Chapter 451 Accident
What surprised Long Yao was Tang Zhening, his natal beast turned out to be a jade rabbit.

This is also just right, Tang Zhening has the help of the jade rabbit, and it will be smoother in alchemy and understanding of herbs.

Don't look at Yutu who only knows how to make medicine all day long, and is unambiguous at all when fighting.

Long Yao looked at Xue Wushuang, his natal beast was an ice phoenix, as expected he had been on the ice bar all his life.

Shiyun's natal beast is Bi Fangniao, and Wen Lin's natal beast is actually a fire rat.

Long Yao looked at their strange natal beasts, but few of them satisfied her.

Why didn't the demon king Kunpeng be inspired?

The exercises that Lu Shang and the others practiced are different from theirs.

Their exercises are more difficult than these, and it is very difficult to stimulate the natal beasts, but their combat effectiveness is more than one level higher than these.

I hope Lu Shang and the others can inspire Kunpeng when they activate their natal beasts.

Leng Huanyue stood up covering her head, looked around in confusion, where is the giant python?
I was a little dumbfounded when I saw small animals squatting on the heads of my brothers.

The natal beasts were still in their infancy when they were aroused, and they used all their strength to repel the giant python just now, and now they are all lying on their master's head listlessly.

Only then did Leng Huanyue recall what happened just now.

Grabbing from his head, a limp snake-like thing with small wings lay in the palm of his hand.

Bingyi opened his big watery eyes and stared at Leng Huanyue aggrievedly, slapped a hutch, wrapped it around his wrist, and fell asleep.

The corner of Leng Huanyue's eyes twitched, it seemed that it was protecting him with its wings just now, right?
He was not afraid of the little snake, but was very close to it.

"Ah! What happened just now?" Shang Feiyue stood up holding his head, his head was so painful that it was about to explode.

Crack!A white fur fell from his head to his feet.

"What is it?" Shang Feiyu picked up the white fluff on the ground, and met a pair of big wet eyes.

Woohoo!The Nine-Tailed Fox bit Shang Feiyu's finger and sucked it. After sucking for a long time, the milk did not come out.

Woohoo!Woohoo!The nine-tailed fox complained aggrievedly, it was hungry!It's so hungry!
With four short legs, he arched into Shang Feiyu's arms.

Shang Feiyu was dumbfounded, he is not a mother!

"What's going on here!"

Why suddenly there is a little thing on them.

"This is your natal beast, take good care of it!"

Long Yao came over with a wobble.

"What natal beast?" Xue Wu held a little chicken in his hands, and his face was full of excitement.

"How do you think that giant python disappeared just now? It was all killed by your natal beast."

How could they kill the green-scaled python just by relying on their three-legged cat skills?

That giant python was also unlucky, just in time for these cubs to activate the natal beast, so there was no burning slag left?
"Can't you? Just this little cub in my hand who is still looking for milk?"

Looking at the little fox cub in his arms, Shang Feiyu almost had cramps in the corners of his eyes.

"Don't you believe it, the natal beasts have better potential than you even in the young stage, so take good care of them!"

If the natal beast wants to communicate with its master, it needs more training. The natal beast that has been raised since childhood is the best fit for the master.

"I still don't understand, can the teacher explain it to us?"

Gu Shang has practiced spiritual cultivation formulas so far, but he still feels confused.

Long Yao briefly told them about some things about spiritual cultivation formulas and spirit beasts, and also told them a lot about spirit beasts in the God Realm.

Unknowingly, the few people gradually became fascinated by it, and Long Yao talked about it dryly for three days.

There will be danger anytime and anywhere in Luoyujian, Leng Huanyue and the others haven't slept a full night's sleep for half a month.

Today was their last night in Luoyujian, a dozen people gathered around the fire without saying a word.

After a long time, "Mentor, will we miss the trials now?"

Leng Huanyue did not expect that there were only three days left before the competition.

They escaped death in here, only thinking about how to escape every day, and even forgot the time.

"Of course we can hurry back! All Yujian flights will start tomorrow."

This journey is the time to test their ability to control the sword.

Long Yao never forgot to train them.

"Okay!" Although their ability to control the sword is not good enough, they still have to try for the competition.

The next day, just as the sky turned white, Long Yao flew out of Luoyujian with their swords.

When they got outside the mountain stream, they all shivered from the cold.

"Fortunately, there is a cloak given by the mentor, otherwise we will freeze to death."

Shang Feiyu closed the cloak on his body, thankful that they met such a good mentor.

A fluffy little head poked out from the neckline of the cloak, Shang Feiyu touched it lovingly, "You are obedient in the clothes."

The nine-tailed fox shrank into his clothes obediently.

Shang Feiyu looked up and saw Longyao flying in front of them. It was their good fortune to meet such a good mentor. Not only did they prepare exercises and spiritual tools for them, but they also took care of their daily life.

"Why are you in a daze? Let's go!" Dong Shaohua Yujian caught up with Shang Feiyu and found him in a daze.

"Here we come." Shang Feiyu accelerated Yujian's speed.

In the Martial Arts Academy, the huge arena was full of voices.

Today is the day of competition selection, and each class sat neatly under the competition stage under the leadership of their instructors.

Only the seats of the seventh class were empty.

"Aren't the people from class seven coming?"

"It's embarrassing to know that this is coming, so I just didn't attend."

"I heard that the idiot tutor from class [-] took them out to practice and hasn't come back yet!"

"Wouldn't they all die outside?"

"It's hard to say! What good fruit can there be by following a fool?"

"It's a pity for Dr. Xue. I wonder if Dr. Xue will come back?"

The sitting students whispered to each other.

He Qiucheng's eyes are full of haze that cannot be resolved, Leng Huanyue had better not come back!Otherwise, he would definitely kill him in the arena!

The college has a rule that as long as it is a competition in the martial arts field, it does not matter whether it is life or death.

Before the competition, life and death certificates will be signed, and the major families also acquiesce to this rule. No matter who dies on the stage, they must not be held accountable.

That's why He Qiucheng insisted on chilling Huanyue to death on stage.

Leng Huanyue's family is stronger than He's family in the capital, and they usually don't like Leng Huanyue's troubles for him, but they dare not kill him. It's different in this competition stage.

Yu Wenning frowned and glanced at the position of class seven, it would be best if that idiot didn't come back!
Long Suwan lowered her eyes to cover up the excitement in her eyes, and sure enough the idiots from Class [-] did not come.

As long as Long Yao dies outside, the entire Long family belongs to her, and Long Yao's fiancé also belongs to her.

Only her, Long Suwan, is the right girl!What is that fool!
The headmaster, who sat at the top, frowned tightly when he saw the empty seats in Class Seven.

He shouldn't have agreed to class seven to go out for training!

The teenagers in class one held their heads high and chest out, and they didn't even bother to glance at the seats in class seven.

It's best if those trash don't come back!
(End of this chapter)

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