in unison.

Shi Yun has no time to worry about his young lady now, if he is still alive, he will definitely go to look for the young lady, it is important to deal with the python in front of him first.

The two eyes of the giant python are like two giant red lanterns, staring at the group of people in front of them viciously.

"Go!" Leng Huanyue flew up first.

In the shadow of swords and swords, there were bloodstains on the giant python's body.

Leng Huanyue and the others were also uncomfortable, the size of the giant python they had never seen before, and they were swept away by a casual sweep of the tail.

One by one, they fell to the ground like rotten persimmons that fell from a tree, and they would shatter to pieces on the ground.

"Fuck! How did this thing grow so big! Did it take some wrong medicine!"

Yin Mo got up from the ground, feeling that two of his ribs might be broken.

If they hadn't practiced the spiritual art for so long, there probably wouldn't be any dead scum left.

In fact, Long Yao had already arrived here, and she didn't plan to make a move when she saw the giant python chasing them.

The spirit beasts in the God Realm are many times bigger than this. If they don't try to solve their troubles with their own strength, they will die miserably in the God Realm.

In order to train them, Long Yao also took great pains.

Long Yao was slightly taken aback when she saw the changes in the students in Class [-], and then smiled gratifiedly.

I didn't expect these boys to be able to inspire their natal spirit beasts just after practicing, and now they are almost ready.

The natal spirit beast can only be stimulated by human beings practicing spiritual formulas. She is not a human being, so there will be no natal spirit beast.

It is not so easy to find the spiritual formula that can inspire the natal spirit beast.

The spiritual formulas that Long Yao gave them are all the top skills in the Taihuang period, which can naturally inspire the spiritual beasts of their own lives.

Roar!Suddenly a golden light flashed across Leng Huanyue's body, and just when the golden light was about to swallow his figure, a huge beast with wings that looked like a dragon but not a dragon emerged from his brow.

Long Yao saw that guy who looked like a dragon but not a dragon raised his eyebrows slightly, did not expect that Leng Huanyue's natal beast turned out to be Bing Yi?
It is said that Bingyi is also the incarnation of a dragon, because it has a pair of wings and a dragon head that does not look like a dragon head, so it has become a species that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake but not a snake.

Bingyi was one of the top ten demon kings in ancient times.

what!Yin Mo suddenly screamed and squatted on the ground covering his eyes. He only felt that his eyes were burning like fire.

Hey!Red light emanated from him, forming a phantom of a large bird behind him.

Long Yao was slightly taken aback, this guy's natal beast is not bad either!
Yin Mo's natal beast is the Great Sun Golden Crow, one of the top ten demon kings in ancient times.

The fire bird exuded a fiery temperature, and a pair of huge wings protected Yin Mo, repelling the attack of the giant python.

The firebird spewed a mouthful of flames at the giant python.

The giant python was burnt by the flames of the Great Sun Golden Crow in the blink of an eye, and there was nothing left.

The rest of the people were also struggling on the ground, with lights of different colors flashing across their bodies.

Shang Feiyu's natal beast turned out to be a nine-tailed fox, Long Yao smiled and shook her head, as expected, the natal beast had the same master as it had.

Yu Shenghan's natal beast is a tiger king, and its strong and powerful limbs are shaking the ground when it steps on the ground.

Gu Shang's natal beast turned out to be an ancient ink leopard covered in pitch black, and the ink leopard was the rarest spirit beast in ancient times.

Dong Shaohua's spirit beast is a golden-winged roc, and the golden-winged roc in ancient times was also a high-level spirit beast.

(End of this chapter)

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