Chapter 454 Frontal Gang

"Leng Huanyue, what are you hiding from? If you have the ability, confront me face to face!"

He Qiucheng was exhausted, he used [-]% of his skill with each sword, he thought it didn't take much effort to deal with these trash.

He increased his strength with each strike, but he still couldn't touch Leng Huanyue's clothes.

He Qiucheng, who was already impatient, was completely irritated by him, like a balloon that was about to explode at any moment.

"That's what you said!" No one saw how Leng Huanyue moved, He Qiucheng had already fallen heavily to the audience, vomiting blood, and couldn't stop it!

"Qiucheng!" Kong Qianqian quickly rushed to He Qiucheng's side.

He Qiucheng looked at the stage unwillingly. Leng Huanyue's long sword was not out of its sheath, but she just retracted her palm lightly.

"It was you who asked me to face the enemy head-on! I did as you said, but you are finished, right? As the saying goes, don't be too arrogant, otherwise you will suffer the loss."

Leng Huanyue didn't even give Kong Qianqian a look. This woman is not worthy of his pity, and one more look would dirty his eyes.

It was only a few days ago that Xue Wushuang told Leng Huanyue that Kong Qianqian was responsible for his exhaustion.

Originally, Leng Huanyue rescued Kong Qianqian, they set up a game together to let him die there, it was his fate that didn't happen.

Kong Qianqian looked at Leng Huanyue with teary eyes, as if Leng Huanyue was a heartless person.

Complaining, she said: "Huanyue, I know that you are not happy that your family canceled our marriage. I am sorry that you have nothing to do with Qiucheng. If you get angry at me, don't embarrass Qiucheng, okay?"

Hearing her accusations, people couldn't help feeling wronged for her.

Leng Huanyue didn't seem to notice the existence of such a person, she just stood on the stage and watched Dong Shaohua play Yu Wenning.

"This woman is too shameless!"

Tang Zhening spat and cursed.

If it wasn't for Leng Huayue's face, they would have beaten this woman back to her hometown long ago!
Every time He Qiucheng came to disgust Leng Huanyue, he would bring this Kong Qianqian with him. No matter how He Qiucheng insulted Leng Huanyue, this Kong Qianqian would always keep silent and look at Leng Huanyue with incomparable disgust.

No matter how many times they wanted to beat people out, they were stopped by Leng Huanyue.

This time Leng Huanyue saw the true face of that woman clearly, why didn't she just kick that disgusting thing away!
"Huanyue doesn't care about that woman for a long time. Ignoring her is the biggest insult to her. In the past, she felt that Huanyue still had feelings for her, so she always belittled him without a bottom line to satisfy her vanity. Now Huanyue doesn't care about her." If it is the previous Huanyue, she will not have a good result."

As soon as Long Yao's words fell, they saw Kong Qianqian who wanted to take advantage of Leng Huanyue's inattention to pull him off the high platform, but was thrown by a force more than ten meters away, still on her face.

"Hiss! You fell so hard, can you still see your face?"

"This Leng Huanyue doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, does she? After all, she is also his former fiancée!"

"It's a good time now, He Qiucheng snatched Kong Qianqian, Leng Huanyue is looking for a place!"

"Is Leng Huanyue too petty?"

Looking at Kong Qianqian who was thrown away, those who sympathized with her all blamed Leng Huanyue.

But no one dared to go up to help Kong Qianqian and let her lie on the ground unconscious.

"You know what! Didn't you see that Kong Qianqian just went up to try to pull Leng Huanyue off stage?"

"Exactly! You idiots who are blinded by beauty!"

Those who couldn't understand Kong Qianqian's surprise helped Leng Huanyue to speak a word of justice.

Kong Qianqian would never have thought that Leng Huanyue didn't show affection at all, she was a woman after all, so she would throw her away mercilessly.

Kong Qianqian didn't come up in one breath and passed out.

Leng Huanyue looked at the sleeves pulled by Kong Qianqian, and cut off the embroidered robe with a sword. He despised dirty things that this woman touched!

"Huanyue is doing great!" Tang Zhening slapped her thigh and stood up.

They were all happy for him that he could finally let go of the past and start over.

Long Yao also nodded in relief, it is not a wise choice to always live in the past.

Dong Shaohua dodged Yu Wenning's attack again, made a face and said, "Yu Wenning, it turns out that your class is only capable of this!"

Yu Wenning panted heavily from exhaustion, gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you draw your sword?"

Fighting against others, if the opponent does not draw his sword, that is the greatest insult to the opponent!

"Is it necessary to deal with you guys? Aren't you guys very annoying? If you have the ability, you can force me to use the sword."

Dong Shaohua's poisonous tongue has obtained Long Yao's true biography, one sentence can choke you to death!

"You! This is a competition, not a play! If you want to enter the top [-], it depends on whether I agree or not!"

Yu Wenning suddenly threw away the sword in his hand and drew a soft sword from his waist.

Dong Shaohua raised his brows, he didn't expect this guy to have such a good thing?

Yu Wenning caressed the soft sword in his hand, it was a half-spirit sword that his father tried his best to find for him, it was probably the only magic weapon in this continent.

The moment the headmaster saw the soft sword, his body shook. He had always heard that Yu Wenning had a half-spirit sword, and seeing it today really deserved his reputation.

The soft sword flashed a cold light, which made people shudder.

Dong Shaohua sneered, is this kind of broken sword ashamed to show off?

All their mentors gave them were high-level spirit swords!I don't know how many times more advanced than this broken soft sword!
"Have you seen enough of that broken sword? Do you still want to fight?"

There were only three people left on the entire high platform, and the rest were all beaten off the stage.

Leng Huanyue stood on the edge of the high platform quietly watching Dong Shaohua pretending to be aggressive.

"Broken sword? Is the eyesight of the trash from class seven so hard to use? This is a half-spirit sword!"

"That's right! These wastes from class seven are really ignorant!"

Everyone said anything in the audience, most of them were students from Class [-] and Class [-] who were yelling.

The rest of the class seldom spoke, saying that the seventh class is trash?How to kill so many of them with one move?
Dong Shaohua curled his lips, it really is a bunch of ignorant people!
"Dong Shaohua, today I will let you know what it means to know what it means to be someone beyond others! Don't think that if you can beat them, you can deal with me!"

Yuwen Ning pointed his sword at Dong Shaohua, his eyes were full of unresolved haze.

These trash are too rampant, today he will teach them a lesson!
Dong Shaohua clasped his ears, thinking that these words sounded like bragging!
Impatiently said: "Mo Mo Haw is like a bitch!"

Before Yu Wenning stepped forward, Dong Shaohua's body was like lightning, leaving only an afterimage.

what!Only a scream was heard, and the rest of the people didn't see what was going on at all. The half-spirit sword in Yu Wenning's hand was shattered into scum, and he also lay unconscious under the stage.


The people in the audience stood up neatly, their eyes were almost glued to Dong Shaohua's body.

How did he do that?The weapon in his hand was not out of its sheath at all!
The principal couldn't help being curious, he couldn't wait to know the reason, and asked Xue Wushuang: "What have you guys experienced? Why are the children in Class [-] so good?"

The children in Class [-] are playing around with the Chosen One in Class [-]. What's going on?

He's going crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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