Chapter 453
Hearing his brash words, the students on the stage turned black with anger.

"Shang Feiyu, don't be ashamed! You trash from class seven don't try to stand up today!"

It was the students from Class [-] who were speaking, and they had been ordered before they took the stage to knock down the trash from Class [-] at all costs.

Shang Feiyu sneered, "Don't play tricks if you have the ability! Let's see the real chapter under our hands, maybe you trash can't use me to draw the sword!"

Shang Feiyu's humble tone almost pissed them off.

They are all the proud sons of heaven, when were they called trash by the trash of the seventh class?

"Go! Kill him!" Since he dared to insult them, he had to pay the price.

Shang Feiyu hooked his fingers, "Then come!"

A group of people rushed forward, this guy is too cheap!If he doesn't beat him, his parents don't know him, and he will never stop!

Still in the same situation as Gu Shang, a group of people fell off the stage before Shang Feiyu's sword was unsheathed.

Shang Feiyu put his arms around his chest and looked down at the group of people who were in a panic under the stage.

"Oh! I don't know who just said big words! Didn't they want to kill me? Why are they all lying on the ground now? If you want to kill me, you have no chance." How cheap is that tone.

The person lying on the ground was so angry that his chest was blocked.

I wish I could climb onto the stage and beat him to death!
Among this group of people, the students from Class [-] accounted for more than half, and now the students from Class [-] will have even fewer places to enter the secret realm.

"How is it possible? Since when did the trash from class seven become so powerful?"

"One move kill! Can so many people be killed with one move?"

"Is this class seven taking drugs? How is it possible?"

"What the hell have they been doing these past few months?"

Seeing that Shang Feiyu killed everyone on stage one with another quick move, everyone who was waiting to watch the excitement became restless.

Long live!This is simply to hell!
Yu Wenning's face was turned green with anger, half of the people in the first class had been eliminated, and if this continued, there would be very few people in the first class who could enter the secret realm.

Sitting on the high platform, the instructor of class one was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, "Yu Wenning, next time you will go together."

He couldn't believe it, the trash from class seven had become so powerful!

"A mentor?" Yu Wenning didn't want to be so embarrassing.

The first class has always been the pride of heaven, when did they suffer such insults?

They must find the lost place!
He Qiucheng was gearing up, "Teacher, we have long thought of teaching them a lesson!"

When he saw Leng Huanyue, he wanted to kill him!
In the same class before, Leng Huanyue overwhelmed He Qiucheng everywhere, if He Qiucheng hadn't got his fiancée and framed Leng Huanyue once, there would have been no place for him in class one!
Even so, He Qiucheng didn't intend to let Leng Huanyue go, as long as he didn't die for a day, he would never feel at ease.

Shang Feiyu killed a group of people in seconds with another move, and stepped off the stage in shock, "How is it? I'm not bad at my kung fu, right? Teacher, is there any reward?"

Long Yao no longer intends to see this shameless guy.

How dare someone with high strength bully someone with low strength?
"Let's go! It will be difficult to deal with later."

Long Yao took the picture of Shang Feiyu's magnified handsome face a little further away, every day is not doing business properly!

"Okay, okay! When we all enter the top [-], the instructor said he invited us to dinner, so don't renege on your word and get fat."

Shang Feiyu smiled silly, found a seat and sat down to watch the next round of battles between his brothers.

"Leng Huanyue and Dong Shaohua are together in this battle."

Now that a group of elites are on stage, they can't be too stingy, can they?
Having one more person is considered a respect for them!

Leng Huanyue smiled, the tutor's ability to insult people is really detrimental.

"Mentor, let's go." Leng Huanyue and Dong Shaohua stood on the stage together.

A golden bird stood on Dong Shaohua's head, with his head held high like a victorious general.

"Let's fight together today!" Dong Shaohua put the little bird in his arms.

The bird responded by pecking his hand affectionately.

Leng Huanyue touched Bingyi on her wrist, and the corners of her lips raised slightly in response to it.

When they came back this time, the students of the college saw that the people in class seven had become nannies raising cubs, and they all brought small animals with them.

After being curious, I didn't care, and continued to wait and see the jokes of Class Seven.

None of them would have imagined that the little animal they didn't care about today would become the king of natal beasts in the entire continent in the future!
Seeing that only two people came, He Qiucheng smiled sarcastically, "That foolish mentor of yours sent you two useless ones? Isn't it too overreaching?"

"Have you eaten shit? Why is your mouth so stinky?" Dong Shaohua has long been displeased with this He Qiucheng.

He looks like his eyes are above the top all day long, but he is actually a coward who bullies the weak and fears the tough!

"What did you say?" He Qiucheng was about to step forward to argue, when Yu Wenning grabbed his arm.

Dong Shaohua chuckled, "Are you deaf too? Oh hello! What happened to your class [-] recently? You can't even understand human speech."

In the past, they quarreled with a group of people, and in the end they were punished regardless of whether they were right or wrong, but now they have the support of a fairy mentor, and they are in the martial arts field, so it is not certain who will win the battle!

Today he must get back the old and new hatred together!

Dong Shaohua tried his best to suppress the tyranny in his body. Today, if there is revenge and revenge, he will never show mercy to a group of subordinates.

"You! Don't kneel down and call grandpa for a while!" He Qiucheng's eyes turned red with anger, and he went crazy looking at Dong Shaohua and Leng Huanyue!Can't wait to tear them apart the next moment!

Dong Shaohua was so angry that he felt secretly refreshed, so he couldn't be more angry?I really have no concentration!

Leng Huanyue came out to smooth things over, "Shaohua, don't say a few words, if you talk too much, I'm afraid you will die of anger if you don't need us to beat you! Since it's a duel, let's start!"

Pooh!Dong Shaohua couldn't hold back his laughter.

Leng Huanyue usually looks serious, but unexpectedly, she is also a bun filled with black sesame seeds!
His words are more annoying, okay?

Yu Wenning narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "Then let's start! Don't talk nonsense!"

Holding a sword flower in his hand, he went towards Dong Shaohua.

Leaving Leng Huanyue to let He Qiucheng deal with them, the two of them already had an unresolvable personal enmity, and today just happened to end it!

"Leng Huanyue, today is your death day!" He Qiucheng did not wait for Leng Huanyue to draw his sword, and took the lead in pulling out the sword and stabbing him in the chest.

Leng Huanyue raised her red lips, seeing that the long sword was already in front of her eyes, she turned slightly to avoid his long sword.

He Qiucheng's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he could dodge so easily?
This sword is a sword he did not expect, logically he can't dodge it at all!

Leng Huanyue stood calmly on the stage all the time, and could easily avoid He Qiucheng's provocation.

After a hundred moves, Leng Huanyue never drew out her sword.

(End of this chapter)

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