Chapter 459 Dream Beast
The corners of Long Yao's eyes twitched, such a small fart child still knows how to marry a wife?

"Did I expect you to be a pervert? Thinking about marrying a wife at such a young age?"

Long Yao poked his forehead amusedly, there must be a lot of joy with such a little guy by his side.

I don't know when that kid Zhezhi will hatch?At that time, it will be that mischievous brat again, just like the dream beast.

"I'm a male, of course I want to marry a wife, but you, such a pervert and a child like me, you won't let go."

After Meng Beast touched her face, she decided that Long Yao was a pervert.

The corners of Long Yao's eyes were about to cramp, this brat was so mad at her.

She just thought this little guy was cute and wanted to keep him by her side to relieve boredom, so why did she become a pervert?

"Don't think about it, little brat! I have beautiful men around me. They are just my family members who grew up with me. They are much more handsome than you. If I want to choose a husband, it's not your turn, brat!"

Long Yao was so angry that he wanted to beat him up.

Little fart child really thinks too much!
"Okay, okay! You still haven't told me what happened to this dragon ball?"

The dream beast is eating the elixir, so don't be too comfortable nestling in Longyao's arms.

Long Yao took the bead in her hand and sighed, "This is just one of my many beads, Dream Beast, you were born in the Great Desolation God Realm despite your young age, you should know the Nine Color Dragon Emperor, right?" ?”

I don't know what will appear in her memory after this bead is fused?
"Dragon Emperor? Don't tell me you are that idiot Dragon Emperor?"

Dream Beast is not calm anymore, thinking that he was born in the Great Desolation God Realm, a few years later than the Dragon King, and the two have never met before, but they have heard of the Dragon King's name.

After the dream beast was born, it seldom went out to play, and was always willing to hide in its own cave to sleep.

After the Dragon Emperor fell, he regretted it for a long time. He felt that the Dragon Emperor was killed by her own stupidity.

Is it worth it for a man?
Long Yao has a black line on her forehead, why is she an idiot?
"That's right! That's the Dragon Emperor! You also live in the Great Desolation God Realm. You know everything about me before, right?"

It was only then that Long Yao remembered that although this boy was only eight years old when he transformed into a human, he was actually an old man.

He should know something about the Dragon Emperor before.

"Are you really that stupid Dragon Emperor? I really don't see how you look like her? Although that guy is stupid, his strength is not as bad as yours!"

Meng Beast was not calm anymore, and circled around Long Yao several times, but he didn't realize that he was the domineering Dragon Emperor.

The previous Dragon Emperor was a figure who killed all directions and ruled the world of the wild gods. This weak chicken is the Dragon Emperor?How could he be so disbelieving?
"No personal attacks! Didn't I fall before? Of course I haven't reached that level now."

Long Yao felt a little helpless in his contemptuous eyes, she couldn't remember the past, now it's not easy to cultivate to this level, right?

"Forget it! It's not easy for you, a silly woman, to come back to life again."

Dream Beast wanted to get acquainted with the Dragon Emperor at that time, but unfortunately he didn't want to go out of the cave, so he was willing to sleep and practice.

When he was strong enough to compete against the Dragon King, the Dragon King had already fallen. He inquired around and learned that the Dragon King fell because of a man.

"Eh? Don't say I'm stupid, okay! Help me protect the law, and I'll fuse this dragon ball."

There is something in this kid's words!
Long Yao didn't want to talk to him, and if he continued, he would be mad at him to death!
"Okay! I'll guard you, it's safe here, no one can come in here."

Dream Beast got a few more bottles of pills and promised to help her protect the law.

Long Yao smiled and shook her head, "How do you look like an old monster who has lived for many years? You are a child at all, and you were bought by a few bottles of pills?"

"I have never eaten such a delicious pill before, and your pills are useful to me."

Dream Beast admitted that he was bought by the pill.

In the past, he ran out of the Taihuang God Realm to play, and the pills made by the so-called alchemy masters were not as delicious as this.

"I'll give you some more pills after I've fused the dragon balls."

Long Yao withdrew her mind and began to fuse the dragon balls.

The dragon ball turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the center of her eyebrows and disappeared.

"It's really her Dragon Ball." Dream Beast's big eyes were full of curiosity, why couldn't this guy think about killing himself?

Are those rumors true?Was it killed by that man with a sword?

Was the previous Dragon Emperor so useless?

At this time, Long Yao had many more memories in her mind.

In a luxurious palace, the man was lying on the bed with a pale face, and his bloodless face could not take away his beauty.

Long Yao appeared beside the man's bed in a red dress, holding this emerald green bead in her hand.

"Only I can save you, even if you don't love me, I will still save you."

Long Yao urged the dragon ball to let the man absorb the vitality inside.

Well, as the Dragon Ball became darker, the corners of Long Yao's lips also saw blood.

The man's frosty face was turning rosy, but Long Yao's complexion was turning as white as paper.

The moment the green dragon ball disappeared between the man's eyebrows, Long Yao spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that the man was safe and sound, Long Yao wiped off the blood from the corner of her lips, "That's all I can do for you."

Long Yao's figure disappeared into the palace.

The breeze blows through the peach blossoms, and the pink petals are scattered all over the ground.

Long Yao staggered and stood under the tree, spattering a mouthful of blood again.

At this time, a man in white came under the tree, it was the beautiful man who was lying on the bed just now, looking at Long Yao's weak figure, he stabbed her chest with his sword without hesitation.

Long Yao raised her head in disbelief, and met the man's emotionless eyes, "You actually want to kill me?"

"It was you who killed my sister, and you have to pay with your life!"

With tears in his eyes, Mo Xun violently drew out his long sword, splashing blood on the peach forest.

The blood-red blood dyed the peach blossoms in the entire Taohuayuan red, and the blood-red petals fell with the breeze, and there was no more petals on the trees in Taohuayuan.

Long Yao laughed miserably, "Your elder sister? Is she really your elder sister? I respect her for giving you a good meal, and tolerate her everywhere! But she always wants to kill me! You actually killed me for her today Good! Very good! You wouldn’t believe me if I told you I didn’t kill her, would you?”

"Since that's the case, if I die under your king's sword today, I will give up. Get lost!"

Long Yao threw off Mo Xun with the last of her strength, dragged her body that was about to be exhausted, and disappeared into the peach blossom garden.

Long Yao opened her eyes abruptly, raised her hand to touch her face, a crystal teardrop trembled on her finger, "Is this a teardrop?"

Seeing that she had woken up, Dream Beast excitedly stepped forward and said, "Silly woman, are you awake? Huh? Why are you crying?"

Isn't it said that the Dragon Emperor can't cry?What's in her eyes?salt water?
The Dragon Clan does not shed tears easily, and the Dragon Emperor will not shed tears unless there is something that makes her very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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